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S2 licensed
I can't stand speedbumps, on the neighbour town they have main street full of those with ~100m spacing between them. They're not usual "round" type but straight angles ( __/----\__ )
Imagine crawling over those for every 100m, every time you wanted to go to store. I lost one muffler to those bastards :S

Haven't really hit any speedbumps at high speeds but I got cured of my need for speed after bottoming out on a ditch at ~180
S2 licensed
Well, basically there wasn't much of a designing since it was just about recreating couple objects they needed for the scenes (boat, spike fence and two different tank blocks) . But I have to say that quality of their video editing was pretty amazing when you consider how much cash big hollywood studios spend to get same results.
S2 licensed
Is there a way to view high quality streams in fullscreen?
S2 licensed
Quote from Tommi[FIN] :Thank you. thats nice skin . Are you upload the skin allready because it says to your skin not found in lfsworld? Its there server was down probably But Thank you Thank you

Yeah, I've uploaded it.
Double checked and it's there, unless I've somehow manage to screw up something (which wouldn't be a suprise, really)
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Well, here's the RB4 version if someone is interested.
I think I'll stick to messing around with single-seater skins =/
S2 licensed
Been slacking with the RB4 skin, but only few decals left to make.
Suprisingly difficult to make skin when cars are completely different shape, might have been easier to make XRR or FXR version since they're both kinda boxy

Edit: Added current WIP on RB4 version. Still need to fix lines near headlights plus add decals and some other details. Most likely I'll replace the original style race number on the door with numberplate seen in first picture.... but it's over 4am and I'm off to bed
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Yeah, I saw that video but engines are quite different and XRT's 2.0 seems more like high-tuned engine made for race tracks where Starion's specs look like it would be a pleasure to cruise around.

Starion 2600 GSR-VR
Type 2555cc EFI OHC 4-cyl turbo
Power 130kW @ 5000rpm
Torque 313Nm @ 3000rpm

Type 2000cc turbocharged inline 4
Power: 183 kW (245bhp) @ 6019 rpm
Torque: 325 Nm (239 lbft) @ 4585 rpm
S2 licensed
If it was sorted according to difficulty, shouldn't RB4 and FXR be there right after UF1
S2 licensed
That escort video got me curious enough to install rFactor demo that I got with the wheel, but the driving feel really turned me off like fat lady in a swimsuit.
S2 licensed
I'm kinda curious how this will turn out, price itself isn't a big issue if there is enough well done content behind it. I have my doubts about some of that "accurate laser gadget" marketing talk as it's definately not the best way to model most of ingame objects, but I'm more interested in physics and the way online gameplay is going to work.

Hoping for the best, expecting worst.
S2 licensed
First video at 2:15... is that AI drifting UF1
S2 licensed
Skoda :S

I kinda like that Benetton Porsche
S2 licensed
I'm not too sure how well deep V8'ish tone fits into 4-cyl cars, but I quite liked the LX6 sounds. Also BF1 is improvement over the original just because driving that with default sounds is sure way to get a headache.
S2 licensed
I just don't see the point when there already is a 4WD car in that group for those weird people who like them.
S2 licensed
I'll see what I can do about RB4 version.

Edit: Started working on it, I think I'll have something to show you within few days.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Haha, gotta love that taped-on sponsor logo on the door
S2 licensed
Those two formulas have different painjobs, so you might want to clarify which one you're interested in.
S2 licensed
I think that's pretty much the optimal shiftpoint for most of the time.

As for setting up your car, I'm sure you'll eventually try out some WR sets and my advice considering those is that you should stay away from ones that have really extreme values or are really stiff making it hard to drive consistently. I would recommend setups that are bit on the softside with very balanced behavior. You learn alot more about the track, car and racing in general by making it from start to finish instead of spinning out on the first corner.

Take it easy on lap 1 and let others have their destruction derby, should make it easy for you to pick those podium positions
S2 licensed
The way I see it, joining the right team might help me to get into longer races that I find far more entertaining than usual 10lap sprints on public servers. Leagues are not really suitable for me yet as I'm just not that fast on every track yet and due to other commitments I may not be able to race on a regular schedule. I've also been involved in online gaming to realise that finding a group that you really enjoy playing with, is not an easy thing to do.

As it was mentioned earlier in this thread, joining a team that you have no connection with is usually a bad idea.
S2 licensed
Is it just me but I've never had understeer issues with RWD cars in LFS?
Cars generally feel way more oversteery and slippery than in GTR2 for an example.
S2 licensed
I kinda like the MoTeC in GTR2, something similiar would be nice.
On the otherhand, big fat no for those huge LCD displays.
S2 licensed
*Disclaimer: Following text is based on opinions which may or may not be wrong and is not necessarily based on any facts.*

For me, FZR is the easiest. Fast down the straights, strong braking performance and huge grip out of the corners. Although it requires alot faster reaction to oversteer than XRR, you can quite easily drive it near the limit and won't have to worry about spinning.

XRR is far more "entertaining" to drive as you can quite easily push it over the limit and lose alot of time recovering from that. It loses to FZR in corners due to longer braking distance and slower corner exit acceleration. On public servers this often means that you'll be spending alot of time building sandcastles because people keep bumping into you.

Could have voted for FXR since I can't drive it, but that's just due to me being stubborn and disliking the whole concept of 4WD GTR car.
S2 licensed
Another chin driver here
I push my keyboard further back on the desk to make some room for steering wheel, so it's quite hard to reach in middle of a race and I usually just stay quiet unless there's something I really need to say. This ofcourse upsets those who expect you to instantly apologise for every single bodycontact, but I'd rather stay silent and avoid crashing than start typing in middle of a corner.

IRL I use my knees since I keep bashing them on the steering wheel anyways.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What about an Anglophone in Finland? Would we do alright, or would we need to learn finnish?

That depends completely on occasion and where you're at. On large towns there's enough international movement (workers, students, immigrants) that you can expect to get service in english aswell. On the otherhand if you stop by at some small town with average age of 65+, you may need to bring out the good old body communication.

As an example, my old boss was from South-Africa and he had lived in Finland for 2 years already and he was doing just fine using only english.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
To me, those sensor readings look like the order is following:
Sensor 1: Motherboard ambient temperature sensor
Sensor 2: Northbridge temp.
Sensor 3: CPU temp.
HD0: HDD temp.

I take it that you're using a standard cooler on your processor and 46C' under prime with that much overclocking is completely absurd.