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I agree with Tweak... The amount of rubber being put down is perfect, but the rubber gets scrubbed way too easily.

I don't know how to explain this, but it seems to me that one of the variables is determining the amount of rubber too much. Either track temperature, weight on the wheel, amount of slip, rubber temperature, or any other variable used to calculate how much rubber scrubs off, is off. On a scale of 1 to 255, 255 being the darkest skidmark, it seems like it draws a skidmark of 200 when it should really be just 25. So the skids gradients are there, they just build up way too fast towards the 255 end.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :
The internet (and especially a google search for two words) isn't really a fair test of whether one is more commonly used by engine designers or not. Note, I'm still talking primarily or engine designers, who usually don't have crappy personal websites talking about how great there car is now they've fitted a ship engine in the boot. So google won't pick that up either.

Symantecs... You said "just because the internet says pinging is a common word doesn't make it so"... No mention of engine designers. I could say "just because most engine designers you know call it pinking doesn't make it a common word." Common amongst engine designers, yes. But that's not what you said. But we're getting way off-topic now.
S3 licensed
Oh well, EA is going to lose all it's "exclusive" licenses in the next couple of years (maybe as soon as 2007), because they came up with yet another tactic that screams "Challenge everything, and especially your customer's loyalty".

Already NASCAR and the NFL have expressed their concern about their official licenses not being worth much if EA will continue to stop online support for their titles after one year.

EA being one of the big spenders on licensing, that would do wonders for licensing fees in games.
S3 licensed
Quote :
Just because 'the internet' says pinging is a common term doesn't mean that it is so

Actually, it does.
If you get 42000 google hits on engine pinking
and 4.2 million hits on engine pinging, then pinging is the commonly used term.

And no, we're not known for our car building... But we did invent the theoretically perfect CV transmission. Has to account for something.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rebeldevil :I'd just like to say now--if I wreck and you hit me, I'm sorry for losing control. If you wreck and I hit you, I'm sorry I couldn't avoid.

But what if there's a wreck in front of me, I lift to avoid it, and you ram into me full throttle from behind?

You'll be surprised how many guys will go screaming at me because I lifted
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Yup, pink-ing. Like the colour as you say. Go into any car manufacturers and ask the engine guys there if it is pinging or pinking. I'll put my money on the one with the k.

In Holland it's called "pingelen", which translates to the english "pinging"...
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :You've listed more ovals than we have locations at this point. We don't need that many ovals.

BTW Darlington is not only half-banked - it is just narrow. People started running on the apron. The apron is not part of the racing surface, though. Although, when that was happening there was no rule against it. Now, only the banked track is used to race on, cars are not allowed to race on the apron.

At this point being the operative word... Didn't say they should be done immediately. They should be done at some point.

Darlington is not narrow. The turns are 79 ft wide. Only 40 ft of that is banked at 23 degrees. The inside is banked, but considerably less. I wouldn't know if there's a rule about racing below the outside centerline, but that part is not the apron. The fact they race on the banking is because it's a lot faster.

S3 licensed
The clip in the second post is the incoming driver's fault... There's smoke at the turn exit, and there's dust on the other side of the track. Also, the yellow car was not stationary. It came skidding back onto the track from the right. Had he lifted as he should've, he would've avoided the wreck.

I don't like Shift-S to avoid wrecks. It's unrealistic, and takes away from the overall experience. On the other hand the amount of inconsiderate idiots on the track that believe they are God and can drive around crashes without lifting and steering is overwhelming. I have no problem with them taking themselves out of the race, but in doing so they always seem to ram my rear end because I DO lift for a wreck.

I also find this behaviour is most common in people that are really close to wr times. Not all, some can actually race fair and smart.
S3 licensed
Quote from farcar :We don't need that many ovals, that's for sure.

Yes we do. The ovals in that list are all significantly different from eachother, and each requires a different type of driving. If LFS is going to simulate racing in as many forms as possible then having one oval mandates the creation of a lot of different types of ovals. Just like one roadcircuit mandates the creation of a lot of different types of roadtracks, and streetcircuits the creation of streetcircuits.

