What's the deal with the mid-race join restriction, really? I just spent an entire race trying to join, and it just kept saying "mid-race join not permitted during first lap" or something like that. Even after the bloody race was finished I couldn't join. And it seemed nobody else could either. The other guys just reconnected to the server and that seemed to do the trick. I just left, I was way too annoyed by then to even think about racing properly.
little problems with my stats on www.raceauthority.com

look here:
You have competed in: 9 races and driven 209 laps on the CTRA system.

You do not currently hold any lap records.

Wins: 0 0%
Podiums: 0 0%
Finishes: 11 122%
Fastest Laps: 0 0%
Yellows : 65 31%

209 in 9 races are pretty much and 11races of 9 races finished who 've got a 122% statistic of arrival
Quote :What's the deal with the mid-race join restriction, really? I just spent an entire race trying to join, and it just kept saying "mid-race join not permitted during first lap" or something like that. Even after the bloody race was finished I couldn't join. And it seemed nobody else could either. The other guys just reconnected to the server and that seemed to do the trick. I just left, I was way too annoyed by then to even think about racing properly.

I had the same problem on the SS server. I just gave up after a while, it would never let me join.
If I have just restarted the software, which has happened a few times especially with the server openings tonight and when we where dealing with teathing problems last night and this morning, the software then thinks there is a race in progress and needs a racing car to register a lap. This is unfortunately, but once the X-System is fully stable it should no longer be a problem.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by unforseen problems during launch, I stayed up until gone 5am solving them, and was back at it by around 10-11am and am still checking everything now, 12 hours later. I appreciate the restarts are problematical, but trust me - you have the better deal .

Anyway, the last server is open now and it had just 1 teathing problem that has now been fixed. We're now in sit back and see mode here, hoping that it all works.

This really has been a massive project, I dont know how many lines of code, it's not so much a case of how big is the source code - and more a case of how many source code files there are.

Most of our problems on launch where caused by player names with control codes in, as a result of japanese or other letter codes rather than latin, then returning SQL valid control codes by pure coincidence, things like the German tendancy to use a comma instead of a dot when uploading fuel values, stuff like that which we didnt expect.

For the most part though we think are we on top of it now, and the system seems to be running ok at the moment. Tonight i'll try to keep my sleep short again, i'll monitor it as much as possible (except during the Grand Prix) and then take an early night Sunday.
Quote from Becky Rose :If I have just restarted the software, which has happened a few times especially with the server openings tonight and when we where dealing with teathing problems last night and this morning, the software then thinks there is a race in progress and needs a racing car to register a lap.

Yeah I know, you said that before, but like I said it was like that for an entire race, meaning there was a whole pack of racing cars doing several laps and it still wouldn't let anyone who was in the pits join. Also, I don't think it was because of a software restart because if I'm not mistaken if the software is restarted we see this big message in the server telling us the software was reset, right?

Anyway, I know this is only a minor issue and all in all you guys did a terrific job. I was just pretty annoyed by this, in combination with me not having had the best couple of days and thus already being more irate than usual
Quote from Becky Rose :If I have just restarted the software, which has happened a few times especially with the server openings tonight and when we where dealing with teathing problems last night and this morning, the software then thinks there is a race in progress and needs a racing car to register a lap. This is unfortunately, but once the X-System is fully stable it should no longer be a problem.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by unforseen problems during launch, I stayed up until gone 5am solving them, and was back at it by around 10-11am and am still checking everything now, 12 hours later. I appreciate the restarts are problematical, but trust me - you have the better deal .

Anyway, the last server is open now and it had just 1 teathing problem that has now been fixed. We're now in sit back and see mode here, hoping that it all works.

This really has been a massive project, I dont know how many lines of code, it's not so much a case of how big is the source code - and more a case of how many source code files there are.

Most of our problems on launch where caused by player names with control codes in, as a result of japanese or other letter codes rather than latin, then returning SQL valid control codes by pure coincidence, things like the German tendancy to use a comma instead of a dot when uploading fuel values, stuff like that which we didnt expect.

For the most part though we think are we on top of it now, and the system seems to be running ok at the moment. Tonight i'll try to keep my sleep short again, i'll monitor it as much as possible (except during the Grand Prix) and then take an early night Sunday.

