The online racing simulator
Quote from imaquad :Yup

Nice job and well damn your up late. Next time I'll just tell people to go talk to you. You do a much better job at explaining things.
#53 - 5haz
Quote from Kart0fL47 :Lap and Timecode: 13 to 14 (14:35:00)
Cars involved: 47, 66
Description of Incident: Race was under SC (Yes Realy!), 66 was hitting gas before green and pushed me into the wall!

- Daniel "Kart0fL"

Big freeze caused by some fool trying to talk to me on msn, sorry.

But you also seemed to slow down pretty hard just before the green, which really didn't help.

And I held back a bit before the restart because I was sick of having to slam on the brakes because you lot infront of me were constantly speeding up and slowing down!
Quote from JO53PHS :
Lap and Timecode: Lap 28, Timecode = 32:27.02
Cars involved: 45 and 71
Description of Incident: Car 71 is completely unaware that car 45 is overtaking him. 71 strays off the racing line in the S/F straight 'kink' and heads towards the wall, collecting an innocent car 45 on his way.

As I said once " newer block the inside line" , if you have faster behind you. Overtake always on inside line , as the car 98 do that, emmediatly after "green flag" shown few moments before than the car 45 try to take outside line , one that moment I was out of racing line , and try to make a room for car 45 to take the inside line. I realy dont know why he is try to take outside line. Sorry man for this accident.

Noticed : my tyres was too cold , because a too many SC period , to made a good grip on green flag , because that my accelerating was to slow and this is a take him a part on this accident too.
Quote from dekojester :Please provide lap, timecode, and car number(s) so that I may check into this.

Ilegal aproaching in to pit:
Lap 4
Place : Pit entrance
cars: 707 -driwe trough objects , those objects are marking a start off pit entrance , and then behind him cars : 47 , 24 , 26 , 81 cutting yelow line betwen apron and track , than cars 08 and 6 cutting the white and yelow line between apron and track .

Guys, this is a basic things , no comments!
Quote from h3adbang3r :Since there isn't a protest thread for session 3, I will make mine here.

Incident 1- Lap 5, during SC period, in pitlane
Car: 132
Reason: Delibarately turning into me, causing damage to my car, and spinning out another car in pitlane.

This one is still here.
Quote from dekojester :The incident was caused by Car 262 taking what appears to be his normal line, ignoring the fact that there is one car (and a second, the second unsighted) clearly alongside that needed to be taken into account. The incident was caused by this. Car 24 was an unfortunate victim of latency.

Car 262 is being issued a Monitoring Penalty of 2 additional sessions to attend for his role in this incident. The incident was avoidable, and was caused by failure to have a knowledge of the driver's surroundings.

NOT PROTEST Only watch please !

cars 21 and me 262
Laps 3
time code 3.20.27


cars 46 and me 262
laps 8
time code 9.33.19

i am waiting your comments.
Practice Session Number: 3
Lap and Timecode: 9, 9:45.00
Cars involved: 80, 88, 29, 132, 73
Description of Incident: 80 jumped the gun just before the restart, smashed into the 88, causing a 5 car pileup. Definitely avoidable, and a very stupid move.
Practice Session 2

Timecode - from 13.34 for the next lap and a half.

Cars 46 (me) and 38

Under yellow 38 is constantly pushing and hitting the back of my car. I had to brake quite hard a couple of times to stop him pushing me into the cars infront and on the last turn before the green he nearly spins me out.
#60 - Ori
Quote from h3adbang3r :Practice Session Number: 3

Lap and Timecode: 9, 9:45.00

Cars involved: 80, 88, 29, 132, 73

Description of Incident: 80 jumped the gun just before the restart, smashed into the 88, causing a 5 car pileup. Definitely avoidable, and a very stupid move.

True. And glad u mention it. Entering the last turn one of the NDR-guys said in ventrilo something like "leader sets pace", so i thought I have to focus on the leader and not wait for the message "green flag". Anyone recorded the ventrilo?
Quote from Ori :True. And glad u mention it. Entering the last turn one of the NDR-guys said in ventrilo something like "leader sets pace", so i thought I have to focus on the leader and not wait for the message "green flag". Anyone recorded the ventrilo?

The leader does set the pace, but when your back in the back, you gotta watch who is in front of you. When you see the green flag on the screen then you can go.
#62 - Ori
Quote from Raven88 :The leader does set the pace, but when your back in the back, you gotta watch who is in front of you. When you see the green flag on the screen then you can go.

yup. i just read the new rulebook dekojester posted and refreshed my knowledge.
I'm very proud not to be moaned at by anyone in this thread
#64 - Ori
Quote from fermevc :I`m writing this `cause at the end of practice race, I was called out for making an incident.
Off all the incidents prior to this one nobody said nothing. I have both real mirrors and center mirror turned ON, and didn`t see the car beside me until the contact was made.
There was so many cars arround and rushing from both inside and outside.
I have expected to see passing only from inside when the car behind catches the draft.
Tonight and in the first practice, nobody followed none of the rules that someone mentioned for OVAL racing.
I only whish that all off you "expert" racers would try to pass the knowledge of oval racing instead of bad mouthing "non expert" racers.

other post: Many others caused similar incidents, but nobody attack them or propose exclusion.

