The online racing simulator
Quote from aobrien :What kind of team are you looking for : Race / Endurance Racing etc..
Age: 15 , 16 in October.
Country: Ireland
Preferred Car/Track: XFG anywhere and all GTR's.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: With practice I can get fairly close to most WR's,1-2 secs.
How Active Are You? I'll be on everyday for a couple of hours now since school has finished. Weekend nights im not very active but if needed I'll make time.
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: BST / GMT+1

Extra: Been in LFS about 7 months now and I have been in Experion Racing since the start. I founded it with two others but recently closed. Im looking for an active team with friendly and competitive members. I can contribute to a team via skins(ish) , setups and web development, I can make a website for a team within a week.I also run leagues such as Murray Motorsport Cup and I ran the IMA TBO Challenge alongside Chris Wilkinson..

:rolleyes:No problems with parents anymore, eh?

Anyway, glad to have you back.
(The Very End) DELETED by The Very End
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] ::rolleyes:No problems with parents anymore, eh?

Anyway, glad to have you back.

Well spoke with them yesterday morning and said theres no need to give it up completley if its somehting i enjoy , so i can do a maximum of 2 and a half hours a day on the computer.. Quite glad / releaved I dont have to quit .. And thanks Yann ..
Quote from 1993weeman :Right here i go again. Am looking for a team

What kind of team are you looking for : Race
Age: 16
Country: Scotland
Preferred Car/Track: TBO's or GTR's on any Aston track or Fern Bay
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Am about 2-3 secs off the world record but i could get it to 1 second after some practice
How Active Are You? Am on must nights but sometimes am away bowling on the weekends.
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: BST (London time)

I have had experience in The IMA TBO Challenge and did ok in it. A looking to race in more leagues in the future and improve as a driver. Hoping to improve on my driving a bit more to become a better driver.


I am in a team hopefully . Thanks for the interest shown to me
What kind of team are you looking for : Race / Endurance Racing etc..
Age: 30
Country: UK
Preferred Car/Track: FBM, BF1, SS's
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: I work for consistency, I can get close to WR with some practice.
How Active Are You? I am pretty active, available to race over the weekends and if required in the evenings during weekdays.
What Kind of Control do you use? DFP
Time Zone: BST / GMT+1

Extra: I have been racing in CTRA for past two years, got Platinum in Tin Tops and A->International in SS's. Since it is close now, I am moving on. Along with that I race rFactor with FSR in F1. I put a lot work in for setup and testing and getting the car right for race by working with team. For me it is very important to have a car for race i-e not one lap wonder and I am looking for a seat to race regularly. I like Single Seaters, and GT cars, and would like to race regularly (30+ lap races) for teams who do events spanning over a season like F1 or GP2 or Porsche Cup etc. I am totally not interested in short race events and turn up and drive.
Quote from JindJaan :
Gold in SS's. .

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there were no Gold license for the SS(Clubman->National B->National A->International B->International A->Superlicense[no one reached it])
What kind of team are you looking for : Race / Endurance Racing etc..
Age: 14
Country: Ireland
Preferred Car/Track: XFG / FE1 - FXO / FE2
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: About 7-8 tenths off WR on FE1 in the XFG, on a good day and about a second off on an average day. About 1 second off the WR on FE2 in FXO On an average day.
How Active Are You? Now that Im off school until September I will be active every day for a couple of hours.
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech Momo R , getting G25 next week! WOOT!
Time Zone: BST / GMT+1

Extra: Was previously in W00T Motorsport and Experion Racing. Iv been playing LFS for a year now and I love FWD cars. i can drive RWD too but prefer FWD. Every day in the summer I will be working in my family business, but I get home usually around 5 and I will be on then for the evening. Some days I dont bother going to work so I do be on alot of the day. I race IRL too , moving up from karting this year after 6 years in rallycross.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Correct me if I'm wrong, but there were no Gold license for the SS(Clubman->National B->National A->International B->International A->Superlicense[no one reached it])