I'm not saying the devs are obligated to do this, but if they won't we will need editors released at some point.

Oval racing is just another form of roadracing. You don't like it, don't race on them. Just don't go telling everybody what we don't need. Keep it to what we do need. The more we have, the better it is.
S3 licensed
And now here I am posting the very first on-topic comment of the thread:

Yes, good idea, although I think the current install system is easy enough.

Guys, do a search on Google:
Quote :
NOS-Installer© - The Real Web Installer

The key success factors for software distribution and installation are fast access, superior user friendliness, and sophisticated data management. NOS Installer© includes all these factors delivering market leading results.

Due to its unique features, NOS-Installer© provides the fastest access to your software. It offers:
Direct installation from the Web without buffering on hard drive
Parallel processing of download (=distribution) and installation
Maximum size reduction through Netopsystems’ proven FEAD® technology
Direct streaming extraction without buffering on hard drive

S3 licensed
We need more types of ovals so the skill of oval racing is more clear to non-oval peeps. The current oval should be changed so that the first turn is longer (about 135 degrees instead of 90-ish. The second turn should be the same, and the final turn should be sharper. That way it will look like Pocono raceway.
Besides that we need:
Dover - High banked 1 mile oval.
Martinsville - Flat 0.5 mile oval.
Richmond - 0.75 mile tri-oval.
Daytona - 2.5 mile superspeedway (tri-oval)
Darlington - 1.3 mile eggshaped oval with only half the track banked.
Texas Motor Speedway - 1.5 mile Quad oval with a short dogleg dividing turns 4 and 1.
Milwaukee - 1 Mile flat oval with long flat turns.
California Speedway - 2.0 mile D-shaped oval
Bristol Motor Speedway - 0.5 mile insanely banked oval with concrete surface.
Las Vegas - 1.5 mile Banked Tri-Oval

And we need a 3600lbs V8 car to go with them offcourse.
S3 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :soon has been a couple of weeks my soon is in 3 days... im starting to suggest he doesnt have the sounds

Last time I checked, soon in LFS is something close to a year.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tigershark :Nonsense, Schumacher's car was weighed.

Read FIA's full report of this weekend here: ... F1_Official_Report_06.PDF


Ah, but was it weighed with the worn tires, or with other tires? It would be perfectly legal for them to change the tires, as he just stopped at his team, and not in Parc Ferme.
S3 licensed
No points for fastest pitstop?

Yeah, it was a great race, and an eyeopener for my team... Don't expect to beat us that easily next time
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :And . . and . . and . . . maybe you could have the hand of god come down and strike retribution and holy wrath upon wreckers and trolls.

Thats realistic isn't it?

That depends... If you believe that "God" is in fact a race of aliens by the name Anunnaki, and they come down in spaceships (chariots of fire, would be one description), and start shooting wreckers and trolls with laserguns, then yes... That would be realistic. I think. Maybe.
S3 licensed
Quote from Koopa :Yer i heard it wrong time guys... Thought this was the REAL race...

I was quite pissed when some left...

hahaah sorry then...

Well imo it should be 12 gmt then or something not utc time... confusing stuff....

It's UTC because the time on LFSWorld is displayed in UTC... That way it's the least confusing time, actually.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :Neither of those games have a real-time sound generation system. I'm not a programmer, but from everything I've read that is the one big thing that prevents LFS from having the things that other sims often do (rewind in replays, for instance). There seems to be no easy way to get the sound out if it's not running in real time.

Final off topic post on this, I promise.

No, the problem is that there is no per-frame car state saved in the replay. In fact, LFS is capable of playing sounds at any speed you watch the replay. All the other games stop the sound because their sample timings will be off at anything other than 100% speed. In theory, it is possible for LFS to generate the sound there would be from the current point in time until the next "frame" in the replay. It would need to know exactly how long the time between each rendered frame was, though, and take into account any changes to the sound between 2 frames.