Quote from imaquad :heres an idea of 3 car drafting.

1.: @fermevc: you won't see cars on your side in the mirror lol.
2.: fermevc's posts and his worries about beeing excluded, which show that he is one of the drivers who are seriously interested in progress and btw somehow make him sweet and imaquad's post brought me to an idea:

Appearently there are two options for the 500 policy (for the morons: i'm meaning the way of acting, not police):

1.: you can put in a severe filter which makes sure that only the pros of oval racing are participating

2.: you can be noob-friendly.

if second option is chosen then we should do something about making them familiar with oval racing. I suggest a thread dedicated to this topic. Until such a thread is opened, i will post the best advises i have here

- hold your line. in situations where you are unsure the best thing u can do is hold your line. if the other drivers do that too than the accident-potential is lowered considerably.
- (note!: i personally am not familiar with this! beeing afraid it might affect the health of lfs i have never tried out stuff like goodyear-tyres or other) tools / (unofficial) addons: as a beginner tools like pit spotter or other might be interesting for you. if u want to use them make sure u have checked all precautions and be as careful as u can. you will find them in the Unofficial Addons section. i recommend u to use the search function.
- reliability / consistency: you can call me "captain obvious" but concentration is to be mentioned. as u can see in the last year's 500 mistakes happen even to Failure and 510NED, which were the best drivers by far in the field.

So far for now. i'll keep posting useful tips

Quote from TReeArms :NOT PROTEST Only watch please !

cars 21 and me 262
Laps 3
time code 3.20.27

This incident is nothing really. Car 21 had to check up because of the cars ahead, and the slowing action and a bit of contact sent his car up the track. Minor, pretty much unavoidable.

Quote from TReeArms :cars 46 and me 262
laps 8
time code 9.33.19

This one could have been much bigger. 262, you needed to turn a bit more, your car did kind of push out towards the wall as Car 46 was making the radius. But otherwise, nothing major here.
Quote from JO53PHS :Lap and Timecode: Lap 20, Timecode = 22:16.96
Cars involved: 98 and 6
Description of Incident: Car 98 turns in on Car 6

Car 98 is issued a WARNING for this incident. Initial squeeze of car 6 caused driver car 98 to react, and the reaction caused a slide, which caused the second contact. Driver of Car 98 should remember to leave room for other cars.
Quote from aroX123 :Lap and Timecode: 4 (5:10?)
Cars involved: me (car 6), 26, 55, 04.
Description of Incident: Unsafe Pit exit.

This will be covered by a general pitlane warning - be aware to change direction/speed quickly. Remember, all drivers, that the rules state that you should pick a stall on the far end of pitlane. If it would help, I can add markings to help mark pitstalls out.

Quote from aroX123 :Lap and Timecode: lap 20 (22:15)
Cars involved: me and 98
Description of Incident: He crashed into me

Taken care of at

Quote from aroX123 :Lap and Timecode: 45 (last)
Cars involved: Me and car 09
Description of Incident: He Cutted a bit of the inside and spun me and he started the last Pileup

Car #09 is found to not have made an effort to avoid contact with Car 6, and the subsequent contact is found to have caused an avoidable incident. Car 09 is being issued a Monitoring Penalty - Car 09 will have one session added on to his sessions requirement.
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Practice Session 2

Timecode - from 13.34 for the next lap and a half.

Cars 46 (me) and 38

Under yellow 38 is constantly pushing and hitting the back of my car. I had to brake quite hard a couple of times to stop him pushing me into the cars infront and on the last turn before the green he nearly spins me out.

This incident will be lumped into a greater penalty field once I go through all of the Safety Car phases from this race.

Safety Car behavior was appaling in Session 2. Personally, I don't understand how it can be so hard to maintain gaps. You don't really lose anything during SC periods. There's no need to be right on the gearbox of the car ahead. Leave several cars room between. Two cars spinning can easily collect a bunch more when behind the SC. And as you get further back, the effect gets worse. The responsibility falls to each and every person to do nothing to affect the car ahead, and do nothing that may affect the field behind. Simply holding a constant speed (let's say, +/- 5 kph of the SC speed) will help tremendously in keeping SC periods clean. The cleaner they go, the shorter they can be. To this end:


It's not easy to drive under SC, it often requires MORE concentration to sucessfully drive under SC. All drivers, practice maintaining a constant speed.

I likely will not issue any penalties more than a warning to drivers for their behavior in Session 2's SC periods. But be assured, that failure to improve the behavior will result in harsher penalties.

Quote from h3adbang3r :Incident 1- Lap 5, during SC period, in pitlane
Car: 132
Reason: Delibarately turning into me, causing damage to my car, and spinning out another car in pitlane.

