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S2 licensed
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :You mean the one that is an identical copy of the original discs? :roll:

My rig barely scrapes by at the absolute minimum of settings(860x480 is like friggin' legos on a 24-inch) with all kinds of fuzzyness and weird blocks. The patch fixed the flickering shadows, now 1.2 needs to get rid of the DRM-code that's wrapped around 30-40% of the code in the game. Too bad Rockstar never release more than one patch per GTA-game. Q6600, 3.5 GiBs of ram and a x1950PRO 512MB. 1280x800 should be possible. The graphics aren't that great.

If I correctly remember, the X1950 is quite weak card. It's not surprise it won't run GTA IV well.
I remember my friend having that card for a little amount of time, it supposed to be a good gaming card on it's time but still my old X800 was able to keep up with it. My friend got bored with it quite fast and replaced it with Nvidia 8600GT iirc.

BTW I dunno about you, but for me GTA IV is more playable at 1400x1050 than with lower resolutions.
S2 licensed
Hmmm... I jus spent 2 and half hours uploading my GTA IV video to youtube and when it was finally done it said it was too long and the video got deleted. fuk.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Fail. Gigi Galli is Italian not Finnish.

He probably knows that but only meant that all Finns drive like that.
S2 licensed
When I got to the tool and color part I thought "red hammer, no think something different cause that's probably the same thing than everyone else thought" but it was too late because they were the first things I got in my mind.
S2 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :this is how all finns drive

Kinda nice but that's not proper RWD action so it bores me actually.
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :
There's a little road by me, single track, that is just sublime for driving. When we were young and foolish you'd get some mates at either end to watch and warn you about traffic, then go for a proper blast. TBH there were usually only 1 or 2 cars coming along per hour, twas just a back-route for the main road. Full of first and 2nd gear corners, when you're spinning the wheels in 2nd with only 90bhp like we had at the time, you wonder if you really need any more.

Sounds like a bit same what we like to do here, but in gravel road.
I like to play on asphalt too but it's more random I think.

It's like the best thing what I can do, go mad with my Sierra in nice gravel road... Tho I don't agree with the power thing, I have about 140hp and I still keep thinking I need seriously more power. Only in winter it feels like enough. But well I'm a Finnish petrol-head so it explains something I think.

Tho when you think of it, nobody really NEEDS more than 70hp.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Oh well... I have a computer what is almost exactly like the one what is recommended. CPU is just a Athlon x2 with 2.4Ghz.
And it runs like shit. Well ok it's playable, but a bit annoying.

BTW I have been thinking, why the Minimum AMD processor is X2 64 2.4Ghz and recommended is Phenom X3 2.1Ghz. Wouldn't the X2 with higher clock rate perform better than X3 with lower clock rate? I don't think GTA IV is able to fully use all the performance of the three cores?
S2 licensed
There are many kinds of women.

I'm kinda of a hillbilly maybe when it comes to haircuts, I go to get my hair cut about every half years, so when it get cut it's short then, but many times just before I got to have it cut it is quite long. I actually don't like long hair, but I also don't like having a hair cut.

Once I remember some women saying that I shouldn't cut my hair because it looks good, but then after I got it cut some women said that's good because the long-style was just horrible.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Tried new drivers or the new patch? Btw, are you sure you GPU is DX9?

All I can say for that is I wonder if anyone this day has so old GPU that it's not DX9 compatible. If it's pixel shader 3.0 compatible it would definitely run DX9 too.
S2 licensed
Ah ok, that's weird.

When Hamachi running, you open up GTA IV and hit "home" and check it from there it still doesn't show Hamachi as the internet device?
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
I mean the default regedit what comes with Windows.

Start -> Run -> write "regedit" and hit ok. And then don't do anything stupid.
S2 licensed
Do you have file sharing turned on?
If not go to Control Panel and launch Network Setup Wizard. Go thru the wizard and configure it as you prefer and remember to turn file sharing on.
If you can't find Network Setup Wizard, you have Control Panel's view configured differently than mine, if that's the case then you have to just try to find it.

