The online racing simulator
This car deserves it's own thread.
(48 posts, started )
Quote from bbman :Correct me if I'm wrong, but apart from an installed anti-lag system (I don't hear any turbo, so it certainly doesn't have one), flames shooting out of the exhaust means there is something terribly wrong with the engine, no?

Its either a synthetic Flamer Kit or some form of Rev Limiter. I know Bee*R Make rev limiters for Nissan sports cars that give the flame effect when bounced off the limiter.
I'd have more fun looking at my shed than that 'thing' on wheels.

But then Bladerunner put a link up to that Cortina, now I don't have to look at the shed. What a beaut!
Quote from beefyman666 :I'd have more fun looking at my shed than that 'thing' on wheels.

But then Bladerunner put a link up to that Cortina, now I don't have to look at the shed. What a beaut!

Why not get a shed car?
'cause I'd be more comfy on a sofa car.
what a f*kin pos OMG,i always getting pissed when i see a ca.. w8 a minute... car? its a box..
Quote from mcintyrej :Its either a synthetic Flamer Kit or some form of Rev Limiter. I know Bee*R Make rev limiters for Nissan sports cars that give the flame effect when bounced off the limiter.

Can also just be a case off too much air and running too rich.

I used to have an old '83 1.3 Ford Escort that if ragged in something like second and then just backed off the go pedal.. it'd spit flames (out of a 4" exhaust no less! ). Was nothing wrong with the engine, just didn't have much of an air filter and was running way too rich. I got a brain since then however


Quote from JO53PHS :Have you seen the Top Gear episode featuring those cars together with a skip car?

Yes that was sometime ago. I used to see a skip car go past where I used to live a couple of years back.

Also not far from there at a local pub, they had a Mini Shorty painted in Noddy colours.
Watching that heap of plastic wasn't a complete waste fo time, though. Cause I found this, which is much more like it.
My Zippo lighter is prettier, gives better fire and is probably faster
#36 - JTbo
This guy has some strange Ideas about rice and non-rice

I would say that he is a ricer but too ashamed to admit it
Quote from mr_x :WHY do people do that kind of thing? it looks and sounds awful!

I like annoying people like that in my car, i know at 1.6l it's got nearly twice the power/weight ratio of their shitty cars.

ROFL, 1.6l and you think your car is fast? Unless your car weighs under 500kg this isnt the place to be bragging about your bristling 1.6l muscles. I've not had an engine that small in over a decade, and i'm a girl...
#40 - JTbo
Quote from Becky Rose :ROFL, 1.6l and you think your car is fast? Unless your car weighs under 500kg this isnt the place to be bragging about your bristling 1.6l muscles. I've not had an engine that small in over a decade, and i'm a girl...

It is not the size, but how you use it
Quote from Becky Rose :ROFL, 1.6l and you think your car is fast? Unless your car weighs under 500kg this isnt the place to be bragging about your bristling 1.6l muscles. I've not had an engine that small in over a decade, and i'm a girl...

...but it IS a Focus!!

In any case, My car has only got a 1.3l

(PS..Last time I looked, I am NOT a girl )
Quote from Becky Rose :I've not had an engine that small in over a decade, and i'm a girl...

I haven't had an engine that small in...ehm...half a year
the shame
lol, I wasnt the one boasting about my tiny engine guys...
I think their is a rice infection in my area. More and more crappy bodykits are emerging. And only a couple months ago 2 ricers got injured drag racing the wrong way down a one way road.
I'm delighted that the german TÜV forbids most of these typical rice mods (or makes it very hard to get, e.g. wings are only allowed if they are made out of fiberglass or plastic, no metall ones.).
Only some fartcans and cheapo bodykits in my town.
looks like a honda
ricer much??

This car deserves it's own thread.
(48 posts, started )