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S2 licensed
Quote from Cornys :Does anybody else have any experience with investing? I'm curious to know

I am investing in myself - I can gain 30-50% of annual income (annualy) every 3 years
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I've never worked out why it's pronounced 'eye-key-a'. Surely, being Swedish, it should be 'ik-ay-a'?

I thought all of the world pronounce it their way.
Ie. in Poland it is 'ik-eh-a' (although in fact, only english acronyms are spelled english way ie. 'beh-em-vuh' instead of 'beh-em-veh', but KFC as 'kay-ef-see')

S2 licensed
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :Found her. We've all been tricked : ( Is not Traci, acually she is Emma Glover

...and other photosessions
S2 licensed
Last edited by AndRand, .
S2 licensed
heat-reactive car paint

S2 licensed
the Governemnet is Closed

S2 licensed
Phisics is hard.
Especially for simmers.

S2 licensed
Quote from Stig209 :actually that's pertty good one

it looks like the same team

S2 licensed
I think this team in Bundesliga is bit bored during training

Last edited by AndRand, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Specht77 :probally they dream was to became pilots, and they just said "f*** it" and went for it.

my dream is to became a racer, but I can't even finish a 30min kart race without vomiting, but still if I had money, I would race everyday to see if the motion sickness (nausea) gets to a level that I can finish the races

I call it: BDSM

If I dont like it I dont do it.
S2 licensed
I just read about 2 paraglider pilots: one is scared of height, second gets airsick
Allegedly, quite good pilots.

But I dont get it??? What for???
S2 licensed
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Teach their daughter a lesson AND get rich while doing it. Amazing. :clapclap:

Well, they previously purchased it so lets not exaggerate... but in fact... social-media parenting
S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :

Maybe they should get rid of aerowings in F1
S2 licensed
Well, not exactly while you can get more points and be in front NOT going where leader goes.
Or even when heretics go with shortcut the first becomes the last.
Or when "heresy" is blasphemy you get just few points.
Or you can be the follower but points dont make you a winner.

S2 licensed
Just an idea for AutoX.
I think area for Figure 8 would suffice, but of course full oval would be better.
Flock - lets play a game...
S2 licensed
I dont know if any of you ever watched flock of birds.
They commonly play game of flocks, especially pigeons or starlings.
The game is about influence: there are leaders, heretics and followers. The point is to be in the lead of the pack because followers always take the longest run. But you can take shortcut when you make a schism but then instead of being a leader you can end up flying in opposite direction.

So here is the RACE of FLOCKS
You got an oval (or could be even city map with lots of shortcuts like in SO Sprints) where counters are put on green lines. Every time when you go thru red gate you get as many points as many cars went thru green gate at this junction in this lap.
The winner is one with biggest points sum... and the first on the finish line of course

Race dominated by one team would be boring but of course all communication (public and private) could be possible.
I think it could be funny idea on boring ovals
S2 licensed
Meanwhile in Bosnia