The online racing simulator

oh 419Eater, how you amuse us.

I love the way it looks like an album cover.
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(kars19) DELETED by kars19
Next world cup
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It could happen though

(Ales_M) DELETED by Ales_M : trololol
heheheh Stag, hehehehehe
Lul ^^ so who plays WoW here
I did, and I can confirm the picture above is correct.
Quote from The Very End :I did, and I can confirm the picture above is correct.

I played the 10 day trial or whatever it was.... very addictive and I decided to not purchase the proper game for my own safety
I played. I had 2 highest level characters. I passed my exams. I still have my social life.

Shock horror.
LFS lost a man to WoW once. his name is Cropsy. he just disapeared from LFS one day. only to return 3 years later lmao. nobody knew where he had gone.
WoW is fine, but time management is a lost art. I played on retail until about 6 months ago, and now I'm on a private server.. or two.
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The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )