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S3 licensed
S3 licensed
My guess it's not the right size. It has to be 1024x1024 or 2048x2048
S3 licensed
Can you connect using join2lfs from lfsworld server list?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Yes it is possible but it'd very slow. You need something that reacts quickly and the slider is too fiddly. Just recalibrate your control in lfs and see which axis the slider is moves and assign it to the accelerator. You will need another to use it for both gas and brakes unless you assign brakes to another axis.

Why don't you use up for gas and back for brakes on the joystick? Hard at first but after some getting used to ou'll have much better control.
S3 licensed
Congrats to the champions and the runners up. Well done to everyone that raced.
S3 licensed
Quote from SondreSkj :+1

And am I right saying it wont work unless you are a registrered S2 driver?

S3 licensed
Sounds like what I when I was enocding an xvid movie. Another program was using all the available cpu power so lfs didn't have enough and started lagging and sputteriung all over the place. CTRL+ALT_+DEL to bring up the task manager and check to see if anything is using your cpu cycles. Do it while you have lfs running, window it and then check then.
S3 licensed
Here you go.
S3 licensed
Make sure that it working properly in windows first and that when centred it is actually centred etc. Then recalibrate in lfs and set calibration to lock on after recalibrating. Also set the rotation to the appropriate amoutn of degrees. Play around with the reduction also.
S3 licensed
Not too bad, however it doesn't look very realistic for some reason. I just can't pick it, the shadows or or something? Yellow interior is strange too. Otherwise it's good. If you used the cmx importer to make the scene that'l explain the crappy reflections ont he hood, the smoothing groups aren't right there and need some adjusting.
S3 licensed
Try Patch W, it has some graphical improvements. Can you take a screencapture of the artifacts?
S3 licensed
Spam, Bob you can't be serious? I answered the question and just look at the dreadful spelling. Bringing it to attention might make the guy realise there's always enough time for a spell check.
S3 licensed
Do you have dyslexia or do you type like that on purpose?

You get an extra unlock every friday, up to a maximum of 2.
S3 licensed
That's where other peoples downloaded skins go. Your own skins go in skins. When you get S2 you have to upload your skin the lfs server so that other peopl e can automatically download it when they see your car.
S3 licensed
Oh yeh to help me make the footage, if you guys could look through your replays and timecode the good fights you had for me so that I don't have to watch each replay itl be much easier. It'll also mean I'll include you in the footage. So post up the round and race number and then at what time the battle begins so I can find it easy.
S3 licensed
That's cuased by the smoothing groups apparently. You're better off using Ian's premade scene with the smoothing groups corrected.
S3 licensed
I'm missing a lot of replays so here is a short movie from the first round, race 2. If there's more interest and ym video editing skills get better I might make one for the whole season of division 2. Let me know what you think of this and if I should quit now lol
S3 licensed
Best races of the season for me. I missed out on qual becuase I got mixed up with the time again. Started last and drove through the carnage then slowly picked em off and ended up 8th. Had an awesome battle with Highsider9 and managed to pull off a nice move at the final haipin.

Second race starting from 3rd I thought I'd get pushed off the track but it was clean at the front so managed to grab an early break on the pack. atesz was doing a good job of leading so I was chasing him down slowly and finally got my break. 2 laps from the finish my steering wheel came undone from the table and i careered off the track, barely mssing the wall. Managed to hold onto 2nd while adjusting it down the straight lol

Great end to the season. Congrats to mike for winning div 2. And a big thanks to Kalle and the n1 guys for making this happen again. Hope to see another season.
S3 licensed
The engine is still turning if in gear so you can still hear it. Blipping the throttle opens the butterfly and makes the engine louder. This is what you're hearing. Press the clutch in and the engine will die when the revs drop
S3 licensed
Salga el cfg en la carpeta que lo está en y puso apenas las opciones. En la carpeta de "bin", corra "NetStartDefaultbat" para obtener lfslapper ir. Si usted tiene todavía el poste del problema una captura de pantalla del error.
S3 licensed
I like the naming and shaming, everyone should be able to make up their mind on the person. This was really bad wrecking imo and I know who to look out for. Withe wreckers baricade you can submit replays but you never know the outcome so it can seem like no action was done at all. Atleast with seeing it yourself you can always ban the guy off your server.
S3 licensed
Photoshop opens it up no problems. Can't help with anythin else.
S3 licensed
3yr ban, kthxbai
S3 licensed
Try south city with high wind lol

Not a track I like, there's no room for error so you usually win because someone infront crashed not because of great racing ability. It's also easy to take other people out by squeezing them onto the wall even if you didn;t mean it sometimes side by side racing is fun but not at so.