The online racing simulator
Well, I wouldn't have gotten my order til late late until today I called FrontierPC and went apeshit, and the guy knocked 5$ off, and said I was moved to the front of the line, and if they didn't recieve them tomorrow like they should (and if they do, I get one of those) then he'll cancel it for me and I can order from elsewhere.
just finished the first prototype of my G25 280mm to MOMO 350mm conversion.

*picture has been edited to hide the coupling device*

i will reveal it when i am completely done with the unit.

i will say that this does give a very very different feel to the G25, i think its alot smoother, less roughness even when using 200% force in game. the weight of the MOMO 350mm is nearly the same as the 280mm, if not lighter (god damn was i suprised that the G25 wheel was so heavy). so i dont think its causing any extra stress. alloy > steel.

all comments are welcomed and very much appreciated. if you guess what i used to make my hub you win a cookie.
very good stuff Panda, but why hide the coupling device?
Because it isnt finished yet - when it is you will get some pics!
Quote from Jakg :Because it isnt finished yet - when it is you will get some pics!

most definitly! thanks much for the comments, but yeah its hidden because its not that pretty. lol. it works though. function over form. hahah. ill try to get some video of me playing with it.

ah this is very very nice, now i hope santa brings me that dell 30 inch i want, lol or i could buy it after.

well im also going to start on my shifter project, im making a shifter "frame" out of some old R/C parts, hopefully i can get the right feel down first, before i try to implement any of the electronics.
Quote from Panda :just finished the first prototype of my G25 280mm to MOMO 350mm conversion.

Looking nice already. I hope you finish the mod soon so we can see close ups of the coupling device. I'm wondering how you fixed the MOMO to the G25.
Quote :i will say that this does give a very very different feel to the G25, i think its alot smoother, less roughness even when using 200% force in game. the weight of the MOMO 350mm is nearly the same as the 280mm, if not lighter (god damn was i suprised that the G25 wheel was so heavy). so i dont think its causing any extra stress. alloy > steel.

This surprises me. I expected the MOMO to be quite a bit heavier. Of course it's meant for racing so it should be light, but the G25 is just a toy. The MOMO should be a lot sturdier.
my second prototype design, its completely different from the other one in terms of mounting. this one was really easy, as you can see from the picture all it is, is the G25s cover, fitted on to the "horn button" hole of the MOMO.

Guys, can someone tell me, i searched through threads, but can't find the answer.
Is there a way to loosen up the brake pedal, without loosing the warranty?
Unscrewing anything or taking apart any of the parts to the G25 will void the warranty. There is no way to tinker with the strength of the pedals from the outside, you have to open it up, and replace the spring which is housed inside the red plastic sleeve.
Although I like the look, Panda, one thing worries me... Can you still use the paddles without overstretching your fingers or compromising the grip on the wheel?

I still have an unused Formula Force and DFP here, so I'm going to try some combining/modding to them to get the G25 ultimate... Which basically is a G25 with information leds, an axis handbrak and some other stuff I can think of while breaking the other wheels
Quote from Tweaker :Unscrewing anything or taking apart any of the parts to the G25 will void the warranty. There is no way to tinker with the strength of the pedals from the outside, you have to open it up, and replace the spring which is housed inside the red plastic sleeve.

Ok, thanks, i asked in my friends name, i don't own the wheel myself.
So, what do others think about the brake pedal, he complains that the brake pedal is to strong, and that the gas and brake pedal are way to separated. I don't see that from the screenshot, it looks ok to me...
If you're on a hardwood floor with an office chair that has wheels, then you're going to have quite some problems. The spring on the brake pedal is rather strong and if you have to press it while trying not to push yourself away from the table (especially tricky when pressing brake + clutch pedal) it can get quite 'exhausting' to operate.

