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S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I would personally REALLY like to run the race around the actual GP, but I think it would be a poorly attended race by the regulars that usually attempt to qualify. Sunday's race will run from 7PM UK time, after the ITV race rerun coverage has finished. Q1 will also run from 7PM on Saturday, for an hour.

is V1 still alive? because the web seems dead :/
i was trying to do some laps but no time for them lot of work to do
maybe i will stay this weekend and join for the last race
S2 licensed
i don't know but it wasn't me, the test were the most F* UP tests i ever did, no matter the questions was out of racing but the whole technical part was horrible, when you clicked or pressed back you could never get back so i didn't finished all of the tests because it didn't let me to, it just fell off, very crappy solution for tests :smash3d:
S2 licensed
Quote from Bonetti :thanx JackCY!I just started the lfsstats & lfs in the wrong Order.Thanx for your Help!

no you had LFS and LFSS corectly started, but maybe you cliked singleplayer or something like that before you started recording anything so it crashed, it has these minor glitches
S2 licensed
Quote from Bonetti :hi, get this weird error message.Anyone an Idea whats wrong?

latest version is
but when you post some bug, pls we can't do anything if you will not very precisely describe what you were doing, for example:

Your BugReport:
LFS S2 0.5Z unlocked S2
replay.mpr {link}
replay is valid OK
started LFSS v2.0.0 build 39150
started LFS
typed /insim 29999
connection OK
clicked singleplayer and it fallen down with that message, LFS remained running

My Answer:
yes it will because i don't know how to fix that, probably it is something with database of drivers and messages that are sended from LFS, i didn't done that so i have no idea how to fix that and how the whole thing is designed, sorry bro

Another known bug:
Big replays (1h+) and when you jump in replay too far it send and recieve some messages or maybe it will crash instantly, with no error message, i run that in debug mode and nothing shown up either so i don't know.
Don't jump too far in big replays, just small steps or run it without jumps for example 4-8x.
S2 licensed
if you are using PITs and TAKEOVERs it will probably don't fit on page width, so change the template
and let me know if something is too wide, hope the splits are not

and REMOVED WR from v2.00 templates, so add it if you want it
Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed

It's down for now as I have to host it elsewhere.

I know you can't wait no longer so here it is:

and a sample of results:

If you want to...
...use your old templates you have to rename some of them.
...old behaviour you have to change LFSStat.cfg options

LFS sTaTs, LFSStat, LFSStats, ... you know what i mean.

Copyright (C) 2008 Jaroslav Černý alias JackCY, Robert B. alias Gai-Luron and Monkster.

Graph.dll based on sources from:
Graph v1.20 for LFS stats! (c) Alexander 'smith' Rudakov

v2.00 - DONE:
* Nickname colors - fixed
* Nickname 2 HTML - fixed
* Chat 2 HTML - fixed
* Some minor renaming of templates and generated files
* Changed templates (hope old templates will still work), more space saving, added link to Chat
* When exporting on STAte changed (leave, exit) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* When exporting on Race STart (race [re]started, mpr [re]starts from begining) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* Question for name of stats instead of generated time, for STA and RST separatedly
* Globals in templates now work for chat to.
* Chat template and language files updated.
* StartOrder Nickname link to LFSW - fixed
* Dns.Resolve() changed to Dns.GetHostEntry()
* integrate Graph.exe (got original src files for v1.20 )
** integrated as .DLL
** fixed .TSV path
** added option to LFSStat.CFG, generate automatically YES/NO
* fix some tables in templates, no white backround
* update Console.WriteLine() stuff (names, emails, ...)

* maybe change graphs from graph.exe (LBL graphs), DON'T know it is real mess :/
** need some new graph generator, different colors for SPLITs, yellow and blue flags, something like that without comparison LBL GRAPH - V1 good vs bad
* add links for racer LBL graph from RaceResults StartOrder
* average lap is from all laps, first included, add newAverageLap without laps longer then oldAverageLap * some%

* fix topspeed when using ReplayJump
* no chat when using ReplayJump

Well there has been some request from czech people for some guide so here it is (in czech):

0) WinXP 32bit (ostatní parodie operačních systémů jsem zatím nezkoušel)
1) stáhnout
2) rozbalit na disk
3) pustit LFS.exe a LFSStat.exe
4) v LFS zadat do chatu "/insim 29999" bez uvozovek
pro lamy:
zmáčkni klávesu T
napiš: /insim 29999
zmáčkni ENTER
5) LFS vypíše že se LFS stats připojilo (pokud ne je chyba na vaší straně )
6) otevřete replay menu
7) vyberete replay
8) pustíte replay
9a) čekejte než se replay dokončí a spustí znovu od začátku
9b) fastforward funguje ale bude potom více nepřesný údaj topspeed a možná nějaké další ale nevím o nich
9c) jump... NEpoužívat, funguje velmi omezeně a s tim se nic dělat nedá
10) stats by po skončení replaye a jeho opětovném spuštění meli vypsat že se vygenerovali stats a vygenerovali se grafy
11) ve složce results najdete výsledek stats
HTML stránky (u verze 2 stačí otevřít *_results_*.html a odtamtud se dá doklikat na ostatní)
CSV soubor s výsledkovou listinou
TSV soubor byl potřeba pro generování grafů
12) složky graph, image, tracks a soubor results3.css jsou potřeba, tvoří vzhled a grafy

