The online racing simulator
Team Rock Racing [ Flame War ]
(365 posts, closed, started )
The world is amazing!
WTF !!!! ... d=109245&d=1286034683


You should be banned from the LFS forum.
Have any idea what that disease means for people who have it or next of kin ?
You really are a moran. Whats the excuse now ? Again drunk ?

This is the most disrespectfull post I have ever seen on a forum.
It shouldnt be tolerated at all !!!!

Quote from rockclan :I will just get back to my bottle of vodka before I kill myself,

You really are a sick person and you need help.
I think Walter Lemmens got drunk (no offense)
Quote from PoVo :I think Walter Lemmens got drunk (no offense)

Saying you're drunk makes you look cool (read fool) on the internet.
Quote from rockclan :Ey female, man what ever you are.

I'm having SO much fun atm, you wouldn't want to know.

Killing yourself is fun?
Quote from niels1 :
You should be banned from the LFS forum.

Totaly agreed, there are kids reading this forum, I hope mods are fair and give him punishment he deserve! I actualy laugh at him and enjoy funnies he provided(sponsors etc.), but this has gone over any good taste!
Quote from Ales_M :Totaly agreed, there are kids reading this forum, I hope mods are fair and give him punishment he deserve! I actualy laugh at him and enjoy funnies he provided(sponsors etc.), but this has gone over any good taste!

omg saw this first know --' wtf u mean man my mom died cause off cancer and its not a thing u can make fun with
Quote from ElonB13 :omg saw this first know --' wtf u mean man my mom died cause off cancer and its not a thing u can make fun with

Im sorry for u. BTW Rockclan, u started with a team that went u turned into a pile of cow poopoo. What the hell happend to ya? Too much of old friend Jack Daniels? Dude u gotta straighten up and settle the F down. But im not here to talk what u should do am i. So ill just sit back and relax...
Quote from ElonB13 :omg saw this first know --' wtf u mean man my mom died cause off cancer and its not a thing u can make fun with

Stop lying your mom was laughing at your driving yesterday when we were on teamspeak.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Stop lying your mom was laughing at your driving yesterday when we were on teamspeak.

Guys you can stop with the spamming now, its official, Rockclan is an idiot....Period
does my dad sound like my mom werid ..
Obviously we should leave this poor soulless child to sit and rot in his own little ****ed up thread. Clearly taking things too far has now killed the humour to this thread and has brought disgust and hatered. A comment like that just leaves you speechless and really leaves me questioning his morals. Time has come to shut this down before he embarrases himself any further.
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)
dont play with other lifes you idiots
Quote from 91mason91 :Obviously we should leave this poor soulless child to sit and rot in his own little ****ed up thread. Clearly taking things too far has now killed the humour to this thread and has brought disgust and hatered. A comment like that just leaves you speechless and really leaves me questioning his morals. Time has come to shut this down before he embarrases himself any further.

Are you suggesting a mod go housecleaning on these posts? If so, I'm with you.
Rofl, this is funnier then The inevitable picture thread!

Quote from TRR website :Written by Dubstep Saturday, 02 October 2010 20:14 Hello -TRR- Members,

Rocky7up our leader, will not leave the team. He decided to keep in here.

posted 5 hours after he has written on the site he left.
Quote from Bose321 :Rofl, this is funnier then The inevitable picture thread!

posted 5 hours after he has written on the site he left.

Ah puberty
Quote from TehPaws3D :Are you suggesting a mod go housecleaning on these posts? If so, I'm with you.

Can't you read women? But yea it should be cleaned up or closed. It's gone far enough and all you are doing is tormenting a troubled teenager and ofcourse hee will take it one step too far.
Then stop spamming this thread!
The Guys Have no "Hobbys"?
Quote from cyclo :dont play with other lifes you idiots

Either don't take teh internet so serious, idiot, or don't be an idiot in the first place.
Looks like moderators are OK, with wishin cancer to someone! Thumbs up
I go and keep my 12 yo nephew away from this forum...
This thread is closed

Team Rock Racing [ Flame War ]
(365 posts, closed, started )