Car 132 is placed on NDR Probation for two months for this incident. We do not tolerate incidents of this nature that occur in pitlane. However, the intent is not entirely clear for this incident, so the penalty is only probation. Prior intentional incident in pitlane have historically resulted in a hefty exclusion from NDR Events penalty, but this is reduced to probation for this case.

Quote from h3adbang3r :Practice Session Number: 3
Lap and Timecode: 9, 9:45.00
Cars involved: 80, 88, 29, 132, 73
Description of Incident: 80 jumped the gun just before the restart, smashed into the 88, causing a 5 car pileup. Definitely avoidable, and a very stupid move.

This incident was the end of a chain of events (this reminds me of the "Seconds from Disaster" show :P ).

As the field comes to the restart, the top 4 are holding steady pace. Car 132 is a bit behind 4th. He accelerates to catch just prior to the green. He catches up before the green is issued, so has to slow down. Car 88 follows 132's lead to keep that gap. He slows down fine. Car 80 also accelerates, but does not slow down in time, pushing Car 88 into 132, setting off the incident.

It should be noted, although I don't reccomend trying this, that if Cars 80 and 88 had not made contact, Car 80 could be in an awesome positon, having timed the restart nearly perfectly.

But, back to reality:

Car 80 is issued a WARNING for this avoidable incident. Future incidents like this may result in stiffer penalties.
Quote from dekojester :This appears to be a misjudgement on Car 26's part, thinking that Car 24 was further down the track or further behind than he really was. There was no evidence of looking to see where cars were. This incident results in a WARNING to car 26 - future repetitions of this type of incident will result in a Monitoring Penalty.

For what it's worth, I did not do a headtilt before coming out of the draft to overtake. I would like to point out however that car 24, with which I collided, was lapped, blueflagged and despite all this holding an inside line through all of t1 towards t3, eventually ending up in a place where it should not have been if its driver had followed proper oval racing conduct - the dead angle of my left rear-view mirror.
Quote from cybasheep :For what it's worth, I did not do a headtilt before coming out of the draft to overtake. I would like to point out however that car 24, with which I collided, was lapped, blueflagged and despite all this holding an inside line through all of t1 towards t3, eventually ending up in a place where it should not have been if its driver had followed proper oval racing conduct - the dead angle of my left rear-view mirror.

Car 24 was being pulled forward by Car 101, but never had enough run to complete a pass. At the point where contact was made, and immediately preceding, Car 24 had Car 101 outside, and also Car 26. Car 80 came to 24's inside entering Turn 3. The result from the protest remains the same.

Also remember, that the blue flag rules for this event do not mean that blue flagged/lapped cars MUST move out of the way unless explicitly asked to by admins.

As a side note...When I make decisions, I follow what is is in the rulebook for this event, and also the NDR sporting code. No where in either of those documents does it state that overtaking shall only take place on the inside at the oval. Indeed, for as long as I write these rulebooks, that will not be something I put in them. That is excessive racing control. On a restart, it will be near impossible to always pass inside. If you can't make a pass cleanly, just slow briefly, with a brake tap, and then try again. Just use a bit more level of a head when overtaking, especially on a restart.

Session 4

Lap & Timecode: leader's Lap 27, between turn 2 and 3; ~28>30

Cars involved: 51 and 353

Description of incident:
Crashed me under SC while chatting.
Attached files
session04_51_vs_353.mpr - 487.1 KB - 233 views
Not a protest!
I was so damn carefull this time, so I didn`t had a chance to compete.
My race set is slow, and was loaded with fuel, which was a burden concerning so much SC laps (left with 20% after finish).
My only driving mistake involved contact with car 6 at some point of race. Sorry m8 for closing you at start/finish, saw too late that I didn`t left enough room for you.
Glad that you didn`t suffer too much damage after that, and was able to continue.

In lap 27, I was spuned by car 33 during SC. When I looked at replay, it seams that he didn`t touched me, but I was catapulted. I`m afraid that was some lag issue, or LFS bug, so no hard feelings m8. If I was lagging, I`m very sorry for that.

I would like to point out to some bad things that is repeating and hope that Race Control would try to solve it:

1. If SC is on track, there`s no overtaking, speed is limited,etc...
Q: Is it allowed to leave a pack after T3, then slam the throttle and rush towards the pit entrance with 200mph, while others are doing 85mph?

2. Please try to solve "speed limit" issue during SC, `cause nobody maintains constant speed, and nobody leaves enough gap between the cars. There was so many back slams and Yellow flags during SC, it`s embarrassing to broadcast.

3. Can you move people from ventrilo to some other "room" if they`re gonna shout while "team drafting" (eg. "go inside now, not now, i don`t have enough speed", etc...). I`m sure that RC can speak to them even if the others can`t.
It wasn`t so distracting, but better to stop it now.
#75 - 5haz
Session 4

Time: 19.38 Lap:19

Involving cars 93, 54 and 66

Car 93 begins to make a pass up the inside into turn 2, I leave car 93 a reasonable amount of room to pass through on the inside, however car 93 decides to try and take a wider line, bumping me towards the outside of the track and causing me to lose the back end, collecting car 54 as I did so.
This thread is closed