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S2 licensed

Try hitting me after a trace, on my server, and you are history. It`s not good behaviour to ram each others cars, after a race.

When I have participated in a longer race, with friends, I can sometimes join a little fun and showoff. But if they ram me with full speed, I get mad !

Especially if it`s a stranger to me.

One situation is acceptable, even after a short race, is if you fougth "door to door" with a guy the whole race, and he GENTLY bumps into your car after the race. This is more a tribute and respect bumping, than a wrecking act.
S2 licensed
Quote from kenshi0007 :i wanted to know how do i get more tractrin from tyre
to get traction is by adding more preasure or lessen the preasure??
can some 1 help me i still a beginer

There is another way, for many of the cars.
Especially uf1000 and xfg likes to go with the offroad tyres.

Many sets has got offroad tyres, back. These tyres heat up faster and is easier to keep warm.
S2 licensed
I just drove half a lap. Fegreen fxo - I se only my front tyres and fps varied from 48 - 68.
All eye candy is on.

P4 3.0 (2mb level 2)
1.5 Gb pc 4200
6600 Gt (256 Mb ram)

Screen resolution : 2048/1536 - 75 Hz 32 bit color.

But fps varies. You have to find the same view, to do anything serious with the data.
Use the "tv mode" where the camera chooses differnt angles. This is the most craving setting.
S2 licensed
Hard to remember, it`s such a long time back, now.

I know i tried an early demo - I was hunting cargame demos, to test. I found Lfs and tried it out - I had only keyboard then. Then some time after this, my brother bougth himselg a tiny pc, and he really was into car sims. I did my best to keep his computer running, and I saw the most of the sims out there. Tried a lot of them, but was never caugth by the action. It didn`t feel real, driving those "car games".

I then remembered the Lfs simulator demo, and searched for it, and installed it again. The devs must have improved it, because now it was a total different thing, to drive the cars around. I was a little impressed with the way the car handled. So I started up, driving a lot with keyboard, and then my brother bougth himself a new wheel. I borrowed the old, and really got out on the demo tracks.

I drove on and off for a few months, and then i decided to buy S1. I remembered that I was a little angry with the "gather points" to release next car, but I had to live with it, and I did so. I kept telling my brother about this Lfs and brougth him the demo. He didn`t like it, in the start. "This is to hard" he said, but he was used to the "cargames" - Now he is a believer and he drives the shit out of me. I can`t keep up with him, yet !

Then S2 came out and the rest is not so interesting.

I don`t know how old the early demoes are, but I feel like I saw the first for about 4 years ago ? Could that be ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :So we all have to sit on a bar of chocolate?

(GB joke. A Topic is a chocolate bar here in good old blighty. Got peanuts in it and everything. Although does kinda take away from the joke if you have to explain it.)

Funny englishmen ?

Noooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Do you belive in ufo`s too ?

(I have a feeling that I shouldn`t have asked yoy that question )


Sorry !
I remember one funny englishman. His name was Magareth Thatcher - He sure was a funny guy !
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I can't imagine a mobile device "version" of LFS being good publicity for LFS, tbh. The mobile version would have to exclude every aspect of LFS that sets LFS apart from every other racing sim, in order for it to function with any level of functionality on the PDA.

However.. one thing that COULD work might be a replay player. Perhaps even an LFSSpectator? If the mission is to get exposure for LFS, while providing a measure of functionality, that's where I reckon a mobile "version" could win... [credit low. please insert 2p to continue]

Now you`re talking !
That would be great
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I was sitting here, fiddling with my mobile playing Java Doom and Asphalt GT, and it occured to my, why not a simple Java mobile version of LFS?, would be another string to LFS's bow, surely it wouldnt be too hard to develop something, no idea what or how.......just an idea......


Don`t degrade Lfs to a game
S2 licensed
Quote from Darkone55 :I don't see why people find the BF1 boring to drive. In fact, I think the car is so difficult, on any average server the difference between the top and the slower driver might be up to 7 seconds! So it's not really an easy car, and when you're on the limit, it feels awsome. The FOX feels boring, on the long straights.

There is so much more tigth race in the fox, than this Bf1.

But if you don`t like to race - Choose that Bf1
S2 licensed
I have some troubles with the latest patches. If I choose a new track from garage, it takes much longer to load it now. Everything in the garage goes slower.

Sometimes when I join a server, things are "like lagging" every 1.5 seconds. This can happen when I hotlap too, I do not drive singleplayer to much, so I have not chekked that part out.

This was definately not there before i upgraded to patch 18 (From u12)

At least one danish driver has got the same problems, with the "lagging" - Not really lag, I do not know the english word for it. Stop a split second, then ok for 1,5 sec. Stop a splitsecond, then ok for 1,5 ........

Sometimes it go away after 5 - 10 minutes, or when you restart Lfs. But I never ever had this problem untill now.

P4 3.0 Ghz (2mb level 2 cache)
1.5 Gb pc 4200 ram
Nvidia 6600 Gt Gfx.

Drivers are the newest.


Internet connection : 4096/768
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :What should you do? Try and win the race. Not setting the fastest lap. Pretty pointless setting the fastest lap only to crash - the super quick laptime won't be shown in the results anyway if you do that.

If I get hit by wreckers in the first corner, and survive reasonably, but long way after the pack. The only thing I want, is to set a fast time, to prove i belong in the pack, and not in the back.

If unlucky in clan races, I do just the same. Drive fast, to set my marker !

I think it`s quite common, to try to go fast, if you are in a position, where you have nothing else to do. I allways try my best to finish races, but compete with myself, if there is none to figth with. I think it is showing my respect to the race
S2 licensed

On the oval f.e.: Stay right, don´t brake, go wide in corners.

This is not correct !
Blue flag means, let the faster driver pass, when it`s safe.

If you joined a ongoing race, and get the blue flag, then get away instantly. It`s a disgrace not to respect the ongoing race, and especially the race leaders.
S2 licensed
I like the idea !
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :A lot of people and I mean A LOT of people play games using nothing but cheats. I don't really know why, but they do. Also, alot of these same people eventually get tired of using cheats and try to play... pure(?)

This is NOT a game. I repeat myself. LFS is NOT a game. Lfs is a simulator !

This is not yet the ultimative simulator, but it`s close
S2 licensed
Quote from Slartibartfast :FOX is easily the easiest RWD to ease around in. Try this at BLGP.


I`ll try that out too
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :This is the set I've been using lately. Understeery but surprizingly stable at higher speeds, like the fast corners on south city. Not sure where I did get it or is it my own making but I've done my pbs on Fe green and So4R with it.

I would defenately like to see more people racing the LRF cars


I`ll try that out.


I could do three laps, without chrashes, on my worst track (Fe Green) That`s very promissing
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I just wanted to pop in and say that few hours ago I had some great racing in RAC on South city. Imho, people should really sometimes try to like new cars, take the LX6 for example. I hated it before the patch, hated pretty much after the patch but when I did my first races on OCC (LRF&BL1R) I started to really like the car. Same thing with the RAC. Once I got more used to it and had few more races, it was pure love. The RAC is now my favourite car, while in the past I have been almost exclusively racing the big GTRs and FOX pretty much all the time. With a good setup the RA is no longer twitchy, LX6 is still some much but both can be very enjoyable rides

Hell, I have even raced XRG recently, the most boring car ever seen in racing sim. And I even liked it! Next I'm gonna tease myself with XFG or even XFR. The boring, unpowered washing machine and the tintop, flip-flop tompty-pop.

