A/S/L stuff is so stupid... I normally see Brazilian players online asking that stuff (they are horndogs

)...not that I have any grudges towards people who ask that, but to be honest, LFS has like 99% men who play this game. It is very alarming and also striking that a female would play a racing game... and enjoy it! So when there IS a female driver on the track, a lot of people are curious (some wonder why their arse is being beat by a girl too!!!

). Whenever I see a girl in LFS, of course I want to talk to them, it is afterall an opposite sex that men normally have attention towards isn't it?
I know one girl, tinyk in particular, probably didn't like me asking for her picture, but I am not trying to get anything out of that, I just tease (have asked numerous times, even though I really don't care if she gives it to me or not, it is just funny how defensive they are (but I can't blame them with how scary the internet is these days)). I know there is no way in hell a girl will give out any personal information over the internet... some do, but most don't. But I like to make friends, and I do have a lot of girl friends (not relationship kind) that I talk to around here in person, and online. It is only fitting that I would like to get to know other women online... I mean there is no interest or desire in talking to guys online :zombie: See what I mean?
If you are getting harassed with all that stupid, "Hey Baby :icon23:" talk, chances are
they know they have no chance in the world to try and "pick you up"... and I am sure most guy's reasons for asking are just purely interest, curiousity, or they are just lonesome.... heheh. Also not to mention, they would probably LOVE to have a girlfriend that plays LFS... so they don't feel like a nerd, lmao.
I only know a total of 3 girl racers in LFS, and now you are 4th on the list. Nice to know you enjoy LFS, and nice skins!