And you are right,

I had A->International,
Theres no more CTRA, who cares about that? :rolleyes:
Quote from TexasLTU :Theres no more CTRA, who cares about that? :rolleyes:

It still proves that this guy has a big experience on SS
Quote from TexasLTU :Theres no more CTRA, who cares about that? :rolleyes:

True, but you had to be a decent driver to earn points on CTRA and keep earning them as they pretty strict rules for wreckers and dangerous drivers. The league I currently race in rFactor have similar principles and that is what attracted me to them. They do full race marshaling and they analyze replays after each race and apply panelties where ever rules are broken. So you can not get away . One can only progress in such system if you have discipline in racing.
Quote from JindJaan :True, but you had to be a decent driver to earn points on CTRA and keep earning them as they pretty strict rules for wreckers and dangerous drivers. The league I currently race in rFactor have similar principles and that is what attracted me to them. They do full race marshaling and they analyze replays after each race and apply panelties where ever rules are broken. So you can not get away . One can only progress in such system if you have discipline in racing.

More lucky than decent...... T1 carnage..... CTRA always had a lot of idiots who thought its good to full speed ram into T1...
Quote from DevilDare :More lucky than decent...... T1 carnage..... CTRA always had a lot of idiots who thought its good to full speed ram into T1...


I'm really appealed by this kind of posts, which a)are off-topic and b)denigrate a person of a group of person without foundement.

Considering your high amount of post, I can suppose that your aim wasn't to troll, just to bring to post something else to the conversation, but this was highly hasardous. Maybe you're experience of CTRA is too tiny to have a god judgement of the things?

Seriously, I've raced more than 1.300 races on CTRA, and I never ever saw full speed ramming. Yes, I've got wrecked a few times, but a)it was quite rare if the wreck was volonteer, and b)I always reported this kind of noobs, and all of them got banned, some of them for good.

Yep, CTRA had an awersome report system, and combinated to the liscence system, it always provided decent racing, much better than the standards we can have on the main pulic servers of today - and I don't blame anyone, because it's a very hard job, but for example I don't think that the live-adminning we have on the LR-Race Center is good.

CTRA could be critisized on many points, but if there's a point where it couldn't, it was on the standards, and if you don't want to trust me, I've plenty of replays on my HD, just ask me to upload them somewhere and you'll see.

So... Just my 2 cents... Have a think about that now
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :*sighhhhhhhhhh*

I'm really appealed by the posts, which a)are off-topic and b)denigrate a person of a group of person without foundement.

Considering your high amount of post, I can suppose that your aim wasn't to troll, just to bring to post something else to the conversation, but this was highly hasardous. Maybe you're experience of CTRA is too tiny to have a god judgement of the things?

Seriously, I've raced more than 1.300 races on CTRA, and I never ever saw full speed ramming. Yes, I've got wrecked a few times, but a)it was quite rare if the wreck was volonteer, and b)I always reported this kind of noobs, and all of them got banned, some of them for good.

Yep, CTRA had an awersome report system, and combinated to the liscence system, it always provided decent racing, much better than the standards we can have on the main pulic servers of today - and I don't blame anyone, because it's a very hard job, but for example I don't think that the live-adminning we have on the LR-Race Center is good.

CTRA could be critisized on many points, but if there's a point where it couldn't, it was on the standards, and if you don't want to trust me, I've plenty of replays on my HD, just ask me to upload them somewhere and you'll see.

So... Just my 2 cents... Have a think about that now

Consider your self lucky. I have to say, SS racing was pretty clean because people actually knew how to race in there. However, the XRG/XFG server had a lot of idiots, well ok, maybe new players who didnt have an idea of what they are doing. Especially at tracks like Fern Bay Gold, where everyone just drives into T1 like they are all alone not even bothering to look around. Yes, the first 10 drivers always got past cleanly, down the field tho, it was always a different story. What was even more annoying about them is that they would start accusing other people and start massive arguments, call everyone dickheads and during teh next race full speed ram into the field.

This has happened to me quite a few times. What was annoying is that there was no admin, and people could not vote kick. We were basically forced off the server because this idiot always rammed into people.......