Don't say that you hate some car if you haven't properly tried it. I won't make that mistake anymore

Do you have some of those "good setups" so I could learn loving this car, to share ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Slartibartfast :There is a beauty that RWDs exhibit that FWDs simply cannot. There is soul in the way they rotate. A Motown funk. A stink, that you either get or don't get. Like Stevie Wonder. He got some stink. No matter how hard they try, others just plain got no stink. The reason RWDs rotate like they do is because you can only ask two wheels to do so much. Braking, steering, *and* accelerating? Pffft! FWD is driving with two wheels. Drive the car. Don't follow it. And when I say drive, I mean put some stink on it. Like the keys in the intro of Superstitious. Lift to get rotation at entry. Squeeze to get rotation at the control phase of the turn. Squeeze more and release, like an orgasm, to exit on the edge of disaster. The corner is not the only one. The lap is not the only one. The entire race is one continuous motion. Unhaltingly grooving with the very fiber of your being. An extention of your true spirit. An expression of the non-linear chaotic state that is nature in all it's glorious unpredictablility. Pure destiny. You cast yourself into it and when the groove is right, the voice comes naturally. It springs forth from the wells of eternity. From the depths of your soul and all souls before you. It manifests as celebration. Glee in moving with the ebb of the universe. It is known by all in it's truth. The beauty of motion. Of flow. Of human recognition in gravity, and our natural instincts to explore and conquer. We master by sheer will. The will of the engineers, the will of gravity, and the will of the driver.

FWD aint got no stink, brudda.

"Very superstitious... writings on the wall... "
Eh ow eh ehh oww ooowadaaa, eh ow eh oh oh OH OH!


[PS I live in the snow. Once you know how to work it, RWD is soooooo much more effective and safe than FWD. The car will simply do more things to change direction. FWD scares the pickles out of me in all conditions. It simply does not work as a car should. Of course, in the snow, AWD is kinda nice. But still don't got the stink.]


I love soul, and I really like funk, but I can`t recall those feelings, driving the RWD`s. For me it`s more like the end of the world music, Titanic, earthquakes, and big comets ending life on earth. There is no music for this kind of feeling.

Xfg should be the easiest car to drive, of the RWD`s. I drove it yesterday on Aston north rev - A track I know reasonably. It took me 15 minutes, to beat my own uf1000 pb on that track
(OK - I am a bit fast on north with uf1000, but ... ??)

I did some more laps, trying my best, but I ended up 10 seconds behind the leading times !? (It was a qualifying session)

So I would call RWD : "The blues" and a bad bad blues
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :So, you're a jam doughnut then?

yeahhh ! With messy jam
S2 licensed
Dear good. Where can I download cheatcodes to the real life ?

One evening, I was racing on a well known server. Lots of the really strong racers was in there. I noticed they did verbally beat up one guy. Then that guy left the server. I asked why they have been so hard to this fast guy. He had done some cheating years ago, and he still payed the price !

Don`t cheat - You will NEVER be forgotten !
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from cool_big_andy :have you ever played "Mafia"? these guys are from this game

Nopes !
I don`t play computer games. I only drive sims, and 99% of the time it`s Lfs.
S2 licensed
Congratulations Bob !
S2 licensed
Quote from cool_big_andy :Here is my lfs anticheat banner^^

Who are those guys ?
S2 licensed
Absolutely no cheaters or cheatservers in Lfs.

It makes me sad to see a replay like this - Now every skilled driver, beating the arse out of us, maby ends up in the grey zone.

If cheatservers are allowed, then I will have more urgent things to do, than spilling my time driving this sim.

The punishment must be hard - Very hard. Potential cheaters have to learn "the lesson".

This is not cutting a corner, or simular to that - This is much worse.
I know I speak for most of the danish drivers, because we had this discussion allready.
S2 licensed
I have brougth s2 to 2 friends, they got the license. 10 - 12 have got the demo, and I´m spreading the word in danish forums, where simracing is the subject.

I know that more of the demo racers I have given the demo, will buy it later. A few of them often visit me and drive some hours, with my facilities.

It`s a damned good thing, when you tell about Lfs, you don`t have to hold back ! They only cheat them selves.

I think the mouth to mouth method, is the best, in the beginning - But I like the idea of the demo being aside with wheels. Why not give people the best, along their new wheel !

Alland44 a saint LOL
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :That was only for the test version that was released earlier today. U20 is now final, so that's not necessary anymore.


I just saw Scawens warnings :-)