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S3 licensed
thanks again. lol
S3 licensed
thanks, got that much done, and i am working on the crash thing. Nothing major, i just overlooked the fact that when my program searches for the "lfs.rtc" file, if it cant find it it crashes. So ill make it create an empty file on load, problem solved.
Last edited by stevewhite, .
S3 licensed
oh no, it wasnt mean. Im just expecting it to come. Like "why dont this work, what a POS!" where would i put the form.unload?
sorry, now that i read it again, it did seem pointed at you even though i must assure you it wasnt. I value your opinion and am working to fix these errors.
Last edited by stevewhite, .
S3 licensed
Thanks for the feedback. Like i said, it was a way for me to learn vb6, it is the first thing i have ever made and i am sure there are meny things i could fix. I will try to fix these things that you have picked up on. Any constructive feedback is welcome, however if you're gonna be mean about it, just dont use my program.
S3 licensed
sorry it doesnt actually change the track and car when you launch the game. Id have no idea how to change that. Id have to talk to scawen probably. That was just an independant project of mine to learn some vb6 skills. I will look into having the program change the car and track if there is interest in it. IMO it is better then the online one because you dont need to load your web browser, and go through all of that trouble.
Random Track Car combo generator (UPDATE) April 20
S3 licensed
This program is now complete. Loads all cars and tracks and saves lists. Read all the files included in the zip file as they are very improtant. Make sure to back up your cfg.txt file in your lfs folder. Enjoy! Wiht the new rtccg4, the track randomization will occur on first click.

April 20th 2007, can now load setups before entering the game. Enjoy!
Last edited by stevewhite, . Reason : UPDATE!
S3 licensed
i got the g25 and i must say its not really worth the money. Not to say it isnt the best thing to happen to LFS sence s2, but it is very expensive. When i think of the other things i could have gotten,i don't know. I do love my g25, i would have rathered have some fake leather ect insted of having to pay over 300 bucks cnd for it. Oh well, better then my old "wheel". (logitech mx 1000)
S3 licensed
id rather get everthing at once. sure the wait my be long, but there is NOTHING seriously wrong with the game and it just plays perfectly. Id rather wait until big patches are made, because its more of a shock and awe.
S3 licensed
nah, its clean. I have tried everything... im just gonna put up with it. I put the graphics to the bare minimum. the absolute lowest i could and still got barely 20fps with a few cars. i only lose 10 fps from highest to lowest quality settings with out aa and af. and lose maybe 20-30 fps when alone and with others.
S3 licensed
my girl friends laptop has the 200m and a celeron 370 with 512mb ddr ram, and can play lfs better then mine. It just confuses me.

Quote from Linsen :@stevewhite: what are your AA and AF settings? Do you have draw distance set to minimum and dynamic lod reduction to maximum?

no aa or af here. and draw distance is set to 80m... on my desktop i have an athlon 3400+ and an x800xl overclocked slightly (because the x800xl's cant oc for shit) and i get anywhere from 50-160fps depending on track and grid. Thats with 6xaa and 16xaf. res at 1280x1024 everything maxed out in lfs.
Last edited by stevewhite, .
S3 licensed
the reason im asking this is because my laptop cant handel having a lot of cars on the sceen at the same time... it has 1gig of ddr2 ram so i doubt thats the problem. It has the xpress 1100 chipset and graphics from ati. full detail at 1280x800x32 will rarely drop below 30 fps. however when there are a few cars on the screen, im lucky to get 14 fps. i dumbed down the detal and resolution in the game and get higher framerates when alone but the same in with a bunch of cars. I have the turion tl-50. And im guessing its the low l2 cache, having only 256k per core, i dont think it can handle the heavy physics load. If i could run lfs on both cores, im guessing it would fix the problem completly. any thoughts?
S3 licensed
if im not mistaken... somewhere in these forums someone (maybe scawen himself) said that the flying barrier problem could not be fixed because it will cause a dramatic drop in frame rates. I know that we dont need multi-threading for graphics. i just think that this will enable the devs to raise the realism of the physics to the next level. Things like flying bumpers and mufflers and exploding engines, aswell as more precise physics.

... i always thought the graphics card was what gave you the greatest gain in FPS... not your processor. If you have a q6800 and a fx 5200 your frame rate will still suck.
multi-threading to be used in LFS?
S3 licensed
I just got a dual core laptop and was wondering if the devs are going to make lfs a multi-threaded game anytime soon. I know there is a lot of work for this but in the new year and the year after i forcast 99% gamers will have dual core computers. Just imagine the physics advantages of being able to use more then one processor in lfs... finally i wont sore into the sky when hitting a barrier at 50km/h.

p.s. i am sorry if i am repeating what has already been said but i am in a hurry to be going out for newyears, and didnt search.
S3 licensed
imo, the tires have to be heated up to achieve a lot of smoke very quickly... in nascar, when a car spins they get a lot of smoke because: 1 they are probably going near 175 mph, and 2 their tires are already heated up.
S3 licensed
mine was sneaky monkey drifters... ah the good old days...
Banned from 3 servers!
S3 licensed
I am now baned from 3 servers because of the same guy for no reason whatso ever! it fustrates me to not be able to go into my favorite server because one guy called me a rammer, even though i am not... not at all. my point is that there should be a different banning system... something more lustifiable. i saw in an old thread about the idea of a points/rating system, where racers can defend themselves, insted of being banned just because some idiot dont like you.
Last edited by stevewhite, .
New logitech G25
S3 licensed ... CRID=2217,CONTENTID=11867
I dont know about you guys, but i think this is the ultimate live for speed wheel. I just hope they add the option of a stalling engine asap.
S3 licensed
about 130 at 1280x1024 with maxed out lod. about 70 when 6xaa and 16x trilinear af are enabled.

X800xl AGP oc'ed to 415 and 560 (390 and 490 default)
amd athlon 3400+ S745
1 GB pc3200 RAM
200 gig seagate 7200.8 rpm HDD
Sound Blaster audigity 4 se
Logitech mx1000
Logitech Z5300e
S3 licensed
it usually drops the connection waaaaaay before it reaches that high.
S3 licensed
that was the first and last time it happened... i have never had a problem with the game or my video card before this.
S3 licensed
this is the first time in the three months ive had my video card overclocked that i have had this happen... i really doubt it is my videocard... ive tested it in many programs and it is very stable at the speed it is on. runs fine in cs:source, ut2004, quake3/4, ect.
im not sure if this is a bug
S3 licensed
not sure if this is a bug but i thought i'd post a pic to see what you guys think... no its not artifacts. my vc is overclocked... dont laugh fx 5200 but i stuck a fan on the passive cooler and it runs cool. I was just racing in single player on bl gp for maybe 5 minutes... when i went to the pits that is what i saw, left the pit and went back and was still there. kinda weird. maybe someone else has seen similar?
Last edited by stevewhite, .
S3 licensed
i dont think this game will ever be a final as such, because the dev's will just keep adding to what they have made. Eventually there will be S3, which one can only begin to imagine about.
S3 licensed
Anymore surprises in the viewer?
S3 licensed
Ive seen people saying there is an "evening" button in the viewer... maybe there is more to the game then the evening