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S2 licensed
So in an attempt to divert the subject of conversation, why do people hate poutine?

I mean, it's all about gravy and cheese curds. How much better can it be?

HELL! POUTINE CAN EVEN BE MADE TO COMPLY TO A VEGETARIAN'S STANDARDS!!!!! (considering he's not vegetalian). ... hotos/plate_poutine_1.jpg
Last edited by SamH, . Reason : Converted the image from inline to link. The image exceeded a size that is viewable in most browsers :)
S2 licensed
Yes, but it's pretty crap though.

Try to look at it from an ISI racer's perspective though, LFS doesn't have:

- Real cars
- Real tracks
- Real-sounding samples
- DX9 graphics

Given enough flame from ISI hardcores, those things outweight what LFS does better than ISI games (but are the most important IMO) and scares new racers away:

- Better physics
- Better player input converted to car reaction
- Better output of events through sound
- Better netcode
S2 licensed
Omg, XCNuse, the idea of pixelcars is to make the drawing pixel by pixel without a stencil of any kind. It's all about talent at reproducing something drawing it pixel by pixel
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :The rest is preference.


So I better not see you diss my sweet sweet poutine again, Mr. Stampede!
S2 licensed
Nice teaser indeed. I always enjoy watching the STCC race coverage.

And I think everybody listens to Rob D.
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :Pixel art has nothing to do with drifting.

Pixel art has been there since computer games started, and now is a kind of retro thing. You have high resolution pixel things that look great but they have that retro VGA look

I think it's great.

Yeah, one of my friends is a graphic designer, and his trip is to make pictures using as few different colors as possible. He made a mayan pyramid (an isometric view of maybe 200x200pix) with only 6 different pantone colors...

I'm like, yeah, I understand the challenge, but geez, it's kind of stretching it pretty thin
S2 licensed
Why has pixel drawing become so popular?
S2 licensed
I wanted to take a look at other sims/games. I tried the GTR2 demo, and I dunno, aside the glorious and flashy intro with the quotes about it being the most advanced simulation mankind has ever created (which reminded me of like a moon landing event of some sort, really), I think I did one lap and a half, I had no way to guesstimate my speed and I missed every freaking corner.

Hell, I also bought TOCA 3 and it seems to have a better feeling than GTR2. There's no way I'm going to switch from a game - that runs 50fps on a 4 years old computer - with outstanding physics and great feeling to a game - that has trouble getting over 20fps on MY machine - with average everything.

For people who complain about LFS' sound, get yamakawa's CSR. It changed everything for me, and I'm pretty sure something along those lines will be implemented sometime in LFS.
Last edited by Nard, . Reason : spelling
S2 licensed
First off:

Thanks JasonJ, now I can start CSR, MouseLook, AND LFS in pretty much one click and one keypress.

Also, thanks Electrik Kar, now I can actually hear the tire screeching. I had reverted to not using CSR cause it hindered my driving...

Now everything's fixed!
S2 licensed
I can't find the replay file anymore, but an FOX race at AS National, I was starting 17th on the grid, and I came out of the second hairpin towards the back straight/sweepers in second place, but doing this from the inside, I went up on the curb and put the gas up a tad too fast and spun in the wall. I was just too amazed at the amount of luck and good decisions I made in half a lap to care to lose it all, that was my best moment in LFS ever =)
S2 licensed
I started playing racing games on my Momo racing RFB, but pretty quickly I found out LFB was more precise. I guess when most road cars have automatic clutch/sequential transmissions, LFB will become a more valid technique for racers, but having to use 3 pedals on a manual, it feels a lot more natural (and well, when you're pressing the brakes, you don't want to release it to clutch in, lol) to RFB.

I guess it's just an adaptation...
S2 licensed
Mwell, if you look at the latest version of Fraps (the advantage of being a registered user is that you receive info on patch releases), you'll see they changed that...