PS.: při standardním nastavení co je k dispozici to pojmenovává samo, pokud se někdo rozhodně to změnit (jako já), tak po skončení replaye je lepší zpomalit replay a rychle to pojmenovat, potom to nevypisuje žádné chyby, jinak možný že to vybleje nějakej nesmysl, ale stats jsou OK takže není co řešit


To the english speaking part of the world, use the guide, readme, etc. from v1.11.
For any nonstandard things use this thread to ask, not tested on Vista etc. but it should work but there has been some problem, work around is here.


As I'm quite bussy all the time, there will be probably no updates to the program or I don't plan to do so.
Feel free to update yourself.


Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Clean display JackCY

Share your work please ( with source )!, i put on the first page the link or maybe you can create a new topic, as you want!


yes for sure, but now i'm don't know where to put my name...
Quote from Oliv76000 :J'ai un problème avec le temps d'Arrêt aux Stands de notre équipage : ... 8.49.22_results_race.html
Voici l'adresse du ralenti : ... /LFSES_Saison3_AS7_3H.mpr
A noter que j'ai utilisé la version 1.1 de LFSSTAT en lecture vitesse x4.

@JackCY : your results of stats interest me, can you share your makefile?

well English pls

HOW DID YOU CREATED the graphs? new template? and don't know you need more TSV files i think, for the graph.exe

but i run your MPR with replay jump so look what it generates, if there is some error post it there (top speed and chat are inaccurate when jump)

well 4x OK
jump, it exits don't know why, small jumpOK, bigger jump OK, even bigger jump OK, huge skip jump KO, runned in debug and nothing showned up
only advice is to make small skips, maybe some ... hell this is C# no memory, don't know
Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed
run LFS + Stat, start replay, jump to the end, wait till replay end, exit, result:
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :i dont know whats going on its only been lately like the last 3 days , will slowing my interent speed to 12 mbps make it less laggy than 54 , this is something someone told me to do before , what else could i do , ?

you have WIFI? well get an ADSL or something on cable not wireless, wireless = high ping
try and look for ping, you should not get more than 100ms, lower = better, 0-50ms good for FPS games, 50-100ms other games (more reaction time games)

S2 licensed
jwardy: lags today , hope you solve the lags, it was really confusing driving behind you and little imposible to overtake
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,
I change the version in the makefile, but the last digit are the build version ( compilation number ), not the version. Maybe i compile LFSstat, but the version here is the last.

Can you send me the Makefile? I use Visual Studio 2008, but i will take a look in to the makefile so i will be able to change the version to.

Also school started this week and i was busy with FTP script this weekend so the updated release will take some time.
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :that play lfs from 4-6 dident go to plan , i was called in for the Oliva nova Ryder Cup , English members vs European members , im playing for Europe , so my new name is Hans Wardshenstiken

you shoud stay as English UK LoL
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :this really sucks i cant get online till tomorrow night / saturday morning due to my Usless internet , we are doing checks they say it will only be 1 day they say 4 days later i have connection but very bad . i call them , yes it will be all complete tomorrow ...

if you pay for that, you should want compensation, you pay for iNet not for don't having it
S2 licensed
thx for server changes
[server name]TIMES [6laps] = [total lap count]
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Stats look like this ... 3.16.26_results_race.html

Maybe you have a problem in your install


with new template like that: ... 2.41.32_results_race.html

PS.: background will be added back

Gai-Luron: can you send me the latest LFSStat? i see you have LFSSTat, Version=
but i only LFSSTat, Version=
for download there is some LFSSTat, Version=

and based on what and where you change the version number? do you use publish?
because i found that:
readLine = readLine.Replace("{VERSIONSHORT}", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ToString());
so the version is changed somewhat automaticaly? Because i don't think so.
Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed
still 5 servers with 6laps :/ all empty almost all the day
when some notregistered user tries to connect it write 2 distracting messages, conected - kicked...
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr45h :Congrats!

Just a "noob" question: with old LFSStat the advanced statistic result was displayed in a simple coloured table. Now, the result shown is seen in a totally white table, so it's a bit confused.
Maybe i'm doing the work in a wrong way, but if i'm true, it's possible to configure the CSS or he HTML page to see it in a nicer way?
Or u've just done in in the last update... mm... i'll look at it right now
BTW, thank u for the work!

i don't know what you mean, i never used the old LFSStat (only Gai-Luron versions)
yes, CSS(direct) and HTML(template) can be changed easily if you know what you want
LFSStat 1.12?
S2 licensed
Working on LFSStat 1.11:
Any known bugs in LFSStat 1.11?
Or any wanted functions?

* Nickname colors - fixed
* Nickname 2 HTML - fixed
* Chat 2 HTML - fixed
* Some minor renaming of templates and generated files
* Changed templates (hope old templates will still work), more space saving, added link to Chat
* When exporting on STAte changed (leave, exit) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* When exporting on Race STart (race [re]started, mpr [re]starts from begining) added option to CFG yes/no/ask to decide if export.
* Question for name of stats instead of generated time, for STA and RST separatedly
* Globals in templates now work for chat to.
* Chat template and language files updated.
* StartOrder Nickname link to LFSW - fixed
* Dns.Resolve() changed to Dns.GetHostEntry()
* integrate Graph.exe (got original src files for v1.20 )
** integrated as .DLL
** fixed .TSV path
** added option to LFSStat.CFG, generate automatically YES/NO

* maybe change graphs from graph.exe (LBL graphs), DON'T know it is real mess :/
** need some new graph generator, different colors for SPLITs, yellow and blue flags, something like that without comparison LBL GRAPH - V1 good vs bad
* add links for racer LBL graph from RaceResults StartOrder
* update Console.WriteLine() stuff (names, emails, ...)
* fix some tables in templates, no white backround
* average lap is from all laps, first included, add newAverageLap without laps longer then oldAverageLap * some%

* fix topspeed when using ReplayJump
* no chat when using ReplayJump

Also i will try to add new functions as an option, except the renaming, so old behaviour will remain and old templates still can be used.
Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed
Quote from commandermas :or just start LFS Stat and use the new Replay Control in Y20.

i made stats for a 2 Hour Race of more than 20 cars in about 25 Seconds

and that is even faster than mprstats is doing this.

you mean jump to the end of race? it will still send the infomartion?
y but the topspeed is corrupted, probably it is computed in LFSStat from car speeds
Last edited by JackCY, .
again :)
S2 licensed
8) Are the laptimes counting when im on V1 practice and I'm alone in the race? Because it looks sometimes like wiped out. Or nobody is racing just watching.

9) Can you change two servers from 6lap sprints to more serious racing? Like 12 laps and 24 laps? maybe add a 10-15min quallification. On 6 laps i can't tune my setup because it's too short and i do only 3-4 laps with warmed up tires. Also 24 laps is good training for final race
S2 licensed
Toyota Corolla AE86, Sprinter Trueno + Levin, 2-door coupe + 3-door liftback

BMW 320si WTCC
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :All of this information, next season, will be available to the individual driver. Hopefully some of it we will be able to expose before the end of this season, but we want to expand the interaction we have with drivers first, so that drivers can create passwords and log in to view their stats. Next year everything will be integrated on the new site.

can't wait for the stats

8) Are the laptimes counting when im on V1 practice and I'm alone in the race? Because it looks sometimes like wiped out. Or nobody is racing just watching.

9) Can you change two servers from 6lap sprints to more serious racing? Like 12 laps and 24 laps? maybe add a 10-15min quallification. On 6 laps i can't tune my setup because it's too short and i do only 3-4 laps with warmed up tires. Also 24 laps is good training for final race
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Sam, can you post a replay for me and Mr.Mooney please
2) from my last post
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'll just clarify this last point. ... The choices that are made will ultimately be affected purely by you the driver and will be down to the individual racing championships that consider you for their drive next year.

Attached is a 10-second animated loop showing a portion of information on two drivers. ... I just wanted to make the point that we can see lots of information at a glance, for each competitor in V1.. and we can dig far more deeply if we click on various places on the page that this is from, too

1) what are you using to collect data from LFS? Probably with insim program, own custom program? Data stored to SQL database probably.

2) Can you post replays from races on website? (i have it, but only from changing link from
I'm using LFSStats for replays, since i started to drive FBM and found it very usefull as much as watching replay again.

3) Can you show more of your statistics? Or add racer's statistics from V1 to So everyone on V1 who is registered in v1racer can show his own statistics?

4) or any tips on getting some data from replays, some usefull graphs etc.

5) for data collecting you use LFSWorld name, not ingame nick right?

6) why only one race when there is lot of people? What about two races #1 for top 12 from Qualification and #2 race for people not in #1 race but chosen by another rules ("determination", laps, stability, started/finished/won, ...)

7) from your graph, what is the yellow and blue onder the laptimes? Laptime is divided to 3 splits, and white line shows start of race, so most of it are 6 lap races, with 1st lap time higher than other. Yellow is some difference in laptimes?
Last edited by JackCY, .
S2 licensed
got a work now, will join next week