It can't rewind because the output is actually calculated by the physics engine, and there's not enough info saved in the replay to be able to "step back the variables". Scawen is working on implementing some sort of car state packets in the replay file, like key-frames in a video. Frames in which all the necessary info is recorded, so the engine can pick up from that point.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Not everyone is editing STCC races. Specifically I am, and I actually bought the DVD Recorder specifically for the purpose last month.

It's a one way conversion in terms of the analogue signal, and being as i'm using the PAL signal I don't have to use what in the trade is referred too as "Never Twice Same Colour".

But everyone is a potential LFS video editor. And your way may be good enough for your purposes, a better system is always welcomed once it's created.

The NTSC versus PAL debate is still ongoing. PAL has better colors (although less 'vivid'), but NTSC has a better refresh rate for better high-speed actions (like camera switching).
And yes, it's true that you have only one conversion of the actual signal. But what I was saying was that you're converting a perfect image to a less perfect system, then editing that less perfect system, and re-encode that to an even worse system (xvid, or some other codec, or possibly back to DVD).

Not saying your idea is not the way to go for now, just saying that there are better solutions possible if someone would be willing to undertake such a project.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :768x576 here, i'll do a letterbox version for you Yanks after ! I dont get the point though, I have all the eye candy on and record to a DVD recorder, then (I have to find a good app for this still) decode the vob files to avi and edit. Full eye candy and max quality. All I have to do is find said application and get my gold cables from my parents house before the first race.

Aye... But you only have 24fps... PAL.
There's actually more than one point.
1. Realtime camerachanges are a pain to do this way.
2. Not everyone is able to record in your way.
3. Even though it looks really good, it's still a conversion from a computer output to a TV system, and then back to computer again. Quality loss is impossible to overcome. What you encode and are stuck with are the colors that are sent to the TV system. You edit those (wrong) colors with all new computer graphics and re-encode that to another system. So there's 2 cycles where you lose quality. If you can grab and edit the 100% uncompressed full-size output from LFS there's only 1 encoding cycle.

If you have GPL or NASCAR Racing 2002 or 2003, try to find GPL2AVI and fool around with that for a bit. The system is sooo much better than Fraps or TV/Out recording.

But that's totally off-topic

Quote from Cue-Ball :
Actually, I mostly watch SPEED. They have a ticker on most of their race coverage including Speed GT, Speed Touring Car, American Le Mans, etc. It constantly scrolls the names and numbers of the cars along with their positions. It also has an indicator for when the track is under a full course caution, and it sometimes shows the leaders for each class in ALMS.

Ah.. I get Nascar Busch Series on motors TV here, and those are FOX and NBC broadcasts... They have the same ticker. I find the ticker system to be so much better than the "hope we get to see the time difference for the top 10 before the end of the next 40 laps" F1 approach of providing (no) information.

Quote :
The rendering system you describe would be nice, but I think i'll be old and grey before we see such a thing. It seems to me that it would be just as easy to just render a ticker using data from the race. Then, that could be overlaid on the video using video editing tools, similar to what a real TV station might use.

Well, it's there for GPL and NR200x Season. I think it's possible to have LFS stop rendering and proceed a set interval with insim commands, so it shouldn't be too hard to make it.
I seriously believe you underestimate the amount of work involved into creating a ticker by hand. I've tried it before, and it's quite a big job to get right. It's actually easier to write a program to create that ticker for you using readily available LFS info and preset images for various portions of the ticker (course status, advertisements, driver names, etc).
Last edited by TagForce, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :Just out of curiosity, what are the features you need for STCC and how exactly did it spawn this project? I'm guessing that other leagues may find this tool very helpful as well. I was looking at the STCC page and didn't see any downloads for you guys have any? I've always thought it would be cool to make a video of a really good, long race in the broadcast style. Something similar to Le Mans, but using a replay from the Endurance League or something. I think the biggest barrier would be the time it takes to capture video, especially with multiple camera angles. That, and the addition of a position ticker at the top of the screen.

On the topic of the tool - I'd also like to suggest the default sound volume be set to 20% once you get configs working. That's what I use and someone else in the thread mentioned the same setting as well. At the very least, it will be easy for someone to turn it up louder if they need to, but the low setting will keep people from getting blasted out on their first try.

