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S2 licensed
LOL...then ur sh*t out of luck
S2 licensed
u still have all ur sets from patch y...just go into LFS/data/settings, change the car names, and copy them into LFS/data/SETUPS...Ta Da, all ur sets are back
S2 licensed
Quote from Tauriss :I have MOMO wheel, and I much liked than g25. g25 its not for lfs, I this its much to rally or somthing.. for lfs I think best is momo wheel

So...uh....having 720º and h-pattern for rally is good?

... and 270º with sequential is good for road racing?

Are u dislexic? cause that is probaly the most backwords phrase ever.
S2 licensed
does a set like that even exist...I think they are using tweak for sumthin?
S2 licensed
doubt it, I bet they have enough german testers that they wont bother to pay to get the wheel all the way over here...intersted to see the first reviews...but still, 350
S2 licensed
torrents...isn't it super easy to get viruses from downloading torents? Escpecially if he doesn't have an virus protection.
S2 licensed
Link doesn't work...and LOL, Are those graphics or RL?
S2 licensed
what wheel? I just got the G25 and it is amazing.
S2 licensed
u CAN read? we already told you that you can't mod the size of the exhaust...the only thing you can do is change the color... If you saw a LFS car with a bigger exhaust then it was photoshopped...

S2 licensed
That was the same problem I had with my madcatz MC2 wheel. The problem lies in the converter, some of them just don't work.. I also had the same converter as you and nothing worked except steering and my shifter..otherwise I had no pedals or buttons.

I take it you have a PS2 controller... Use your converter and plug in the controller. I acutally ended up using my PS3 controller until I got a sidewinder wheel.

Use the right analoge stick for throttle / brake, left one for steering. R1 and L1 for shift up and down.. That is the best setup for racing with a controller for me.
S2 licensed
is there any such hint as to when the patch / test patch is supposed to be released?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I am almost thinking about this, but I am really busy right now. If I have time I might take a look at it, but don't count on it...sorry

One thing about your design specs... I have always found that black backgrounds are hard to make look good (my own personal opinion)...

The only colors you can use for the text are bright colors that don't get blended in with the black. I find these colors (bright red / yellow) make the page looked clutered and old.

I am sure there are alot of cool designs for a black background, but I just think it might be easier to design a site using a different color.
S2 licensed
yah, I have the same question.

Is it faster to double shift or w/e? Like going from 5th to 3rd in one shift.

I can heel-toe fine but whenever I double shift, I drive just as fast and smooth as when I single shift (5 - 4 - 3). Is there any reason to double shift? or is it just easier than shifting down a lot?
S2 licensed
they are the same...only older / with more bugs
S2 licensed
lol....lazy much? But oh well... I am to lazy to link it. Guess we have that in common
S2 licensed
what version of the logitech profile are u guys using? I am using 5.01 I think and the setup screen looks different. I also don't have the "use special steering settings" button?
S2 licensed
I got a problem.

I downloaded the program, works great. I typed in the /insim 10000 and it worked. Then I tried to use my CSR sounds again, and now CSR isn't working.

EDIT: FIXED, when I downloaded CSR I needed to change the last lines in the CFG.txt file. (outgauge mode ect.) When I ran the camera it changed Outgauge Mode from 2, back to 0. So for anyone else who uses the Cam and CSR. Make sure the Outgauge Mode line reads "OutGauge Mode 2" after u have finished using the camera.

1 more question: If I change the port for the Camera, will it stop with problem, and will I be able to use CSR and the cam and the same time?
Last edited by Matt0snap, .
S2 licensed
doesn't work with patch y
S2 licensed
To get ur sets working.. First make sure they are named right. Then make sure they are in the setups folder in Data. Then when in your garage make sure u are using the right car that u assinged that set to. So if I made a set call "XRT_BL1.set" it would only show up when I am in the garage with the XR Turbo.
S2 licensed
Found it...It is in engine sharing It is post #244.
S2 licensed
Yah, ur having the same problem i have on my PS3 when using my G25. It works great, FFB is amazing, but all the games reconize the wheel as the DFP. So I only have sequential, but on well.
S2 licensed
Welcome to S2.

The CTRA servers are awsome.. The Race 1 can get a little crazy, but just go slow and when u get ur silver u are able to race on CTRA Race 2 which as the FXO on it Just remember, after practicing alot offline, you need to brake a lot sooner in turn 1 when ur online. especially if it is a hair-pin like SO-town.

Waiting to see you out there
S2 licensed
are u sure u have the newest drivers...? cause I believe that was a problem with the old ones?
S2 licensed
Get ur own thread NathanRx-7.... And no