Stats over the last two days (they update at midnight in whatever timezone the server is so I dont have todays stats yet)
Distinct hosts served: 780
Data transferred: 128.05 gigabytes
Downloads since 1st December
1202 78.91% Dec/ 4/06 10:20 PM /movies/STCC4-TouringCars-MQ.wmv
617 7.64% Dec/ 4/06 11:32 PM /movies/STCC4-TouringCars-LQ.wmv
112 0.71% Dec/ 4/06 11:23 PM /movies/STCC_R4_T3.wmv
92 0.20% Dec/ 4/06 11:42 PM /movies/STCC_R4_T1.wmv
85 0.38% Dec/ 4/06 9:01 PM /movies/STCC_R4_T2.wmv
35 5.14% Dec/ 4/06 5:53 PM /movies/STCC3-TouringCars-MQ.wmv
23 4.31% Dec/ 4/06 11:39 PM /movies/STCC1-TouringCars-MQ.wmv
19 2.39% Dec/ 4/06 5:02 PM /movies/STCC2-TouringCars-MQ.wmv
6 Dec/ 3/06 11:24 AM /movies/RacersCantDrift.wmv
5 0.15% Dec/ 4/06 4:54 AM /movies/STCC2-TouringCars-LQ.wmv
4 0.14% Dec/ 4/06 5:22 AM /movies/STCC3-TouringCars-LQ.wmv
3 Dec/ 1/06 11:06 PM /movies/STCC_Preview.wmv
2 0.01% Dec/ 3/06 11:25 AM /movies/STCC_R3_T2.wmv
2 0.01% Dec/ 1/06 2:23 PM /movies/STCC1-TouringCars-LQ.wmv
1 Dec/ 2/06 3:07 AM /movies/STCC_R3_T1.wmv
Add You Tube & Google and we're basically on 2000 viewers for round 4 after the first 2 days. However you must remember these are weekend days, and experience has tought me that when you release things into the public domain and advertise via forum weekend days are the quietest - people do things at the weekend, people browse the web when they are at work
