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S3 licensed
I checked it and it's now released for PSN
S3 licensed
Guys, a demo has been released on xbl, don't think psn has it yet but go check it out. It's got 3 missions, 1 cop chase, 1 team race and some mission that requires you to execute stunts. Multiplayer demo is also coming out next week apparently
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Give it a drive through when you want it to pull into the pits, then spectate it(can't recall of the exact commands for these).

To add:
Drive through penalty: /p_dt (ai name)
Spectate: /spec (ai name)
Since the AI mostly follows the racing line, best to turn on racing line (4) to see where it's heading
S3 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :TVR Tuscan, and a Triumph Dolomite 1500HL ^^.

Was it rolling down a hill by any chance?
S3 licensed
Saw a Red/White Stripe Ford GT on the motorway, unfortunately it was on the other side and it was too fast to catch
At least I heard the engine though, blimey.
S3 licensed
In case anyone asks, the Prizes are money prizes on PCW itself.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
"No, please post reason"
Could you at least stop clogging up the improvement suggestions with useless threads plus post pointless yes/no polls?
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Cheap fills the need and is sweet, just like i like my Women!

Well I never knew
I've got a Minichamp Mercedes Benz SLK model with a folding roof!
Something like this:

However, it's black.
Edit: Also if I could I would buy this (it's purchasable, check out his channel for more models)
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
I can't think why that car got stolen anyway - nothing special tbh
Edit: It's almost special as a Midget getting stoen :rolleyes:
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
Ah thank you, never knew it was in bugs thread.
S3 licensed
I was fairly sure you can get past the limit of 20 ai drivers, now where was the thread?
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :Is that really your best shot at a dig at Sly Sports? Chris Kamara is a brilliant laugh -

No I wasn't even digging, was only imagining a F1 race commentated by Chris Kamara
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndRand :Quick valuation

New crash junction record!
S3 licensed
forgot to attach?
S3 licensed
More pics from me, few photo travel shots and some photo mode shots including all the RM cars I've got so far
(cba to post each pic seperately, there's about 45! :schwitz
S3 licensed
Not sure why I'm getting a vision of a F1 race broadcasted by Sky with commentators like Chris kamara...
Maybe it's just me
S3 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius :if wolves are stuck, they teleport to you, when you go further. Or is this removed in new version?

They do but they won't if they are sitting down or if you're swimming under water.
I need to keep my tamed wolf at home when I'm mining, it could easily fall into a lava lake
My wolf just helps me hunt animals/kill monsters (though wolves never attacks creepers)
S3 licensed
Quote from :what the hell has that to do with a racing simulator?

Well the sirens could be part of a safety car but suggestion is useless nonetheless
S3 licensed
No pictures of mods here!
Only functions I can think of are for police in cruise servers and safety cars but that's it I think
S3 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :That is correct, sir.

I've found some just outside my house (near the spawn), so I'm not sure if they have specific place where they spawn. They're just rare to find.

Luckily for me wolves are a common sight where my house is - right in the middle of the dense forest with a few lakes where they love to swim in
Forest biomes are where the wolves are most commonly found
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :are they only one block high so u can do it that way?
ive never seen a wolve in game so i dont know

Yes you could just have a 1 block high hole in your house and they should be able to go through it. You should see loads of wolves in Forests and maybe Taiga biomes.
S3 licensed
Recently found a pack of wolves and tamed one of them! Very helpful that they help kill any monsters or animals that I attack though I think they have difficulty getting through my front door sometimes so I had to make a "dog flap"
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristian K :Sorry, Speed. I understood that message wrong. I edited this and now a question, how I can delete this message?

Click edit and there should be a delete button somewhere and click the bullet point with "Delete Message" then click Delete this Message