OK, you might say its a one time event, but I very doubt it was. Just because you havent experienced it doesnt mean it hasnt happened.

Hence why I always stuck to Single Seater FBM server.

CTRA was great, no doubt. But dont come here saying it was always clean. Because it clearly wasnt......

Edit - And seriously, dont bother attaching MPR's.... They proove nothing.....
Quote from DevilDare :
OK, you might say its a one time event, but I very doubt it was. Just because you havent experienced it doesnt mean it hasnt happened.

It happened sometimes. But you only had to raise a reports to the few idiots that were messing up tosee them banned 999.

Quote :CTRA was great, no doubt. But dont come here saying it was always clean. Because it clearly wasnt......

Hey, don't only judge CTRA by its entry servers only. It was only the visible side of the iceberg. The standard of the other servers were just excellent, and the only other place where I saw better racing on a public server was on CR's LX server on the Thursdays night(well, these are semi-organised events so that's not exactly the same thing) but unfortunately I can't give you some proofs. Clean racing is something you can feel, and you cant get stats of it...(well, maybe just the amount of yellow flags caused by a racer)

Well, just to show what CTRA was... A replay of a crowned momment at CTRA 3... ... e_battle________.mpr.html (E : This remains useless, as replays proove nothing, I heard *cough* )

E2 : Seriously, if replays proove nothing, theres no need to argue then because of a lack of evidences.

E3 : Sorry for not keeping the thread clean btw, but I had to reply to this...
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :
Well, just to show what CTRA was... A replay of a crowned momment at CTRA 3... ... e_battle________.mpr.html (E : This remains useless, as replays proove nothing, I heard *cough* )

What a guess by me. Your post does have an MPR.

Its just few races..... Like I said. Clean racing did happen, and I can too attach few of the races where everyone got around T1 or the first lap untouched. I will say it again. If you havent experienced it, it doesnt mean it hasnt happened. Its a one race (And yes, I know you have more replays of good races...) out of... how many?

So there

Edit: I am not arguing. I am just saying, that there were a lot of fast drivers with low points, simply because they were taken off the road over and over again.

Lets leave it here. If you want to reply, PM. Lets keep it clean here.
people please keep it down as i want to try to keep this thread like the Established Teams one where you post you app here and then leave not sticking around and contimplating life.

P.S. now after reading devildare's post fully he does say lets keep it queit in here so thx
Nice argument. :rolleyes:
Now lets keep the thread for free drivers.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race (Mostly Endurance)
Country: Romania
Preferred Car/Track: FOX/AS2, XRT/Blackwood, FZR/WE1
Average Laptime on Car/Track: +1/2secs off wr (or more/less, depends how much practice i have)
How Active Are You? Few hours, almost everyday
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech G25
Time Zone: GMT +2
What kind of team are you looking for? Drift
Age: 18
Country: CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: mostly side ways
How Active Are You? on when ever i can

What Kind of Control do you use? G25 FTW
Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
What kind of team are you looking for? Cruise, Drift or Drag
Age: 15
Country: Canada
Preferred Car/Track: XRG/Im a Demo User, so i only use 3 tracks, and i love em all..
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: I really don't know.
How Active Are You? On every day

What Kind of Control do you use? Steering wheel and Pedals
Time Zone: (GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
What kind of team are you looking for? race
Age: 16
Country: Aussie
Preferred Car/Track: XRG
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: super quick
How Active Are You? On every day

What Kind of Control do you use? g25
Time Zone: (GMT +10:00)
Quote from arrowkart4 : super quick

Quote from arrowkart4 :super quick

At least he's modest
Quote from arrowkart4 :what kind of team are you looking for? Race
age: 16
country: Aussie
preferred car/track: Xrg
average laptime on your preferred car/track: Super quick
how active are you? On every day

what kind of control do you use? G25
time zone: (gmt +10:00)

(Rudy van Buren) DELETED by Rudy van Buren
(Rudy van Buren) DELETED by Rudy van Buren

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