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Quote from OkaChan :Hi guyz, ive been playing LFS for around 3 years i think already. just having fun in demo with a mouse. I finally came to my sences, and realized no matter if my friends can't play LFS. Ill make some new once here who can. So i got myself a DFP and LFS S2. Man i can't believe it took me soo long. Love this game. The only racing game i really play. I'm 24 and from the Netherlands. Just love driving, cant wait to get a propper job and get to racing(drifting). And ye its my second day with a wheel ever lol. And i found out i cant drift with a dfp at all almost. Really need a clutch and handbrake(not on the wheel). Just dont want to go back to using the mouse, so take it easy on me if u see me on the track. Ye thats my intro.
So Hi to all the new users and all the veterans. See you on the track.

p.s. for anyone interested i was on the forum before when i was in demo under a different name(dorikin).
and anyone not using a wheel like i was, DO IT NOW. Go get one, LFS is too realistick to play with anything but the wheel(900 degree one)what a fool i was..

Hey dude! I'll take your advice and buy a wheel and S2, when I get the money .
Demo licensed
I normally have that view higher than his head ^^
Demo licensed
i love your Bleach Skins. Bleach all the way!
Demo licensed
Quote from davidan :Hi Everyone! davidan here. Have owned LFS since the beginning. Been sim racing for about 11 years or so and loving every minute of it ... just recently started getting back into LFS after taking some time away from it -- enjoying reading these forums and look forward to racing with some of you I am sure.

Hey welcome and have fun at Live for Speed Forums
Sunday Arftonoon Drift
Demo licensed
Hey guys, I realised that most teams for demo are drift. This is no exception , however this team Isn't formal, you dont have to be that great. I'm rubbish myself.

So if you want to pratice, chat or go all out drifting, this is the team to join.

At least a month of Drifting, no less.

XR GT Only



To join, just post asking to. If you really want to prove yourself, post an SPR replay of yourself drifting round Blackwood Gp or send me and E Mail at [email protected].

We meet every sunday at 5:00 London time, I will give information of the Host Name at the time.

Any Skinner who wants to can make us a skin with the words SAD on it (Pun not intended)
Demo licensed
Hey dude, I get how you feel. Wanna drift? Then drift to your hearts content, however most teams would look for more exprience. Drift for at least a month, get better and place another thread, I'll drift with you .
Demo licensed
Quote from Dac :yes i am fully aware of what a ghost car is. and everything that ive said before still applies. whats stopping you from just following the ghost car precisly and then making only slight corner or speed adjustments to get a better lap time? nothing is.

why would you need it to see that yovue beaten your time when you can simply look at the clock at the end of the race like real race drivers do?

a ghost car is a visual cue which aids drivers in getting a better and false laptime which they could not do without it.

And all the problems you've stated dont have to do with why It's bad. A ghost car is functional no matter what anyone thinks because it helps people, good or bad, so you cant put it down.
Demo licensed
When people say drifting Isnit an art, they should try driting perfectly with no training. I think it is an art because people chase perfection but not unfruitlessly, they have fun and they should be acepted just as normal racers.

Oh and here's a question, why is Drift unappreciated and Drag is fine?
Demo licensed
I really love the way you made the video, it looked profesonal and easy on the eyes.

Your team is very talented and I hope you keep getting better, I love the cone salom and the twin drifting. Keep making moves and keep being awesome.

Adding you on Msn, I'm [email protected]

Demo licensed
If you put the car to automatic then she can reach the required speed easily. Press shift and g to get the automatic.
Demo licensed
Quote from Dac :ghost cars and magic racelines dont appear in real life. so why should they appear in a racing SIMULATION? fair enough having them in training mode but anywhere else just goes against what LFS stands for. i think Scawan made a mistake with the racing line and id like to see it removed.

No. We meant a Ghost car is a kind of save of a race you do.

Let's say you've just done a hotlap race. When you begin the next lap a ghost car, that was the previous lap you did, will appear. Then you can sort of try to race it and beat it, once you're ahead you know you've beaten your previous time.

Dont be so persimistic and put ideas down straight away.
Demo licensed
I got the new e mail and I have to say, I love the XRG Drift images. I was wondering if you could make the e mail a bit eaiser to read though.

I was thinking something on this sort of lines:


Explanation summed up in one or two Paragraphs



So, with the previous e mail:
Quote :New Countdown Movies and XR GT Article

We have new drift images in the XR GT article, the are images to show you what you can do the the XR GT when you get sideways on crack!

More Info here

We Also have a new countdown in the movies. Hope you enjoy!



Demo licensed
I've had this idea, I wonder why I never posted it. Anyway, a ghost car would be Fantastic, I'll certainly vote for it .
Demo licensed
Hey, I have an idea. How about you include cool setups for beginners. You could focus on Mouse and Keyboard since they're popular and Wheel for the more focused driver
Demo licensed
Do you want me to help you when you're posting anything. I could check to see if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes.
Demo licensed
Quote from Lynce :It has opened a gadget for subscriptions on the Web for news and updates on the website.