It is much better if you put on shoes and/or brace your chair against something, so that you can actually push with your whole leg like in a real car, instead of using just the foot with the heel resting on the base.
As Android states, it's more a problem of your typical office/bedroom environment not being up to scratch for decent racesim hardware, rather than the spring being too strong. After a couple of weeks the brake pedal feels quite natural now.
the paddles are still reasonably close, and i have short ass fingers. lol. i drive the XRT pretty exclusivly so its not a big deal for me.

to the other guy up above, why would you want the brake looser? this really isnt that stiff.
Quote from Panda :to the other guy up above, why would you want the brake looser? this really isnt that stiff.

As i said, i don't know how stiff it is, i don't have the G25. Guy from our local forum said how he thinks the brake is so stiff, and it bothers him.
Maybe people are too used to this no resistance plastic sh*t that previous wheels have, so this is stiff to them. I personaly like the idea that brake is more stiffer.
As Android said, people have to brake with full legg, not just the foot, that's how you do it in RL, and that's how it should be done, but we are spoiled by previous plastic junk of pedals.
yeah, one thing i noticed when was that the pedals of my dfp were pretty light compared to all of the rl cars i've been in
I agree. Our minds have been ruined by microsoft, logitech and other plastic crap wheels. When I got this wheel I was seriously doubting myself if I should keep it because of the braking pedal, noisy steer and the cheap feeling gear thingie. But I kept it and i'm very happy with it. I only still suck with heel & toe. Whenever I have to do that I'm starting to make funny movements and weird faces....
btw, real race cars have even heavier pedals, so be glad logitech didnt put a heavier spring in.
I think they should have, then we can show off our ripped calf muscles to all the ladys :P
Alrighty, my G25 arrived today and I'm just coming back from my first 2 hours test run.

The wheel itself is simply amazing. Super smooth FF, nice grip and I immediatly fell in love with the completely linear steering It's much easier now to make small corrections mid-corner.

I still have to get used to using the clutch+shifter setup. Gotta get my brain's two hemispheres in synch It's going pretty well though, and I feel confidend that I'll be able to break my old BL1/XRT PB soon.
Heel-toeing especially is a challenge. Tried it a couple of times but then gave up because I was afraid of cutting my bare feet on the pedals' sharp edges. The shifter paddles on the wheel aren't sharp at all, though.
There's one bad stiching in the leather where the ring finger rests. Should be ok though.

And and I can't get the shifter into R... it just keeps on putting it in 5th. Any ideas?

I think we should start a 720*/clutch/shifter league. Who's in?

P.S. My wheel makes the same noise both directions. It's not exactly quiet but I can live with it....
Quote from tpa :And and I can't get the shifter into R... it just keeps on putting it in 5th. Any ideas?

Errr, reverse is "below" the 6th gear
Quote from AndroidXP :Errr, reverse is "below" the 6th gear

Yeah, I know that. I was driving the GTI which has only 5 gears so it kept on switching to 5th. When I drive a car with 6 gears it shifts into 6th instead of R...
Then your shift unit could be broken.

If you go to the LFS options > controls and simply engage some gears, what are the numbers that show up? It should be:
1st: 8
2nd: 9
3rd: 10
4th: 11
5th: 12
6th: 13
Rev: 14

If both 6th and Rev result in 13, then your shifter is faulty. Someone else had that problem too, and I don't know if a DIY fix has been found yet.
A league wouldnt be such a bad idea, but I think it would involve alot of crashes in hairpins because of the heel and toe required for braking
But i do gradually get better at it. I usually practice on cops and robbers servers btw.
Quote from Thorvertonian :DABS ARE CRAP!

Dabs has been put back another 2 weeks, been on the phone to them and got some information out of them, everyone who has ordered with Dabs, wouldn't expect your wheels for another 4 weeks!!!!

I cancelled my order with them and ordered from another website and have been gaurenteed delivery by Tuesday! Dabs are appauling, and I will not be using them again! I recommend everyone with an order with dabs look elsewehere!

I need to say a nice word to counter this. I ordered my G25 through in October, and it arrived on Nov 8. UK £155 inc tax.

I have bought 5r just about all my computer related hardware through dabs for the past 4 years, and have never had a problem.

ive had my g25 for awhile (since it came out) and i just love it. nothing but improvement since i hooked it up