it works for me too, but it isn't really needed. I think you can turn off Autoblip in upshifts and downshifts in the Driver options (or is it control options?)
Sure, in fact I'll probably do a tutorial for both glitches... Launch Glitch:
1. This step should be easier in South City Long Reverse, park at the end of the straight.
2. Place a start arrow in front of the wall
3. Use TV view to check your car's surroundings. When the view automatically changes to a chase view the car starts to skid - this is normal and the audio can be very loud so it's best to mute it
4. The car will go through the road, this is normal.
5. When the car emerges, the nose will raise
6. After 200mph, the car will flip (this is the fastest I got :razz
7. The car will start to bounce everywhere, try steering the car to steer the car's bounce Floating car glitch:
1. This should be easier with South City Long Forward. Park at the end of the motorway like this and place a start arrow in front of the tyre wall
2. Again, use TV view. When the view automatically turns into a chase view you will start to float BUT traction is very low so it is very hard to control the car! Once again, there will be very loud skid/screeching sounds so mute the audio!
3. To prevent spinning out, stay in 2nd gear and keep below 10mph
4. If you go too fast you will spin out!
5. If you want to land, choose either of the 2 end roads.
6. With some careful control, you will land succesfully. Try not to miss the road!
Well, I believe that Scawen can change IP adress and remove code that was taking care of the credits thing in much less time than that(I´m amateur developer myself so I asume that it was done in 10 minutes or less depending on game engine)
Programming the updates was very easy and quick... although in one of the test versions I still managed to do a bug in the credits removal, because I missed something, thinking it was even simpler than it was.
The master server thing and the unlocking were copied over from the most recent version of LFS. The updated functions were made to work with a few adjustments.
What did take a couple of hours was - searching backup CDs to find the right source code and making various changes to get it to compile. Unfortunately there wasn't a complete backup all in one piece and ready to go - it was kind of spread around a bit. At one point I needed the vehicle files so I could compile a dedicated server version. For some reason they were even harder to find and eventually I found them on a floppy disk.
So I learned a lesson about backups - make complete and clean backups of critical versions, with all source code and data in one place, ready to be compiled and run at any time. Though I guess there is a more complete version in one of my off-site backups, because I do try to make sure that we don't go back too far even if my house burns down.
Back to the credits thing though, I really miss that,I really felt it helped with the learning curve, they way it shaped the servers and grouped the community as it developed.
The birth of servers where you have to earn credits via insim, has filled that void mostly, but I do miss My LFS Credits.
That that credit system could be used for many different things.
But how could this be done without affecting players ability to use the car they want?
Maybe this credit system could be used as game mode?
All cars locked. Earn credits in races to unlock *RPG mode*
call cars unlocked no credits earned for wins *Normal mode*
I dunno, just some random thoughts.
Sorry to go off topic a little, but I do miss the LFS Credit system.
And if I can be honest, you should never have removed it.
I wasn't around S1 times to see the credits-stuff in use. Could you join a server with, say all cars enabled - but you didn't have enough credits to drive (unlock?) all of them? Or was there a restriction against connecting to a server where it had cars that you haven't earned credits yet?
Now, if such a system was brought in again - could the servers be separated so that anyone could join to servers whilst on *Normal mode*, but only people who have earned the credits could join the *RPG mode/Elite mode*?
I think it was suggested already to make passing the "Training" compulsory before joining MP - but it might put off a lot of people.
What if there was a host check to only allow people with enough credits (as above) or those who have passed training to connect?
Would that help to tidy up the public racing servers - to bring old folk but not forcing a compulsory credit/training check on the new ones?
You could join servers that had any car, but only use what you had credits for. I remember going online in S1 ages ago, trying to persuade people to try S2 xD.
I remember those times when I brought from my friend 10 or 10+ floppy version of some games and 1 or more had error. I was so made and it was happening quite often. We had to later pack every game in zip/rar. Funny times but the games were much more enjoyable, all the time new ideas and they lasted for ages. Not those 4 hour crap nowdays.
I remember also 8 inch one. We had these in school when I did not have my first computer yet.
3.5 inch have been callled floppy as well but people started using more diskette. That`s why...