The downside:

Subscribers receive an e-mail from my own mail. In the header appear all directions from which they have subscribed to the Web.

I do not know the solution to this problem.

If that does not matter, you can proceed to the subscription.

"Update web"

I subscribed man, good luck with the site, It's comming on fine

Quote from Jamesisinthehouse12 :I have started making Gadgets for the Windows Vista Sidebar and the Google Sidebar.

These gadgets will Display the Current Version of Live For Speed and the amount of Racers Currently Online.


- The "Live For Speed Vista Gadget v1.0.0.0" is now released

Features to Add/Edit or Delete:
- Refresh on startup - In Next Version

Live For Speed Vista Gadget v1.0.0.0 (LFSVG)

New Features/Changes:
- Got rid of all the gaps (finally )
- Refreshes every 60 seconds

(Screenshot on the 17/07/2008)[/url]

Live For Speed Vista Gadget v1 ... Download (

Waiting for a confirmation to add my gadget to Windows Live Gallery...

Thanks to all that have contributed to these gadgets!!!

Main Thread Link (Click here)

P.S. Feel free to report on it on your website

Nice one dude it is aweeeeeeeeesomeeeeeeeeee
Demo licensed
Nice skins dude, thanks I'm gonna have cool skins even if I only do demo .
Demo licensed
Quote from Lynce :Thank you very much.

Let's see what comes out.

It is an honour that developers are confident for my publish such news. But I doubt much knowing that exixte and

And Thanks James. I apreciate it.

Thanks, too, for your comment.


Skins, for example. Mprs with drift and rally (or sprs).

Comentaries about this car, impressions,etc.

Mazda Efini RX7 or Mitsubishi Starion?

Mi opinion is: XRG Mazda, XRT Mitsubishi.

And don't remember more things.

Cheers !!

I agree with you, I think the RX7 is the XR GT and the Starion is the XR GT turbo. I will also make or find new skins for you, I just got Photoshop cs3 .
Demo licensed
Quote from Lynce :
Susceptible changes.

If someone wants to make some contribution, this is the time.

Coming soon.

Sorry if I missed anything but contribution for what? I also really like the cover, it looks beautiful. I love the idea of using a simple car that everyone can drive and making it look cool like that, the black tyres look awesome and I didn't know the XR GT was inspired by a Japanese car. This website also provides me with info .
Demo licensed
Quote from G!NhO :i have the Logitech Driving Force EX, and i really like it

I would to if I can afford it, lousy credit cards. I wish I was 17!

Quote from Inouva :Hello and welcome

Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :Could I recommend a cheap wheel, like Saitek R440 or Driving Force EX from Logitech? Both are not top quality wheels, with fancy functions, but they work. I have used both, and I absolutely love them. Nothing wrong with them, and they are cheap as hell compared to the high quality G25 wheel.

Deside yourselfe, but as I said, they are fairly cheap compared to most wheels out there, and they are good aswell =)

Thanks a lot dude! I'll consider that as well, gosh, you guys are so smart +] Thanks everyone !
Demo licensed
Quote from danowat :Basically, there is a big part of your problem, LFS requires great finesse on the controls, something you just don't get from a keyboard, simply because the keyboard is either full acceleration / braking / steering, or none, nothing in between.

It is possible to be quite quick using a keyboard, however, it will take a lot of practice.

I understand wheels are expensive, in this instance I would suggest you look into purchasing an analogue joypad, you can even use an xbox360 pad if you have one.

This isn't a perfect soloution, but it will give you a good start.

I will look into that, I have no Xbox 360 but I could buy a joypad, they are considerably less expensive than a wheel. Thanks for replying

Quote from Mp3 Astra :If you can't afford a wheel, or a controller, at least try using a mouse - if you have a smooth mousemat. I drove with the mouse for a year and it wasn't that bad. One of my team mates also drives with the mouse and is the fastest guy on our team. So, see if you can buy a mouse, or save up for better hardware like a wheel.

I will try using a mouse, my only problem is that I tend to over-exagerate the movement of my hand, making me enter a corner too fast and exit too slow D:

Quote from G!NhO :HI *wave*

*Waves and give cookies* hii
Demo licensed
Quote from danowat :Hi Amso,

Firstly, what hardware are you using to drive?

Thanks a lot for replying, I guess you're going to help. I can't really afford a steering wheel as I'm 13 but I use a keyboard to drive...
Demo licensed
Cool site dude 100/10 *no it's not a mistake *
Hi guys *wave*
Demo licensed
Hey guys, this is my intro, well hello guys. Can someone be kind enough to be me tutor on Lfs demo, I'm rubbish on the FBM (Formula BMW) and I keep spinning, same with the XR Gt . I'll be glad if anyone can help me...