What's the longest amount of time you've ever spent racing online in one day?
My longest amount of time online was (17) hours, without stopping, other than to go to the bathroom!
I once drove non-stop (except for toilet breaks/pit stops (fuel!) for 19 hours...there was a small 2 hour gap in there while I had a kip on the ferry from Calais to Dover.....

oops, sorry, I was talking about real life driving for real!!! Longest in LFS is about 11 hours solid
I dunno, woke up at 8 AM and went to sleep pretty late(11:30pm ?), though I would close LFS once in a while.
Woah...some play some serious hours! Longest I've played LFS must been 4-6 hours, I don't really know, but I can't play it long as other games. It must be the focus and work you need to keep up.

I remember once doing two longer races in one evening, the other must have been something like an hour plus quali, and the other (OLFSL event) a bit more (could have been a lot more actually). I did about 650 km that day on those two events, plus some practice, and it was all in the FOX. I felt totally horrible and exhausted after the second race, never have felt like that after playing some silly game!
#5 - Goop
Maybe three or four hours, then I'm over it.
#6 - ajp71
The longest race I've done was 2 hours (well I didn't finish a 3 hour one if that counts ), no idea how long I've spent at a time pick up racing though.
probably about 3 hours or so. I generally get bored and wonder off to do something else instead.
3 or 4 hours. After that I'm aching so much my muscles need a break. The first time I used my G25 in anger I semi-hobbled for two days. Damn calf muscles.
2005/2006 i was online in lfs mostly everytime. 24/7.

Most races (76) on 15.Nov.2005. That´s around 380 minutes driving time on KY1/FO8.
bout 22 hours once but mum said go to bed
Maybe 5 hours. Not as long as I played red alert in one go, it was probably about 15h a few times.
Quote from Exile R :bout 22 hours once but mum said go to bed

22 hours in Demo servers... I would kill my self.
oh btw what race did u have?? Brackwood Leman?

me 3/4 hours... mostly bored then play diff things.
(geeman1) DELETED by geeman1
Must be around 3-4 hours non-stop. That's rare though. I rarely play for long, i race for 20-30 minutes then do something else and an hour later I am back playing for another 20-30 minutes, repeat.
So in total I sometimes play a lot, but rarely in one long go.
Probably less than 3 hours.

How can you drive 10+ hours nonstop?

After 2 hours, I usually have a break of at least 30 minutes.
Maybe about six hours, back when all we had was the demo and I was unemployed.
4 Hours at most, then a look at the forums and another couple. Usually happens on Saturdays, and totals about 14 hours of play.
Like 4-5 Hours and then I get sick.
Yeah, maybe 3 hours or so in one sitting, but when I was "between jobs" for a an extended period a few years ago I'd often be playing GPL on and off for a whole day.
Longest in one sitting is probably about 4 hours, which included practice and a 60 lap GP. Although if you add up a few sessions I have probably done like 8-9 hours on at least one occasion.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :22 hours in Demo servers... I would kill my self.
oh btw what race did u have?? Brackwood Leman?

me 3/4 hours... mostly bored then play diff things.

heh ima drifter (sry guys ) yepi dont get bored by lfs easily
Lol I am a drifter as well (Well no shit barnaby jones)

And I play demo quite often :P
The title of the thread asks "What's the longest amount of time you've ever spent racing online in one day?"
The longest period I have been racing on one day, have to aprox something around 12 hours I think. Was from I stod up til I jumped to bed, thats a hard day of work
About 3 or 4 hours. LFS isn't good for extended play, it just wears you down due to the concentration involved. Anything after 3 hours and I'm more of a dangerous speeding obstacle than a racer.