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S2 licensed
The two safety car drivers line dancing did nothing to lighten the mood after the accident.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Grats Sully, a perfect match me thinks

Awesome driver, awesome teams - We know lol.

Not had any really big on the track fights with you yet sully but plenty of time
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :*Bump* edit the team list

Give us chance This is the first time I have gotten on today, will change it in a minute.
S2 licensed
5/10 neither here or there as I don't know what it means.
S2 licensed
Does it have to be that exact one? I ask because quickly searching I found 4 williams skins, 3 of which were like the one you want but with some sponsors being different.
S2 licensed
To be honest, anyone male or female, could of done that. Depends really if you know the car in terms of the engine and the power and if you have driven it before. I don't know the exact figure, but if you knew it was, for example, a 4.5 L 400bhp V8 and your first time driving it you wouldn't accelerate that hard. If you were a racing driving or something fine, but just a normal driver you would be a fool to do so.
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Wonder who sk is going to let win it again this time

lol! Probably very true.
Shame they don't extend the region they cover to a bigger area
S2 licensed
I know there are very fast people who use kb, mouse and gamepad and IIRC the WR for XRT round BL1 was a kb user (I may be wrong though).
For me personally, owning a g25, I would like this so there would be someway to make people use manual clutch, h shifter not throttle help. The stcc started it but the server was never that popular so it seems it had been dropped.
S2 licensed
Well I can only go on the DFP, when that was new it was £100 and dropped to around ~£60. Rough estimation when the G25 was new it was ~£160 so possibly as low as £100 but I expect more around £120 but no one can say.
As for a new wheel, who knows. The g25 IMO has a few minor faults but nothing major and nothing missing as it has clutch, h shifter etc. Saying this though it wouldn't be good business for there not to be a 'new and better' wheel at sometime int he future.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :After seeing all 100 episodes of Red vs Blue I think I'd have a hard time taking it seriously

Agreed, never been a halo fan but red vs blue was always good to watch. Movie could be good, we shall see. Doom was a good game to film err film, maybe this will be too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :That post was a year old, so 5 years ago is now 6.
Damn I feel old... at least I have a degree to my name now too.

Well was still a good year to do them, you obviously did them in a bad year

Degree to your name, ooooohh look at you. Don't know why but thought you were older than you actually are .

Anyway enough off topic-ness from me.
S2 licensed
Looking good what I would say would be to move the side logo (red baron) so it is off the front wide arch way
S2 licensed
Naaaa couldn't of you been Zafar. Zafar is a nub

Nice overtaking and good video using the on board shots.
S2 licensed
Nice sit bean0 don't use 'vinyl' shapes much in skinning but could come in handy
S2 licensed
Congrats to those who get their results.

I got A,B,C,C,C,C,D,D,D,E,E but don't ask me what they were in only remember A was maths lol. It was 5 years ago though.

Have to say I found my A levels harder than my degree course. There was more work for my degree but A levels was harder work.

Edit: Just noticed I did my gcse's same time as Mr. Smith. Good year to do them I say
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Driver : "If Ian sees this - I'll be flamed for sure..."

...then when he drives he will do the same

Secret picture of the new car - the Mer-sidewinder-cedes
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :

If I was fat, that is the Tee-shirt I would wear.

Reminds me of a T-shirt someone from university had

"I have the body of a god"
S2 licensed
Torture happens, whether it is or is not ethical depends on your point of view. To have a discussion on whether or not to help in interogation involving torture seems sensible to me (in the way of having the discussion not the topic)
S2 licensed
Definatly satisfied. I have been playing for a little under 2 years and never felt i needed to have a break from it. I play other games, some racing some not, but i find myself wanting to come back to lfs. The one thing that I have noticed playing LFS over other games is that after an hour of playing some random game, you know you have been playing for an hour. I was racing for about 3 hours one night and would of sworn it was only about an hour and only stopped because i was falling asleep lol.

Things could be improved, yes. But and big but I feel is that it is improving all the time (even if we don't get to see the improvement until patch day.)
S2 licensed
I didn't put fast down because then people would wonder about the rest of us. There is only a small amount of people who are alien though and I prefer to be in the majority

Ok ok -

We would like to welcome our newest member. You may have seen him driving round with the DR tags, especially on ctra servers. We welcome to Dynamic Racing, Niall, who is a clean,FAST and fun racer.

S2 licensed
Wispa were far superiour to Aero. Aero's always seem to melt in your mouth and become a sticky chocolate mess Wispa by far the better bar. Although mint aero are nice.

Anyone remember pretxel flips as well, they were sooo nice
S2 licensed
We would like to welcome our newest member. You may have seen him driving round with the DR tags, especially on ctra servers. We welcome to Dynamic Racing, Niall, who is a clean and fun racer.

S2 licensed
Shame to see you leave T7R but good luck with AR.

Nice looking skins, very distinctive.
S2 licensed
Surely there is no rule that say comprehensivly that alpha games shoud be free, or even beta games. If people are willing to pay for your alpha game then surely you can charge people to play it. Although LFS is an alpha it runs and plays better than any other aplha I have ever seen, most beta's too and even some 'complete' games.

As all the updates and patches are free, you are paying for the final game, you just get to play while your waiting for the final game to be released.

Edit: I don't know whether you could drop the alpha from LFS because it has been said that there are things that still need to be done before S2 final, like the AI.