Thanks for all your effort Becks! The whole community appreciates it. From what I saw of the software earlier on it looks very special indeed! I'm looking forward to finally getting that gold licence once all the kinks are worked out! Fantastic stuff!
I really only have one preoblem with new servers... the points system. I feel you dont get enough points when you come like 3rd or 4th. I came in the top 5 numerous occasions and the max points i got was 4, and that was for second.

Anyway, i would really like to know how the points system works and are there maximum points given out each race?
at least when the servers are full you get a lot more points i think
Quote from Biohazard :at least when the servers are full you get a lot more points i think

not really, each time ive raced, people have been complaining about not being able to join

Quote from niall09 :I really only have one preoblem with new servers... the points system. I feel you dont get enough points when you come like 3rd or 4th. I came in the top 5 numerous occasions and the max points i got was 4, and that was for second.

Anyway, i would really like to know how the points system works and are there maximum points given out each race?

..and you only get points for being in the top 5 or so. Thats ridiculous in my opinion. How is anyone supposed to progress?
sprint tracks?

otherwise... i don´t know...
Quote from ans7812 :..and you only get points for being in the top 5 or so. Thats ridiculous in my opinion. How is anyone supposed to progress?

you need a fast and good skills yes i know its ridiculous.
Agreed, the new points system is... well... horrible, really. And there doesn't seem to be ANY logic in it whatsoever. Finishing 7th out of 20+ racers after starting last in the XRG with Bronze license doesn't get you any points? Come on! In the old system that would have been like 4 points or more. In the 38 races I've done so far in the new system I think I've scored 2 points

Also, the driving standard is a lot higher now than it used to be on the old system. There's a lot of very good racers on all of the time now, which makes it that much harder to finish even in the top 10 on a packed server, let alone the top 5.
Well, quite honestly while we were working on the new system we took a long hard look at *what* a CTRA licence should be. We realised that one of the things people had misunderstood about the system was that it was a rite of passage. This is something it most definitely isn't.

The points balancing favours the winners and close runners up. People lower down aren't earning many points because they're not winning or not close to winning. One of the complaints we received with the old system was that people were progressing to higher servers, not because they were good drivers, but because they'd raced attrociously for a long time. It's something we've very specifically addressed. Again, CTRA licences are not, not, not, a rite of passage.
Quote from SamH :Well, quite honestly while we were working on the new system we took a long hard look at *what* a CTRA licence should be. We realised that one of the things people had misunderstood about the system was that it was a rite of passage. This is something it most definitely isn't.

The points balancing favours the winners and close runners up. People lower down aren't earning many points because they're not winning or not close to winning. One of the complaints we received with the old system was that people were progressing to higher servers, not because they were good drivers, but because they'd raced attrociously for a long time. It's something we've very specifically addressed. Again, CTRA licences are not, not, not, a rite of passage.

yes, but why not give more points to the people who do come in the top 5 or 6?
I've been racing on the servers tonight, and i've got to say, you've made a really great system. There's a few issues but overall it's fine. Well done and thanks.
Quote from niall09 :yes, but why not give more points to the people who do come in the top 5 or 6?

Because they're only coming in the top 5 or top 6. For decent points, they need to be in the top 3 or top 4. That's the point.. giving more points to people who aren't able to place in the top 3 or 4 is exactly why we spent several weeks dedicated to finding and relegating people who drove attrociously in the last system, but who drove attrociously a lot.

It's not a rite of passage in the same way as every other motorsport is not a rite of passage. You get your licence by working for it and being good, not just by driving a lot. Scott Speed will never win an F1 championship by turning up to a lot of races.. he'll only do it by winning a lot of them, and/or placing really close to the top.

A lot of bloody fast people have said to me over the last few months that they cut their teeth on STCC/CTRA servers.. striving to make the next licence, bit by bit.. getting better and faster all the time. This is what it's about.. striving to get better, and earning the points to prove it.
I'm hugely impressed by the new system...it really is very impressive. Thanks for all your hard work!

I must say that I agree with those who are questioning the point system. Today I won my first race on the new CTRA servers and got 4 points. A little while later someone won a race and got 16 points! The server was full when I won, so I can't quite see how it was only worth 4 points.
One quick suggestion, is there any chance you could make a join link on the server page on raceauthority.com? Would be really useful.
Quote from StewartFisher :I'm hugely impressed by the new system...it really is very impressive. Thanks for all your hard work!