BUT I wouldn't recommend having file sharing on while connected to internet and I don't remember how Hamachi's file sharing system works.

And BTW if you want to play GTA IV via Hamachi, you have to check that Hamachi is set up as default internet connection in Windows Live (needs registry modification).
S2 licensed
I remember the good times of NFS Porsche, on it's time it had pretty good physics too. Tho I always wondered why I couldn't do a proper donut with 911.

Road Challenge / High stakes, NFS3 Hot Pursuit, they were very good too back then.

But as already said from the first Underground they turned into crap.

Tho at the same time the difference between these arcade racing games and simulations have been getting bigger and bigger. I don't think there is going to be new NFS which would be as good physics-wise than NFS5 did back then.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :Can you open trunks in the game?
You always see people with their trunks open and such.

You're gonna hide a body in there, aren't you?
S2 licensed
Teh expert of internet.
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :We're never gona end this, so let's have the best of both worlds:

RS8 bodykit for a Mondeo - WTF. Moreover what even is an RS8?!

My Ford broke down again the other day, clutch cable again for the 3rd time in 2 years, oh well getting pretty quick at changing them now.

lol that's horrible.
S2 licensed
A year till.:doh:
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :
Got to wait until a week Thursday to get my 9800GTX+ 1Gb vRAM.

Ah well tell me how it runs then. I'm maybe going for that card as well.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :
In my new car I drove 204 kilometers on the first day I had it, then it broke down.

I may balance this a bit and say that I have driven my 24 years old Ford for over a year now and it has never let me down.:lovies3d:

But arguing which one is better VW or Ford is pointless, even more pointless arguing against BlueFlame. I myself find VW's usually boring but that's just me.
S2 licensed
Well all I can say that I'm happy that most of the roundabouts in Finland have only one line.
S2 licensed
Can't really say what would be the ultimate best moment ever, but I just remembered these reading the thread title.

Best racing sim moment(s):
My first real race ever in a "real" sim (it was NR2003, in Watkins Glen I think).
Before the lights went off I was really nervous like I would be IRL when doing first race start ever.

First race win online in S2.

Best FPS moment:
The old-good BF42, with Forgotten Hope mod and some addon map to it, I was playing on allied and we had a bad situation, we were hiding behind some bushes and trying to think about good way of getting over the big open area with constant axis mortar bombing. We chatted and thought like maybe it's just best that we all rush at same time, teh nazis can't get us all rite? So we all shouted charge thru the radio and run over the open area with mortar grenades blowing off, most of us died but I and few team members got to the enemies trenches and killed them in close battle, I was using my favorite weapon M1 garand.
Now the way to the village was open, it was the best moment but it was only start of the battle, trying to get the village was very thrilling too.
Can't remember the maps name but it's maybe the most awesome FPS multiplay map I've ever played.
S2 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :yea, my 2nd is 3rd in LFS and 3rd is 2nd in LFS.

I have no idea how it hapened and i tryed to fix it but no luck.

But iv had it long enough to get used to it

Emmm... You should check how they are set up in the controller gears section, only way that could happen I think is that they are assigned wrong way in LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Holy shit, if it had been the normal %number I would die by drinking that. Think of a box (24) of beers with 8.x% alcholol O_o

Well if you drink beer with 8.x% alcohol it's maybe better to not drink the all 24. I myself like strong beers with 8.x%, but when I drink that I won't drink it that much. Actually one of the reasons why I like it is that I don't have to drink that much to get wasted.

I dunno about you guys but drinking liters and more liters of the same drink in one evening isn't really that much of a enjoyment for me, I like to drink yes and I like beer, but one of the reasons why I like strong spirits is that I don't need to drink that much of it and make myself feel stuffed with liquid.
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :There is an option in the game mode that i've mentioned, where you can actually "freeze" the time.

No, it does not freeze the time, it only specifies how much the clock is when starting a game.

Dunno if it's different in the console versions.
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :With the xbox version, you can host a "free play" (something like that) session. There you can specify the daytime (morning, evening, etc).

Yes you an specify what's the clock when starting the game, but the time will still keep going on. I wanna stop it to 12:00.