The online racing simulator
You all remember this

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Oh god lol
Quote from Töki (HUN) :

That's not even funny, I wanted to put a 500 euro bill on my bank card, but I couldn't resize it or anything
Quote from sgt.flippy :That's not even funny, I wanted to put a 500 euro bill on my bank card, but I couldn't resize it or anything

it doesn't work with cs1 and older versions, and you can use gimp for that
Quote from sgt.flippy :That's not even funny, I wanted to put a 500 euro bill on my bank card, but I couldn't resize it or anything

Paint.NET / GIMP / GimpShop will work for u
i dont know the last one but i have to agree with this.

even the germans have one!
Nah, Nora doesn't fit that scheme
haha, and who would accept banknotes scanned into photoshop and printed out?
I laughed of that email, "mating sea lions" ahaa!


Advertising fail in today's (?) Metro
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What's worse is that in GCSE english we had to 'FAP' and 'PAP' on our work. 'FAP' stood for 'Form, Audience, Purpose'. But the mental damage has already been done.
Quote from Mp3 Astra

Even if FAP does stand for that, it's still a fail. :-P
That's Facefolder, must be a new site.
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The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )