how comes a 14 year old isralian girl is still a virgin.
because she outran her dad
my dad told me that 1, he really did
why doesnt a lobster share?: because it's s(h)ellfish
a man goes to the doctor because his arm hurts.
the doctor says, well i found something new at the supermarket, its a machine, just put some seliva(u kno, ur spit) in the machine and it gives u a direct diagnose.
so the mans goes to the supermarket and finds the machine. after putting some spit in, the machine tells him he has a tenis ellbow.
the man now knows what he has, and suddently has an idea, when home he collects some dna from his wife, son daughter and sperm from himself
he heads back to the machine:
the machine says: your daughter is pregnant, your son is gay, your wife is cheating on u, and if u keep jerking off u'll never get rid ofthat tennis ellbow

i don't swear, i don't drink, and i don't smoke
****, it's the second time i dropped my smoke in my beer
lame i kno
whats the difference between a wife and a gf: 50lbs
whats the difference between a dog and a husband: after a year, the dog is still excited to see u
sorry for swearing