The online racing simulator
this add on is really awesome i have been enjoying it thoroughly ever since I got it thanks very much. 10/10
Yeah, it's great. I use it every week when I'm an admin.
#78 - FL!P
Thanks, guys!
sorry for quite a big bump but how do u use those cameras in replays? i made one camera while standing in pits and i can switch between them but i would like to use it in replays bt i cant, i try to switch them by doing my hotkey i set ALT+F1/F2 it says in the top left liek Set camera 1 set camera 2 but the camera stays the same. it works perfectly fine while i am driving but not in replay. Is it possible to make it work in replay? making new video and would do greatly with some new cameras.
#80 - FL!P
It works in replays exactly like it does live. In fact, FlipCams has absolutely no way to determine if you're in a replay or not.

I suggest you to read this post that explains how to get started.
IMHO, minor annoyance:

Now with Patch Y, there are those very welcomed sliders to use incar view with slightly modified x and y axises (when NOT using custom view). Now everytime you change these sliders, you basicly need to scroll through all the FlipCams cameras to save it to all of the "slots" - if you don't do that, after watching replay and most likely chanding the custom view camera, after you go back to driving, the view is of course not the same it was when you set it up.

Is there any way to make FlipCams to ignore these x and y sliders in the default incar view? Same way it ignores FOV change (but does not ignore it in custom view).

I tried to explain this as simple way as possible
#82 - FL!P
Sorry but I'm not sure to understand your problem. FlipCams only affects the custom view and does nothing to the cockpit view (nor to any of the other views). Besides, the sliders of the cockpit view don't affect the custom views at all either, AFAIK.

So if you're saying that using the custom view resets your changes in the cockpit view, I believe that would happen even without FlipCams installed and therefore the bug should be reported to Scawen.
Quote from FL!P :Sorry but I'm not sure to understand your problem. FlipCams only affects the custom view and does nothing to the cockpit view (nor to any of the other views). Besides, the sliders of the cockpit view don't affect the custom views at all either, AFAIK.

So if you're saying that using the custom view resets your changes in the cockpit view, I believe that would happen even without FlipCams installed and therefore the bug should be reported to Scawen.

You misunderstood (not like my description was perfect). No, nothing gets resetted.

Patch Y adds possibility to adjust x and y view position sliders while using the cockpit view ("incar", not "custom"). Before this wasn't possible. FlipCam ignores FOV and other changes in cockpit view, but not these x and y sliders. Before no matter which "camera slot" you used, the view and the settings were always the same - but now you can basicly have 5 different incar views in the cockpit view too which is confusing imho.

And what watching replay and using the custom views has to do with this: logically when you use these views you change the camera with CTRL+F1 and F2, after that when you go back to driving and cockpit view, the view might be different because the active "camera slot" might be different too now that there are 5 possible camera slots for the cockpit view too.

If it's still too unclear... do this (obviously in patch Y):

1. Choose cockpit view, choose camera slot #1
2. Change the x and y view position sliders to something random
3. Change to camera slot #2, change again the x and y position sliders to something random...
4. Now browse to camera slot #3 and then back to #2 and #1 - you see what I mean?

Simplest solution would be somehow make FlipCams to ignore all changes to the x and y positions when the cockpit view is active. Just like it ignores FOV changes in cockpit view.

PS. Btw, looks like I'm not using the latest version - if that causes the problem then sorry.
#84 - FL!P
Oh, I understand now, thanks for the explanation. It sounds like those new settings are saved in the custom view files, then. If this is the case, I'm afraid there's not much FlipCams can do about it, because all it does is renaming the view folders to allow switching between 5 copies of these files. It never opens the files themselves.

I can't try it at the moment, but I think I have a workaround, though. Go to ...\LFS\data\scripts and add the following to paddle.lfs, sequential.lfs and road.lfs:

/run fc_runCam1

That should make FlipCams switch automatically to CAM1 each time your car is put on track. Does that help? If it does I could update the installer and add an option to install that command automatically.

Thanks for raising this issue anyway!

Yup - it works

I could update the installer and add an option to install that command automatically.

Or make it option - if there's someone who wants five different cockpit cams.
Salut, j'ai voulus faire fonctionner ton programme, mais comme je suis une bille en anglais, j'ai rien compris, existe t-il un petit manuel en francais?

#87 - FL!P
Tu ferais mieux de bosser ton Anglais ! Mais OK, voilà ton mini manuel.

1. Décompresse l'archive de l'linstalleur, pour obtenir un dossier contenant FlipCams-Installer.exe et un dossier parts.

2. Sans le déplacer, double-clique sur FlipCams-Installer.exe. Il ouvre une fenêtre de dialogue. Sélectionne ton dossier LFS, les raccourcis claviers que tu veux utiliser, et clique sur Install.

3. FlipCams installe les scripts nécessaires ainsi que son exécutable (FlipCams.exe), et duplique le dossier LFS/data/views quatre fois. Quand c'est fait, quitte l'installeur et lance LFS. Pas besoin de lancer FlipCams.exe à la main, il sera lancé automatiquement par LFS.

4. Dans LFS, choisis une voiture et va sur la piste en mode Solo. Si nécessaire, presse V pour afficher la vue personnalisée. Par défaut elle ne montre que les roues de ta bagnole. Disons que tu veux garder cette vue.

5. Tape le raccourci "caméra suivante" que tu as choisi dans FlipCams-Installer (par défault CTRL+F12). Tu vas voir s'afficher FlipCams: CAM 2, mais la vue elle-même ne va pas changer. Ou plutôt elle va changer, mais comme elle a été crée par l'installeur en dupliquant celle qui existait déjà, tu ne peux encore voir aucune différence.