Quote :2.8.0 - 20th Oct 2006
- Added full-size video capture up to 2560x1600 for dual core CPUs

provided you have a dual-core ^_^
Last edited by Nard, . Reason : spelling
S2 licensed
Are we ever going to see tire screeching added to CSR so we can totally get rid of any sound directly from LFS? I hate to have to balance everything for every car =P
S2 licensed
I've always based my sets on something that was given to me (usually my sets are named like "coolguy's AS3 mod". But I never beg. Best way to earn a set is to race against good people, try your best, and just not being able to catch them, and some racers are generous enough to notice you're not a dumbass and share their sets. =D
S2 licensed
I love how all the plates say AI 'whatever number'

S2 licensed
just for teh sake of experience, and with my very VERY limited knowledge of german, I was able to create an account, change my passwords, setup my sig, and everything in 5 minutes. i'm sure you can too...


S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I think that the reason the cockpit view is the most realistic one, is because your head in real life would be in that place, you know, my head is not glued to the windshield, or i am sitting on the bonnet, i have to see the dasboard, the wheel, and the hood before i see the road, because that is what you see in the real car. Someone said, what if i make a real cockpit setup, then why wouldn't i put camera at the windshield.. well because it would be unreal, as i said, your head is not at the windshield, there is cockpit, wheel, the sides of the car, the rear view mirrors ahead of you..

Well, if I had a real cockpit, and would use screens and the windshield and windows, I would use custom views, not bonnet or roof views...and those views would be placed at the point where they'd be located in the car. Basicly, if there was a way to divide the display into several different areas and to assign them to different screens, we'd have the perfect simulator. But we don't.
S2 licensed
Oh, it definately is a different class, whenever I'm on the track with player controlled GTRs, there's no way to keep up with the XRR and FZR, but on twistier tracks, it almost is possible to stay on the FXR's tail. Or the FXR is grossly underpowered, or it's overpowered and belongs with the UFR and XFR.

Or maybe it belongs in its own class and needs a counterpart. Two cars in each GTR tier, that'd be something.
S2 licensed
Look, the reason you should be driving from cockpit is cause it's the best view to gauge the width of your car...
The Duel
S2 licensed
Hey guys, I had to make a movie out of this replay, so here it is. There's a thread in general discussions about AI being really poor; well this is a display of the fun that can be had racing them.

This is in no means aimed at showing my driving skills, or how awesome a driving simulator LFS is. This is just a display of the fun that could be had if the XFR was just a bit more powerful. Acceleration and cornering speeds that would make it able to keep up to the more powerful GTR (let's just say the FXR being the overall slower of the three top tier cars) cars would even up the field a bit more and make for even more interesting racing.

This movie was done with optimal setups for each car with a full load of fuel and on high temperature tires. AI had been driving on that course for 50 or so lapŝ when I started to have trouble catching up to them and the racing started to get really interesting.

Hope you like it, and look out for the tire deformations, I really love the effects!

Filefront link: ... /;5974413;;/fileinfo.html
S2 licensed
Look, the AI might be stupid, but I really have fun racing them. It makes practicing more realistic race conditions driving easier. Whenever I hop online and i'm not really good on a track, I get all stressed I'm going to pull noob moves and get yelled at...

So I put a whole grid of AI's and have my fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from KeMoT :Nice movie

If kemot says it's good, I'm getting it


Nice movie man
Last edited by Nard, .
S2 licensed
I liked it. Really short camera times, but it was fast-paced and there were a couple really cool shots.
S2 licensed
No offense, but that movie sucked.

- Poor quality (ok I grant you you just need a better computer to correct that)
- Pretty boring crashes, that involve being a retard who crashes himself or really noobish moves
- Boring or limited camera angles

Pointers for crashes, try to find the ones where someone loses control from being JUST over the edge of control, or pack-crashes, or realistic race incidents. Random singleplayer or multiclass accidents are pretty pointless...