How to pull a girl racer.
(266 posts, closed, started )
How to pull a girl racer.
"r u a pussy?" and "r u female?" are not good ways to start a conversation when spotting a female racer and wanting to be sure before you start your smooth moves.

When you talk to a man online you talk about the game, try to do this with girls too ... They're playing the game because they enjoy it and they're into racing ... it's a shared interest and something which might help the two of you get to know each other.

So try not to start with "a/s/l?".

Scoping out your potential "hussy" for potential based upon age and location - after confirming their sex of course - is not going to get you very far.

I am a woman, and I play LFS.

I watch the conversations online and never once have I seen anyone else get asked their sex or age, every now and then I see people get asked where they are from. Yet conversations with me in over 90% of cases always start with age / sex / location.

Do you honestly believe I give i'd date a freak I met on the internet? The answer, before you give opinion, is no. There is a remote chance I might date a normal guy I first meat in LFS - but it wont be because they kept interupting my frikkin driving by demanding my a/s/l and not letting up until I answer when i'm trying to race (or more likely, trying not too crash).

If you really really want to date a girl you meat on LFS, try being normal. Try not being judgemental over whether she's really a woman, and instead of harassing her whilst she is trying to race - how about lending a hand instead of crashing into her because you want her attention.

I don't log on to LFS because I want the server to fall over themselves around me. I log on to race cars because I love car racing, motor racing is in my family.

What's more, i'm middle-aged and too old for half of you, and not attractive enough for the other half.

I just want to race, if I want to play a dating game i'll sign up for ICQ or something.

And I really do not give a damn about whether you believe i'm female or not, I dont have to prove anything to any of you - other than that i'm safe enough to be on the same track, which is arguable.
a/s/l ?
#3 - Bean0
Its funny because its true...

Just put a "Yes, I'm a girl and I don't want to date you." on your F-keys. Or better race on private servers in organized races or leagues so they won't ask you the same questions over and over again.
#5 - Vain
To be honest I'd just use the - key...
Anyway, I find it entertaining enough that a thread like this is necessary.

#6 - filur
Quote from Jethro! :a/s/l ?


Anyway, the type of people you're aiming this post at most probably won't bother reading it, and the ones who do read it probably don't fit the profile. Average age of the licensed lfs'er should be a good bit above 20 so let's hope you've just happened to run into some below-average-ones, regarding more then age perhaps.
Quote from Becky Rose :<snip>

lmao that's quality - so c'mon, dish the dirt, who's been stalking you around LFS Land?
Quote from STROBE :lmao that's quality - so c'mon, dish the dirt, who's been stalking you around LFS Land?

why dont we place bets on who it might be until she answers ?

winner gehts her a/s/l
If I was a girl who just wants to race I would just hide the generally irrelevant information of my sex. That is a really easy task on a game like this, and no one will bother me then. If I would instead choose to give clear hints then I cannot be astonished by the outcome, since this kind of childish behaviour you describe is known all over the internet.

You obviously did give hints, and not enough with that. You go over to the forum saying:
Quote from Becky Rose : I am a woman, and I play LFS.

ok, so now everyone knows it. You even have some more information you want everybody to know.
Quote from Becky Rose : [...] i'm middle-aged and too old [...] and not attractive enough

It could just be me, but my guess is, you are looking for some attention rather than being harrassed.

Quote from Becky Rose : If you really really want to date a girl [...] try being normal.

yeah, sure, thanks for the tip ...
Sounds like someone's...
#11 - Tick
Becky I was on a server with you for a short time the other night, I thought it strange a female would publish a girls name knowing good and well that you are going to be harrassed.

I think its great your racing LFS, You will be looking a long time to find maturity in a video game that is dominated by boys.

For those of you who are older and show the proper respect im not talking about you.

You wont get that crap from me. Nothing more or less than a fellow racer.
Dont let the few out way the many. Over all this is a great group of people!

