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S2 licensed
I've enjoyed a lot of the work that has been produced by the community, and I've tried to learn a bit from it.

Here's a trailer/teaser for an XFG mini-series I'm running.

S2 licensed
Here's a link to a trailer for the series I put together.

S2 licensed
Victor, are you still interested in crash reports for LFSRecord?


While moving a camera in LFSRecord, the program crashed. Unfortunately, I can not load the project (*.lfsrec) I was working on to replicate the crash. (LFSRecord hangs when i try that) I've attached the offending lfsrec as a zip file if that helps.

Edit: I can't seem to duplicate the problem. I reinstalled lfsrecord, and it's working fine now.
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
Test Event 2 Results
S2 licensed
Here are the results for test event 2.

Race 1
Race 2

Qualifying Replay
Race 1 Replay
Race 2 Replay

Thanks to all who attended. Next Thursday, July 7, is the first points-paying event. BL11R, with qualifying set to begin at midnight UTC. I will send out the password later this week.
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
Quote from jmeade :Team Name: Angry Angus Racing

Hi from Halifax. I wasn't sure I'd ever find some other Atlantic Canadians on LFS. Wild. Hope to see you guys around.
S2 licensed
I'd like to change it to BL11R so we'll be practicing for a calendar event. If people are particularly upset about the late change, we'll go BL1R.
S2 licensed
Another test race tonight, BL11R. 15 minute qualifying, followed by two 13 lap races. Midnight UTC, 8pm Eastern on Thursday Night XFG.

Hope to see you there.
S2 licensed
Quote from dev!s :
My connection looks good on replay, except for breakage. But i'm glad to see no big lags. Morning time for me very well.

I would like in the next time has been forbidden chat during sessions

Too bad about your time-out.

There is a no-chat rule and I will be enforcing it during the next test race and during the series.
Results test race 1
S2 licensed
Here are the results of Test Event 1.

Thanks to all that particpated tonight, there were some good battles even with the low numbers. I'm cautiously optimistic that the numbers will improve for the next test race next Thursday.

Qualifying replay
Race 1
Race 2

If points had counted (not including chat penalties) . . .
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Test race tonight. Qualifying at 8pm Eastern Time.
S2 licensed
Quote from MajorMayhem :I play LFS just fine but when I go online I watch other cars kinda of herc and jerk on the track. I believe it is other player connections and not mine as I am on a 30Mb line. Still, how do I check my ping and the ping of other? And is there a buffer or something I can increase or a connection speed setting I can adjust to stop these cars from being jerky? Mind you it's not that bad, just annoying as anything.

If you press Shift-F8 you'll be able to see pings.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :The same faces are already in MoE and GTAL, that is the problem. Last season about 3/4 of the driving talent did both over the course of the season. The teams that have done GTAL have proved they can ea silly compete with the 'cream'.

Also I have stated this is not intended as a replacement for GTAL. GTAL will return.

I'm pleased to see you say that GTAL will return.

Like you said, 3/4 quarters of driving talent available was racing GTAL with the upper 1/4 being disqualified from running GTAL (sorta). I think with your new series, with relatively (for endurance racing) short events you'll end up with a lot of two-man teams, and that will fill up one server pretty quickly. I'd like to suggest, at least at the beginning of the league that the races be run over a couple of servers so that the lower 1/4 can participate. More work, obviously, and perhaps too much for the manpower available.
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
Quote from fernandoigor :Hello, I'm here on behalf of the grid LFS, a Brazilian league,
to report a few bugs that has been hapening after the new patch 6b came out.
One problem is the drop in fps with the setting lanes open,
many pilots are complaining about this, even the ones with excellent settings,
another problem is when I'm on the server and suddenly I get disconnected with the following message appearing "avoiding buffer crash (ok)",
and we are also getting the "Unknown packet type" problem. We'd like to know if this has been happening with you as well or if it is an isolated case.

Sorry my bad english

Your English is better than my Portugese. The open configurations will hurt framerates, I don't think there is much you can do about that except turn down your settings.

I don't know about the "avoiding buffer crash" error, sorry.

It sounds like you're using an insim program that hasn't been updated to accomodate the new insim packets.(Edit: I guess not) If you are using Airio (2.5.4) there is a new version that handles them fine. (Edit:
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
In addition to the schedule in the OP, since the server is now rented and seems to be working well, there will be a Test Race this Thursday;FE25 (Classic); with qualifying starting at 2359 UTC. 15 minute qualifying followed by two 12 lap races, the second having a mandatory pit stop. It will be fairly informal, and the server won't be passworded (but mid-race join will be turned off).
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
I'm pleasantly surprised by the European entries, and I'm still hopeful that there will be some North and South American entries. (The time I've chosen was intended to be attractive to those in the Western Hemisphere).
If there aren't any entrants from North or South America, I'll consider changing the start time.
Thursday Night XFG League
S2 licensed
Information on a Thursday Night mini-series. Please note; this is not a LOTA event.

Quote from JayEyeBee :There will be an XFG mini series held during June and July. A test race on June 30 with 4 points paying events held during the 4 subsequent weeks on Thursday. Each event will have 15 minutes qualifying followed by 2 roughly 20 minute races, with the second race requiring a pitstop. The rules can be found here. More information can be found here. Signups and discussion here or here. The server is ^7|Gaming-Solutions.Com|^2Thursday Night XFG and is currently set-up for BL11R.

The Schedule is:
  • June 30 Test Race Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed (BL1R) (15 minute qualifying / 13 lap feature / 13 lap feature)
  • July 7 Blackwood Historic Reversed (B11R) (15 minute qualifying / 13 lap feature / 13 lap feature)
  • July 14 Aston Cup (A24) (15 minute qualifying / XX lap feature / XX lap feature)
  • July 21 Fern Bay Classic (F25) (15 minute qualfiying / XX lap feature / XX lap feature)
  • July 28 South City Chicane Reversed (SO6R) (15 minute qualifying / XX lap feature / XX lap feature)
Please note that some of the laps counts are not present, but assume 20 minute races. The configurations are not set in stone, and may be changed.

Events will start at Midnight UTC (8 pm Eastern).

Questions and comments are welcome.

Please use the following format to sign up.

LFS UserName: JayEyeBee
Real(ish): Sebastian Weetibix
Racer name: 38 J.Bjornson
Country: CAN
Team/Squad: N/A

Thursday Night XFG League
S2 licensed

There will be an XFG mini series held during June and July. A test race on June 30 with 4 points paying events held during the 4 subsequent weeks on Thursday. Each event will have 15 minutes qualifying followed by 2 roughly 20 minute races, with the second race requiring a pitstop. The rules can be found here. More information can be found here. Signups and discussion in this thread or here. The server is Thursday Night XFG.

The Schedule is:
  • June 30 Test Race Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed (BL1R) (15 minute qualifying / 13 lap feature / 13 lap feature) Late change to BL11R
  • July 14 Blackwood Historic Reversed (B11R) (15 minute qualifying / 13 lap feature / 13 lap feature)
  • July 21 Aston Cup (A24) (15 minute qualifying / 8 lap feature / 8 lap feature)
  • July 28 Fern Bay Classic (F25) (15 minute qualfiying / XX lap feature / XX lap feature)
  • August 5 South City Chicane Reversed (SO6R) (15 minute qualifying / XX lap feature / XX lap feature)
Please note that some of the laps counts are not present, but assume 20 minute races. The configurations are not set in stone, and may be changed.

Events will start at Midnight UTC (8 pm Eastern and 4am Moscow ).

Questions and comments are welcome.

Please use the following format to sign up.

LFS UserName: JayEyeBee
Real(ish): Sebastian Weetibix
Racer name: 38 J.Bjornson (Number A.Name)
Country: CAN
Team/Squad: N/A
Last edited by JayEyeBee, . Reason : stealth edit for late change for test race
S2 licensed
When I first bought LFS I was vaguely disappointed that the number of demo racers online at any one time is roughly equal to the number of licensed users online. A lot of the experienced guys will be preparing for league races on private servers. There are relatively few 'pick-up' racing servers, but the ones that exist are well populated and well-structured (Cargame etc).
There are some good open wheel leagues (OWRL for example), endurance leagues (GTAL and IGTC). New Dimension Racing is one of the busiest league organisers ( North Americans are a little under represented on LFS with few leagues being geared for the time zones.
Oval racing on LFS is frankly pretty sketchy. The past few big oval events have been crash filled.
That being said, I don't regret the money spent on LFS, and I mostly enjoy my time on the servers.
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Squelch :I new there was another Canook in here somewhere. Sorry I missed you. How's the light looking?

It's very nice here on the east coast of Canada (about a 13 hour drive away from Montreal).
For the curious.
S2 licensed
2:45 in Montreal now, sunset is after 8:30.
S2 licensed
Agelaius phoeniceus for those watching in Canada.
S2 licensed
38 – Jonathan Bjornson – JayEyeBee – MCR – Canada
S2 licensed
193, 140, 156

(Perhaps North America is not your target market).
Last edited by JayEyeBee, .
S2 licensed