[totally offtopic mode]
Making really good quality videos will only be really possible with a system that has the ability to stop the playback and process each rendered frame in a non-realtime fashion. So that even the slowest of machines capable of running LFS can render movies at a full 29.97fps 768x525 NTSC DVD with everything turned to maximum eyecandy. It will also need to be able to grab the audio from the engine (so that it can perfectly sync audio to video). If such a system is created, then adding a ticker (you're american and used to watching FOX and NBC broadcasts, aren't you? ) would be just a matter of creating a flexible add-on for the capture engine.
[/totally offtopic mode]

I would add to the volume a slider control, so there's more freedom than 10% increments if possible. And recode the wavs to 8khz... It's radio transmissions, those aren't CD quality anyway. 8khz is more than enough, and make it sound like a radiotransmission.
S3 licensed
Quote from RevengeR :turbo lard (arrow :P ) is sleeping w all the information, he will post them in a few hours hopefully.. (6-7-8hrs)

Well... Since he's sleeping with the info, think he'd mind if I slept with his gf? :P

There needs to be some info when I wake up tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to have to prioritize and let the first race go.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :For me its at 5:00 AM on a saturday, so I still haven't decided if I''m pulling all nighters or early mornings.

All nighters would mean you sitting behind the wheel drunk, early mornings would mean you sitting behind the wheel with a hangover?

I'd go for the all nighters... May not be the best thing for the others, but you'll be having more fun that way :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :I agree with the larger pit window. But I also think you should be allowed to pit anytime you want, it just wont count as the mandatory pitstop when you do it in first or last 5 laps. Suppose you have a crash on the first lap and then you have to limp with a badly damaged car for many laps until you can do the pitstop. That wouldn´t work well.

Yes I know I promised to shut up...

That's what I meant... Of course you should be allowed to pit at any time, but you will need to pit between laps 6 and 29 for it to count towards the mandatory stop.

Quote from Becky Rose :
You shouldn't let damage or the fear of damage effect your pit stop strategy - it should be decided by speed. You should pit when you are loosing time behind another car and it's for this reason that I hate compulsory stops because I play LFS for on track action - but tactically it is better to pit when you are unable to pass someone.

Then again, i'm not in your league.

Damage should, because if you have damage that needs fixing it would ruin your race if you did not change your strategy to deal with it. Fear of damage should not, I agree. However, taking the possibility into account may work for you, as you'll know what's the fastest way of coping with damage if it occurs.

Why aren't you in our league (apart from the fact you drive the FOX mostly)? You race fair enough (the few times I've been on track with you).
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :No, silly me...:doh:

However if what you are talking about your pitstop strategy is true. That you´re faster while making a pitstop then doesn´t that give you an unfair advantage? I mean you were gonna pit anyway so this rule doesn´t effect you at all but it costs everybody else 20 seconds.

Looks like everybody agrees with the forced pitstop rule so I´ll shut up. I´ll only say that if the forced pitstop has to done between laps 15-20 then that doesn´t mean you can´t pit on other laps to fix damage that might happen while crashes. Right?

I never looked at it that way. Maybe it is an advantage, but I wouldn't say it's an unfair advantage. On some races I would've made a pitstop anyway, yes. But that's just how my setups work. If you need to make a pitstop, you could alter your setup so the tires wear more, or adjust your driving style accordingly. I'm not really bothered by a mandatory pitstop or driving 30 laps without it. Pitstops just add that little bit of strategy to the race which I find a lot of fun.

As for the pit window. Maybe it shouldn't be so confined to halfway through the race. But to have a penalty for trying to win the race in the first corner it shouldn't be between laps 1 and 29 either. I'd say it should be allowed to pit after the leader has completed 6 laps, and before the leader has 5 laps to go. So that would be between laps 6 and 25.
S3 licensed
Quote from Koopa :Well then i quit, i cant race on a work day, make this on a 8 oclock evening time... this is normal for all the races...

12 o clock midday is inpossible...

It's on saturdays, Koop.

BTW... My name is with an extra e at the end: [XP]-TagForce-
Last edited by TagForce, .