Actually Scawen, that green shirt of yours is more a giveaway

Victor's new haircut really fits him imo, i'm sure he'll notice an
improvement in his relations with people. Looks more serious and
ehem, adult as opposed to looking like a pot-smoker
I wouldn't worry about your hair though Scawen, i tend to see people
with messy haircuts as sort of 'geniuses'. Experience has not proven me
wrong yet. Most people i meet with hair 'in a fight' seem to be very 'brainy'
and they are generally people that think a lot, so they are usually very
rational people. That said, i've also found most to be a bit anti-social,
more like the shy type.
I've long believed that people who put too much attention on their
appearance have a confidence problem. It's over-compensation.
I'll take a girl with hairy armpits and no makeup anyday over those
old-hags trying to be 15 again dressed up like a prostitute and looking
like a clown. Oh, i'd do her, but i sure wouldn't marry her or have kids
with her

Like i tell my mates, there's 2 types of girls, the one you
respect, and the one you don't. My problem is i get very shy with girls
i respect, familiar to anyone ? hehe