I must say that I agree with those who are questioning the point system. Today I won my first race on the new CTRA servers and got 4 points. A little while later someone won a race and got 16 points! The server was full when I won, so I can't quite see how it was only worth 4 points.

The guy who got 16 points probably got very close to the lap record during the race. You get more bonus points the closer you get to the lap record
Quote from DeKo :One quick suggestion, is there any chance you could make a join link on the server page on raceauthority.com? Would be really useful.

Click on the gauge
Quote from SamH :Click on the gauge

Hadnt noticed that, cheers Really have thought of everything.
Well I managed to survive the carnage to finish in sixth or seventh tonight on a full Singleseater 1 server, and thought I'd have collected at least a few points to get my single seater licence started. But no, nothing, zilch, nada. I can understand 5th/6th place not getting any points in a server with 7 drivers, but to still get not even a point or two after finishing ahead of 12 other drivers?

Nonetheless, fantastic system overall, congrats to Becky, Sam, and everyone else involved with it. I think it speaks for itself how much effort has gone into all this, and it's mightily impressive. Beers all round for you all.

A few observations so far:
  • The results screen used to appear immediately after crossing the line, which was annoying. Now it doesn't seem to do that, but I haven't figured out yet what makes it appear and what doesn't. Either way I'd prefer it to be something I choose to call up, never to have it forced upon me. There's already a results summary that Scawen put there, the second, more detailed CTRA one should always be optional.
  • The B'n'J server is less of a BJ, more of a rough gangbang. Folk were just openly ramming each other out the way whilst I was there. Get a bit sideways into a corner, and wham! half a dozen cars pile into you on full throttle trying to barge through a space that is still filled by a car.
  • Pre-X, CTRA servers were lightyears ahead of other servers in terms of driving standards and courtesy. I hope it's just a symptom of the launch hype and servers packed with anyone who can get on, but tonight the SS1 server had similar or worse driving standards than the other public servers I've been on the past few weeks.
that s just brilliant , congrats to all the ctra staff :001_007:
Hmmm, just got autokicked from the single seater 1 server for spectating for too long, "to make room for an active player". Maybe it would be a good idea for the software to only autokick inactive players if a server is full, or at least almost full? The server only had 15 of 27 slots taken.
On the points, there are 4 key factors: Pace; Position; Size of field; Race length. If all are good you will score good points, although the 1st tier will never yield huge rewards, but you can get quite a lot of points when you are both fast relative to your cars record AND place well.

It's a point to realise, the current races are shorter than the old system and this is effecting how points distribution is perceived because longer races yield more points.

In reality the points spread has not changed very much, we've shifted the distribution a little - but not very much. It's almost the same algorythm but with a slight shift toward the top end of the field, but the shorter races means points aren't going so deep down the field because those 1's and 2's are rounding down in relation to the shorter time.

We'll lengthen the races soon, but you still need to earn a CTRA licence - not expect it. As Sam and the site says, it is NOT a rite of passage. Holding a top level CTRA licence should mean something.

Never more so is this true on the single seater licence, here we have a chance to create an all new licence that will mean something.

On the B&J server, it is perfectly within the rules to spin another car - what isnt acceptable is ramming people into barriers or wrecking them. We ellected not to call it banger racing because most of LFS sees the word banger and reads the word wreckfest and starts driving like idiots. It's actually a lot more fun, and usually gives better results, to try to drive properly - but we've no problem with contact on the bump and jump server, that's what the bump part of the name is.

When I was on the B&J server earlier it was being driven properly as far as I could see, and it was a lot of fun.

On driving standards: I've watched a lot of races over the last few days and I have to say I have seen some exceptional driving. Sure accidents happen, they happen on all servers. I even made a few muppet moves myself periodically over the last few days. That happens in racing. I have seen for the most part positions returned and not many arguments - overall i'd say the standard has been high.

However, we have the same drivers that are on every other server, there's no magic, just a reporting system. We do have some reports in queue granted, but we'll deal with them all and unlike before you can call up old reports and check what is happening/has happened with them. You'll even get email notification. We cant cast a magic wand and make human beings into something they are not though - we need help to help you, so we know who to give instruction to.