The online racing simulator
Quote from AndroidXP :Yes, and it also supports 2.0 shaders (which is the important part).


Many thanks!!
RaceDoctor and frANZi: You got mail...
Any chance for one of those invites being sent by a kind, enlightened soul at kitoax at ? I'd even appreciate one from you guys.
pm me if you want invite. only if you have a directx 9 card.
Quote from xaotik :Any chance for one of those invites being sent by a kind, enlightened soul at kitoax at ? I'd even appreciate one from you guys.

i have 5 - PM me for some!
Yes, I did...
yeah thats why people should just pm requests. cus i sent him one as well and now i only have 4 requests i can send out.
Quote from AndroidXP :I hope so, because yes, I am behind a router.

The new version seems to fix the NAT/router issues by using a specific port (5341) which you may need to open.

I only had time for a quick check last night and it seemed to work ok.
Thanks, I already got it running on Monday.
Thanks bbman and Gabkicks! However now I got one extra - so I'll just forward it to anyone who'll send me a PM.
Took a while to download everything, for some reason i was only 100kb/s. I know my system isn't brillant:-

Athlon 3000 running @ 2.2
512 ram
fx 5900 128 ram gpu

(runs lfs perfectly)

BUT still averaged 30fps and seemed ok
I'm comparing it to lfs and nkp as i'm driving around.
The online aspect was ok, however there are some stutters when people leave/join.

The start sequence caught me out. I was just finishing quali when i spun, so whacked it into reverse, at the same time the grid formed and i was flying backwards on the grid!!!!
Good to see you have to control the car on the grid ie you cant have it in gear flat out as you would jump the start. All about reactions!!

Just about got used to the track, there are some tricky corners which tighten up on you, lots of sliding/drifting in the FF1800's.
The steering seemed a little vague to me, but thats probably a setup issue. I'm using a dfp and had trouble catching the car. It felt like trying to catch a slide in the xrt whereas i thought it would be similar to the FOX. Downshifting too soon spins you round very easily, i'm quite an expert!!

There is no car like the FF1800 in LFS, but I couldn't help wondering whether LFS would do it better. I'm sure the DEVs for DR have lots of physics updates planned so looking forward to seeing those.

Alot of people moan about the LFS sounds, but they still are more informative than these, but that'll change i suspect.

At this very early stage, i'm quite impressed, perhaps NKP could learn from this?

My 2p

Yeah, the cars feel very slidy with the rear end liking to step out here and there, but that might be due to my habit of LFB'ing everywhere. True, there is no car that comes close in LFS, so the only direct comparison would be nKP. The latter ofcourse has much better graphics, but its FF with the added exaggerated/canned effects is already worse than DR's, in my opinion. While DR's FF seemed a bit sluggish/lagging at times, it was atleast possible to control the car *after* losing traction.

Yet still, LFS is king by far, but DR is impressive, especially considering its early development stage. The only thing a bit weird seemed to be the interface (and the torrent-like downloading of files) and while the download failure was frustrating, it wasn't anywhere near as catastrophic as nKP's menu

LFS >>>>>>>>> DR >>> nKP >>>>>>>>> [...] >>>>>>>>> rFactor, GTR, etc.
Quote from AndroidXP :Yeah, the cars feel very slidy with the rear end liking to step out here and there, but that might be due to my habit of LFB'ing everywhere. True, there is no car that comes close in LFS, so the only direct comparison would be nKP. The latter ofcourse has much better graphics, but its FF with the added exaggerated/canned effects is already worse than DR's, in my opinion. While DR's FF seemed a bit sluggish/lagging at times, it was atleast possible to control the car *after* losing traction.

Yet still, LFS is king by far, but DR is impressive, especially considering its early development stage. The only thing a bit weird seemed to be the interface (and the torrent-like downloading of files) and while the download failure was frustrating, it wasn't anywhere near as catastrophic as nKP's menu

LFS >>>>>>>>> DR >>> nKP >>>>>>>>> [...] >>>>>>>>> rFactor, GTR, etc.

The other odd thing i noticed was HOW BADLY i drove in LFS afterwards!!!
WTF. Thankfully back to normal now!!
Stop reviewing DR like it was a finished game. LFS isn't finished either but DR doesn't even have a version number because it is SO unfinished.
yeah i feel the same way deggis. this is why beta is invite only
Quote from Driver's Republic Alpha Test Intro Screen :
The main purpose of this test is to see how well the multiplayer and in-game file transfer systems perform when tested on a larger scale.

Only thing I can really say about it is that for the purpose it exists, this test works quite well.

Known issues aside, the multiplayer code is pretty playable and the file transfer worked out just fine - didn't have many seeders, which is to be expected currently, but it was pretty smooth, quick and hassle-free. We'll just have to wait and see what's in store in the future for this.
what is the DRAT?
Quote from mrfell :Downshifting too soon spins you round very easily, i'm quite an expert!!

I don't believe the clutch is implemented yet so gear changes are a bit abrupt.

Quote from AndroidXP :Yeah, the cars feel very slidy with the rear end liking to step out here and there, but that might be due to my habit of LFB'ing everywhere. ... While DR's FF seemed a bit sluggish/lagging at times, it was atleast possible to control the car *after* losing traction.

The standard setup does need a little tweeking, especially to get it stable under brakes. The FF (for me) in DR is the best I've felt in any sim. I've got a DFP and had to adjust the FF effect from 1.4 to 2.4 to get a stronger feeling.

Quote from AndroidXP :The only thing a bit weird seemed to be the interface (and the torrent-like downloading of files) and while the download failure was frustrating, it wasn't anywhere near as catastrophic as nKP's menu

The interface is crappy and will unfortunately turn off a few people I'm sure. LFS certainly has a great sensible interface that's for sure. The torrent-like downloading of files serves one very good purpose and that is the sharing of modded material and keeping everyone up-to-date with any changes to a particular mod. No mismatches that plagues rFactor.
Quote from deggis :Stop reviewing DR like it was a finished game. LFS isn't finished either but DR doesn't even have a version number because it is SO unfinished.

Quote from Gabkicks :yeah i feel the same way deggis. this is why beta is invite only

Easy tiger...

I stated in my test it was at an early stage of development, they are just my observations at this time.

I know what they are asking as far as the netcode is concerned and that the physics side will be updated, but as I've driven other sims, I can't help but compare to what else is out there.

IMHO, given its EARLY stage of development, DR is turning out to be very good.

Looking forward to its next stage of development.
ermm have i missed something? I am no longer able to log into driver republic due to a version mismatch error? Is there a new version that I have missed somewhere?
Use the link in your invitation eMail to get the new version.