6. Tape SHIFT-O pour accéder aux options, clique sur Vue, puis sur Personnalisé. De là, définis ta seconde caméra (clique sur Chassis pour qu'il soit visible, active les rétros et le compteur, rêgle la position et le champ de vision de la caméra, etc). Quand c'est fini, clique sur OK.

À ce stade, les caméras 1 et 2 sont définies et tu peux passer de l'une à l'autre avec les raccourcis clavier caméra suivante et caméra précédente (par défaut CTRL+12 et CTRL+F11). Répète les étapes 5 et 6 jusqu'à ce que les 5 caméras soient définies.

Voilà, FlipCams est paramétré pour cette voiture. Mais il faudra faire ça (les étapes 4 à 6) pour chaque voiture.

Amuse-toi bien.
merci beaucoup ^^
I have a problem after buying a new pc ...
As I try to install FlipCams i get this weird error message
Any idea what to do ?

#90 - FL!P
Well, I think the error message should be self explanatory. Apparently the folder you selected as your LFS folder in FlipCams' installer doesn't contain a folder named data.

1. Make sure your LFS installation works as expected without FlipCams.
2. Make sure you select that LFS folder from FlipCams' installer (and not one of its sub-folder, for example).

If both these points are true and you still get that error, then you found a bug in the installer. In this case, please let me know so I can help you further and fix that bug. Thank you.

Thanks for a rapid answer Flip.

Well my LFS - folder is ok ( named LFS S2 Alpha Y in the program files folder) and it contains all the normal subfolders. including
the data folder, of course. LFS works correctly.

I've tried install FlipCams from my document, and also from program files, and LFS-folder ... same error message

I have a feeling , that it is either a bug, or Vista ...
I bet my money on Vista

It's 32-bit Home Premium version

Never the less Flipcams IS a good add-on. If I only could get it installed, that is ...
So Help still needed.
pastorius: I have a couple of suggestions that may help

1) Make sure you're installing it to "whatever\LFS S2 Alpha Y\" and not "whatever\LFS S2 Alpha Y\data\"

2) If that wasn't the problem, chances are its Vista's protection of the Program Files and documents folders. Try installing LFS to something like: "C:\Games\Live For Speed", then install FlipCams into there. This is where I have it installed on my Home Premium laptop and it works fine.

If neither of those works, I'm out of ideas

ps. Nice app, Flip
Thanks Degats.

Number one is obvious, of course.

The second idea is good. It propably will work.

I just want to be sure, as I don't remember if one can just
copy the whole lfs-folder and paste it to a new location without
any problems, ( I mean having two lfs S2 Y - folders @ the same time, without the need to unlock the 2nd one etc.)
( I think it works fine, but I just want to double check )

I'll post soon if it works ...
I copied the whole LFS folder and pasted it to my documents ... nope . Then tried C:/Games/ Lfs ...
Tried to run as administrator .. nope ... in XP sp2 compatibility mode ...

No luck. I still get the same error message !

#95 - FL!P
Sorry to read you're still having that problem, pastorius. I hope it doesn't look like I've been ignoring you, but unfortunately I cannot test it myself because I don't have Vista. I'm trying to get a couple of my team mates to run some tests for me, but they've been too busy so far.

One question, though: you do have a folder named "views" in the "data" folder of your LFS folder, right?

hmmm ... So what should I do know ?
#97 - FL!P
LOL. That explains everything! Is that a brand new install?

OK, now to work around it: If you have a backup of your previous LFS folder, copy the views folder that's in its data folder, and paste it at the same place into your new install. If you don't have a backup:

1. launch LFS and go on track in single player
2. switch to the custom view (the one that shows only the wheels)
3. press SHIFT+O and click on Custom
4. change some setting in the view (anything) and click OK. LFS will then create the views folder (maybe you could create it by hand, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't cause permissions issues in Vista, so better go the safe way).
5. quit LFS.
6. Install FlipCams. This time you shouldn't get the error.
#98 - FL!P
This error is supposed to happen when you have the folders "views_cam1", "views_cam2", "views_cam3", "views_cam4" and "views_cam5" (that's 5 of them) in your data folder, and no "views" folder. Are you sure this isn't the case?

If this is the problem, the fix would be to rename one of the "views_cam*" folders into "views".
#99 - FL!P
Sorry about the confusion. FlipCam provides five views. That's four "views_cam*" folder plus one "views" folder. If you have five "views_cam*" folders plus one "views" folder, that's one too many.

In this case, just get rid of one of them and make sure there's one folder called "views".

As you've seen, by default (just after installing FlipCams) you have no "views_cam1" folder. That's because the current view's folder is always named "views" and by default the active cam is the first one.
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Excellent. Thanks FL!P...

Well, it just happened again a few moments ago,

How did it happen? Are you saying that you got it working and then the problem came back?

Quote :I actually thought that the views folder was made during the LFS install, not your FL!Pcams, so that probably puzzled me!

The views folder is created by LFS. I first thought that it was part of the original installation, but I found out recently that LFS creates it only the first time you customize a view. LFS doesn't know about FlipCams. All it knows is that it has a views folder where it stores your custom settings.

FlipCams makes four copies of this views folder during its installation (the views_cam* folders), and works by renaming both the views folder and one of these copies each time you switch between FlipCam's cameras. So the next time LFS accesses its views folder, it actually doesn't access the same folder as before. But it doesn't know it.

I hope this helps.


FlipCams - 5 custom views per car
(199 posts, started )