The online racing simulator
What engine sound is better?
(66 posts, started )

Poll : What engine sound is better?

New engine sound (U32)
Old engine sound (P-U)
If you read, what had happen to the engine sounds, then I can only vote U32.

I drove the Xfg for some hours, last nigth, and Now I`m used to the new sound. I think this vote, should be prosponed a fourthnigth, or longer

Then we can cast our votes
The new sounds have the same problem as the old sounds, the way they are generated is a technical marvel - but they sound aweful.

So much so my household wont even let me race TBO's with the new sounds.

Quite often I see people promoting LFS' sound engine and mocking canned sound effects, i'll be honest, this is the first time i've played a game that doesn't have canned sound effects - and i'm yet to see the benefit of not using them, because even with the old LFS sounds, freeware games sound better.

I feel that Scawen needs to sit back from the source code and watch some race videos and play some other race games and really listen to the immersiveness of them. Then try to play LFS and honestly say that the new sounds dont make him want to press Alt-F4 bloody quickly.
#28 - Davo
All the cars I don't drive sound better. In fact I'd say the turbo xrt and fxo sounds are better, UFR sounds better and the FZ5 and LX6 are amazing and more cars shoudl sound like them. A lot of cars sound better, but then there's others that sound like they're from the 80s electric keyboard. I'm sticking with U30 for now becuase I'm used to the sounds and I use them as much as the visual aids when playing. To me the LFS sounds arent' as realistic, but the feedback they offer is excellent o I've never been a fan of CSR. I think people that want more sampeld sounds that are realistic are the unhappy ones, I'm happy with what we have and seeing it's only a test patch with some new sounds I can't wait for what's to come.
simple q.
What is the reason for making special game's sound engine on purpose to get rid of the samples first, and then work on making it sounds as close to samples as possible.

If anyone thinks there is logic in doing so, compare CSR sounds and oryginal...

ps. synthesis will not provide as good sound as samples , deal with it.
U want a good synthetic sounds?? > it takes cpu power, but still U will not get as good sounds as samples. Simple as that
(sorry if it is hard to understand the message - my english lacks)
Quote from Dupson :simple q.
What is the reason for making special game's sound engine on purpose to get rid of the samples first, and then work on making it sounds as close to samples as possible.

If anyone thinks there is logic in doing so, compare CSR sounds and oryginal...

ps. synthesis will not provide as good sound as samples , deal with it.
U want a good synthetic sounds?? > it takes cpu power, but still U will not get as good sounds as samples. Simple as that
(sorry if it is hard to understand the message - my english lacks)

it probably wont sound as good in the near future but it will yield a hell of a lot more inforamtion on what the engine is actually doing and how you should modulate the throttel
Quote from Shotglass :it probably wont sound as good in the near future but it will yield a hell of a lot more inforamtion on what the engine is actually doing and how you should modulate the throttel

Precisely stated
old because new are hopeless :thumbsdow
i love the sound of the LX6 as u are letting off the throttle, braking and shifting down! sounds great a real step forward. i cant believe u guys are gettin so upset its just a test patch! the F1 car will be improved and everythin
Some sounds already are fixed, but scawen just hasn't released the new patch yet because there are other issues which need to be sorted with U32 first.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Some sounds already are fixed, but scawen just hasn't released the new patch yet because there are other issues which need to be sorted with U32 first.

How do you know? 0.o
Does the Soundsystem that works in LFS has the Potential to sound more accurate than the Sample-Sounds Engine?

I understand the idea and goal of LFS Sound System and find it interesting. But how far away are we from a System that not only generates Sounds 'on the fly', but also actually sounds as good or better than samples-generated sound?
#38 - Vain
1. Yes, LFS's approach has the potential to sound better than sample sounds. Estimated time of arrival: An optimistic guess would be 2009.
2. I found a solution to the new sounds: Switch them off.
Just take off your headphones or switch off your sound system. I tried it. It made me a lot more consistant, because my head didn't expect the car's sound to behave realistically anymore.

Quote from aoun : No good... the MRT5 sounds like a vacum cleaner!!

I thought the exact same thing when I tried it

I voted U32, because I feel it's an improvement, I just hate the turbo sound, it's so high. I used to have trouble hearing it, now I hear it all the time. But overall I like it.
really dont like the fzr sounds and cant hear the skidding... roll on newer and better versions...
Shouldn't this be in the test patch forum, since it's about a test patch feature?
Must confess, and I NEVER thought I'd hear myself saying this, the old sounds are better, new ones sound even more synthetic than before.

It's nice that there is a change, and it's a step in the right direction, but I personally prefer the old sounds.
generated vs sampled
Some are comparing generated sound to sampled in just one dimension.

I like the mention of listening to a race and then comparing it to LFS. Imagine both are recorded digitally, then picture a segment of audio 0.1 seconds long in high detail: the generated sound doesn't come close to the richness and perfection of the sampled sound. It's lumpy and mechanical. It's plain wrong in some places. Ewww.

But then compare two 2 hour long audio segments. The recording of the actual race will have thousands of individually recognizable seperate "sounds" as defined by humans: a misfire, an exhaust note, a car coming over a crest. A bale of hay flipping around after being hit, the separate pieces of straw each scraping on the ground.

IMO, what LFS aims for is to capture more of the breadth of sounds, a whole other dimension to the game than the precise immitation of real race sounds.

A sample for a piece of straw scraping on the ground is overkill. Besides, even if you wanted to sample everything down to that level, you couldn't get a fraction of the sounds possible. You would be binding yourself down to a particular instance of racing. Simulating a race in another country, where instead of bales of hay we're talking wooden barrels, would mean more sampling.

No, the LFS way means that as the physics engine evolves, the sound generated by the game actually improves. That's novel.
#44 - Vain
Quote from danowat :Must confess, and I NEVER thought I'd hear myself saying this, the old sounds are better, new ones sound even more synthetic than before.

Well, 45% of all people who voted think the same. I mean, we all came here because we liked LFS. We enjoyed it. And 45% of those people, who are severely biased pro-LFS and pro-Scawen, say that the new sounds suck.

I don't even want to know how the figures would look in an unbiased community.

Oh just shut it Vain.
Quote from Becky Rose :The new sounds have the same problem as the old sounds, the way they are generated is a technical marvel - but they sound aweful.

Quite often I see people promoting LFS' sound engine and mocking canned sound effects, i'll be honest, this is the first time i've played a game that doesn't have canned sound effects - and i'm yet to see the benefit of not using them, because even with the old LFS sounds, freeware games sound better.

Last time I checked, LFS was a simulator. People should understand that even though the sounds aren't as real as sampled sounds, you know exactly what the car is doing based on the sounds.

Right now I vote for the older sounds. Unless something can be done to make these sounds sound more like real engines then there's no rush to get a tranny whine in there just because ISI has it. Who cares. I'd rather see physics and graphics updates. Nice job on the test patches nonetheless. Much appreciated.
Quote from BlakjeKaas :How do you know? 0.o

Because HE SAID SO...

Quote from Scawen :
So there's no need to try and convince me of this. It's been said so many times now, and I've already agreed to do it. In fact I've already done it in my version.

Quote from George Kuyumji :I understand the idea and goal of LFS Sound System and find it interesting. But how far away are we from a System that not only generates Sounds 'on the fly', but also actually sounds as good or better than samples-generated sound?

Unfortunatelly, i think we are far far away from having the synthetic sounds to SOUND like a real car.
As i mentioned in some CSR threads... i really, i mean really, drive the same, or better with CSR than without it, so i really don't hear those advanced synthetic sounds that are suppose to make me faster and more informativier..
I am not saying to go with the samples heard in for example ISI/simbin simulations, where only if you are holding full throtlle, it sounds great, but when you are not pressing full, it is horrible, like you are not pressing the trhottle at all..
I think a perfect solution, and i mean PERFECT solution would be, for Scawen to get in contact with Yamakawa, and make the ultimate sounds for LFS.. CSR, the way it is now is great, BUT it LFS engine IS hearable, and i want it to be hearable in the background, but not like this. They are mixed now, and the result is strange, it gives me headeches after a longer period of driving.
That is my 2 cents, and i really think that it would be the ultimate solution.
Yamakawa's awesome way of sampling(not like in other sims, here, you can actually hear the difference beatween 20, 30, 40.. 100% throtlle) + Scawens help and we would have the best sounds in sim racing..
Quote from sgt.flippy : I just hate the turbo sound, it's so high.

Have you ever stood next to a screaming turbocharger, or driven a turbocharged car with the intake restriction BS removed?
#50 - Goop
I like the new sound of the FOX; it sounds meatier, ballsier.... louder.

Of course, that could be due to me having the sound turned up I got a PB at a track I'm typically useless at, too. Might have been the extra laps, set tweaking, but I think some of it was the information the new sounds provide... particularly the dif. I didn't find the other car sounds as convincing, tho.

I like where LFS has been taken in the 4+ years I've watched it, so I'm pretty confident Scavier will work it out :up: No vote.

What engine sound is better?
(66 posts, started )