The online racing simulator
Quote from Fufunka :Unfortunately there ARE always visible edges in multimonitor/projector setup!
Please refer to this workflow diagram at the bottom of the page from Bourke's site:...

I see it's about purposedly overlapping projector images and then fading the overlapping regions to black... The overlap is already possible, it would propably not be hard to add the black fade but I have no projectors myself so it would not be very high on the 'todo' list.

Quote from Fufunka :
Anyway what are your thoughts about the next topic - advancing your current "cylindrical correction" by user selectable image output warping according to given mesh warping setup

It would be possible, though at least having the mouse work properly would propably be difficult as it is already quite problematic to have it work without any distortion applied. Again I have no need for it myself so it is not very likely I'd spend alot of time doing it.
Kegetys has just released the version 1.05 of SoftTH, which implements cylindrical correction !

Unluckily, I don't have a 2nd graphic card to test it on my 3 screens...
are 3 19" tfts more immersive than a beamer setup?
Quote from Ricou :Kegetys has just released the version 1.05 of SoftTH, which implements cylindrical correction !

Unluckily, I don't have a 2nd graphic card to test it on my 3 screens...

By 'cylindrical correction', do you mean that the image can be adjusted to look right on three screens that are not in a line on the desk but a front, left and right views?
wow, now everyone who moans about speedfeel in LFS gets a slap with this vid
Wow is right. Now I'm faced with a dilemma: can I sneak another couple of LCD monitors into the house without my wife noticing?
Quote from DrFred :are 3 19" tfts more immersive than a beamer setup?

They both have strengths and weaknesses.

You get more side vision with the extra resolution of a triple monitor display. The colours are stronger and you can sit closer so it feels even wider.

Beamer can be life sized so feels more real, but the colours tend to be more washed out as no real blacks, so you need to be in a dark room and when blown up big (I had about 6' width) you start to notice the pixels on a 1024x768 beamer.

If I had to vote purely on immersion I would say, if you can get the room dark enough the beamer takes it. Have a head crab go for you in HL and you can't help but jump. AvP on a beamer in a dark room could be quite scarey. For racing games cars can be real size with a beamer, but you are still looking through a small opening into the virtual world so no seeing what is beside you.

For racing I prefer the 3 monitors because the resolution lets you see so much more in fine detail and it is easier to set up as there is no darkening of the room required. The 3 monitor setup, if you have to choose, has a lot more advantages when not playing games. I have the two video card version rather than a TH2G which means when not playing games I have 3 independant monitors not one virtual widescreen.

Just my opinion though and based on a 1024x768 beamer against 3x19" LCD's giving 3720x1024. Might be better with a higher res beamer or/and one with better brightness than the one I have.

Rish - not keen on that video, FOV is way too high, everything is so stretched on the side screens, looks horrible IMO. The car should fill the monitors, not almost fit on the centre screen. All personal preference though really.
Bah! I'd just about convinced myself to buy a 22" monitor and have done with it, and then I go and look in the triple head thread again. :doh:
Well done on 1,000 posts Kev.

And very sorry for o/t
Quote from The General Lee :Well done on 1,000 posts Kev.


I'm not going to delete them all again, I think some people got a bit cross with me about it last time.
Quote from Bob Smith :Rish - not keen on that video, FOV is way too high, everything is so stretched on the side screens, looks horrible IMO. The car should fill the monitors, not almost fit on the centre screen. All personal preference though really.

Like i said its not my rig and yes i guess it is personal preference, but the spacial awareness is great!
I want that soo badly..

*runs to dixons to buy 3 monitors
Why dont you run to the "Shop" page and buy S2 first.

A million times better than 3 monitors
Good idea its on my to-do list
Glad to hear it Pearce.

YaY!! @ 600th post :$
i got 2 nec 17 inch lcd's. One is the 70gx2, which is amazing! The only thing is, i really want to get a third monitor, but i think my parents are going to freak out when they find out i bought a second one. I bought a new computer without them knowing, thats not so hard its under the desk and looks sort of like the old one i sold to cover some (very little) of the costs, but spending ~600 dollars to get monitors and another videocard or th2go, thats is something to freakout about. They give me money for university, i dont think they would be pleased to find out i spent over 1500 dollars sence january on computer stuff... Im moving back home in a couple of weeks, i cant wait to see the look on my dad's face, oh wait... yes i can!
i have a sneaky plan .... my dad is getting a new computer soon soooo ill have his old monitor and when hes not looking take his new monitor and use it on LFS so thats 3 monitors
Hmm, since this is the closest thing to the SoftTH thread: I've managed to get triple screen working in 3D even without my upgrading my board. What confuses me is the manner in which I got it working.

I have tried the tip to use SoftTH with a dual-screen setup, by commenting out the appropriate monitor device ID, thus letting me have the FOV centre back in the middle of the primary screen (instead of being where the two monitors meet) - this has worked great. Inspired by this, I finally ordererd my new board with a second 16x PCI Express slot. With that due to arrive tomorrow I thought I should test out the second graphics capd and third monitor, so I know they're still working.

I gave SofTH another shot on the off chance and, as before, LFS won't output to the screen and the SoftTH logos flicker indefinately. So I went to comment out the right monitor again, so that I could at least still use two displays with three attached and by some miracle, all worked as before but with 3D output on both the left AND RIGHT monitors. In short, it works! Odd, huh?

There are only two issues as it stands:
1. I have to manually reduce the resolution of the right monitor in windows beforehand, else LFS appears in a small box on top of my desktop background.
2. My frame-rate has halved with the addition of the third screen.

I'm hoping my new board will cure at least the second problem, else I have ordered a new mobo for no reason (apart from supporting SLI it's otherwise identical to my current board).

Perhaps this post will be useful to Kegetys, or others who have suffered the same problem as me.
I am glad you got it working sufficiently to convince you to go for a proper 3 monitor setup.

Quote from Kegetys :The maximum texture size can be checked with the DX caps viewer here: (From the DirectX SDK)

Go to DirectX graphics adpaters/your card/D3D device types/HAL and select the 'Caps' icon. On the right it will display the MaxTextureWidth and MaxTextureHeight values which are the ones that matter. Someone with a 8800 could run it and see what it says...

I have been thinking of upgrading my graphics card. Does anyone know what the max texture width is for the new 2900 XT? I would like to put my 22" screen in the middle of 2 19" screens but that would take me over 4096 which at the minute means a 8800 GTS card.

How do you get triple screen with native resolution on 3x24" dells at 1920x1200 each?

Do I need to purchase two low-end video cards, or just one + use my second DVI output on my main card (x1900xtx)?
damn icouldjust dream over this...
Quote from vox-ace :How do you get triple screen with native resolution on 3x24" dells at 1920x1200 each?

i dont think you can
first of all most cards cant even render at that resolution ... additionally that res ist just too big so the framerate would be abysmal ... and lastly the only way to get it to the monitors is softth which will decrease the framerate even more

LFS on three Monitors is awesome
(206 posts, started )