Well, I raced a girl once, her name could have been a both male or female, but her skin was kinda cliché (-ish) for a girl... As soon as she said she's a girl (which the others obviously haven't figured out), the questioning began... And it was exactly this a/s/l-bs I wouldn't have expected to be in LfS... When I asked them if they just hit puberty, they just answered that they just wanted "to welcome such a rare species" (quote)...

Strange, I never got such a "welcome" (did I miss something?), so why does she?
I've raced with Becky a few times and have never seen anyone hassle her, I guess she just ran into a random idiot... just like we all do from time to time. (wreckers, etc.)

My question is... If it is such an annoyance for you WHY don't you change your name to "Fatguy" or something like that?
Gimme some, I know you have.
It's psychology. It's a thing some male minds do when they come across a woman. When he plays LFS, wich is a community, he feels like he's in another world and sees things in another perspective. Women are rare in LFS, this way the woman becomes special and the man becomes interested.

If he came across this certain woman on the street, 99/100 times he wouldn't even look. Because in the real world, women are NOT rare.
#16 - mr_x
i was 18 last week, and i dont really care who i race against wether it be male/female... 10 year olds or 80 year olds, i just want to have fun with no stupid moves/wrecking, i have noticed that alot of LFS players get all edgy if a female or a 10 year (examples) old comes in the server thinking they are gonna hit everyone... but they end up not hitting anyone at all being alot cleaner than some of the slightly older racers.

in the end we are all humans and we should all respect each other (wreckers may be discluded from that statement if needed). i play alot of games, im in a clan for CSS and we have had 3 female members, they were all treated the same as the other members, thats the most female gamers ask! just give them respect and you will get respect back!

EDIT: also someone said above why race with an obvious name... why not? its their choice after all!

just my thoughts on the subject, hope it made sense...
A see a few of you think "i'm asking for it". Yes I could do the whole leet hacker thing and take a handle, in fact i've been thinking about doing that except I am already in a league and it's a darn inconvenience - but you still get player account names when you login and stuff anyway so it wouldn't really hide anything.

Actually things are not too bad in S2 and i'm not complaining of being sexually harassed, don't missunderstand the post please, i'm just finding it very frustrating to have the exact same conversation over and over, and I know darn well where it's headed. I'd rather just race.

I actually don't want to hide who/what I am, I like having a car skin with pink flashes on it and stuff - just because i'm escaping reality to play LFS doesn't mean I want to escape being a woman - although some argue (and they do above) that unless I pretend to be a man then clearly i'm just asking for it.
#18 - th84
we have a girl on our team ''liliana''.... she just tells everyone that shes 250lbs and has 4 kids.. it seems to quiet the room

tukko always flirts though.... i think he likes them big!!

just ignore them becky, eventually they will get the picture
Actually I agree. The point is that you should be free to be yourself, and express yourself as you are.
Seeing as I just made these for my desktop (albiet at larger res), and this is a worship me thread of sorts ... i'll find a way to include this in the conversation - if nothing else it might change the conversation now that i've said my piece !

You just can't poke fun like this whilst pretending to be androgenous...

And admit it, this is a very stylish race car...

Still doesn't beat my food car though.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Actually I agree. The point is that you should be free to be yourself, and express yourself as you are.

you mean like this ?

Quote from Becky Rose :There is a remote chance I might date a normal guy I first meat in LFS

that sounds like a real annoyed woman who just wants to race.
Nice Skin
#24 - AJS
Quote from Becky Rose :There is a remote chance I might date a normal guy I first meat in LFS

First meat ? Freudian slip ?

I know a girl who likes cars and drives fast ... she´s cool but damn i couldn´t convince her to race LFS ... yet :jedi:
Quote from th84 :we have a girl on our team ''liliana''.... she just tells everyone that shes 250lbs and has 4 kids.. it seems to quiet the room

tukko always flirts though.... i think he likes them big!!

better big girls than boys th

nice skin Becky, it makes me wanna hug your FOX..

ps. most of us are normal in real life
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How to pull a girl racer.
(266 posts, closed, started )