The online racing simulator
you feel sick when you see blood
(60 posts, started )

Poll : well, do you?

no, i dont
yes, i do
I love blood, muhahahah!

Nah seriously I dont care cause me and my friend often hurt ourselves so were used to see blood.
Jackass copy RM?

anyway... i dont bother to see blood..
Quote from Riders Motion :Nah seriously I dont care cause me and my friend often hurt ourselves so were used to see blood.

That sounds like an interesting friendship.
Blood is ok. Guts, broken bones, seeping wounds, the sound of someone vomiting... not so great.

I've been in hospitals a lot lately, so I've had a lot of all the above.
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm fine with blood of any source. But I'm not a big fan of the noise or smell associated with vomiting....

I'm with Tristan here. I told my wife when we had our first daughter, if I have to clean up after her puking everywhere, then she is going to have to clean up after me. My wife cleaned up after the little ones...

I haven't really ever seen enough blood, my own or someone elses, to actually know if it would make me sick. I don't think it would.
No! Hurt ourselves as in accidental way. :doh:
Quote from thisnameistaken :Other peoples' blood - fine. My own, not so much!

I donate blood but I don't see much of it (the bag they use is out of sight) so that's OK. I remember chopping myself quite badly with a knife at work once though and I nearly fainted!

I always faint when i start losing my own blood lol, other peoples is a case of holding my shit inside my stomach, but just taking control of the situation normally stops any real THOUGHT on the injury it's self anyway
Nah, it was like that when I was a kid, but now I don't care much for seeing blood, smelling vomit or poop or whatever. Just turn off your mind
Mmm, nice nutritive blood...
#36 - JJ72
I can't stand knifes slashing across skins, even suggestive images freaks me out.

otherwise gun scene, even head shots are fine.
As long as it's not a serious injury, I find copious amounts of blood to be entertaining. I don't like the site of wounds, though.
Doesn't bother me, one time it did though was when me and a mate were taking a shortcut over a cricket field the outer wall has barbed wire on the top of it, very easy to get over on most occasions but for some reason my mate slipped and the barbed wire peirced his nipple and he was dangling by his nipple, i had to lift him up to get him off and hes like 14st.

The blood thing didn't hit me until after the adrenaline stopped from trying to get him off his nipple was a huge mess, blood all over me and the floor and he needed somethin like 20 stitches. Thats the only time ive felt sick from blood.
It doesn't realy effect me somehow and in my live i have seign a lot of blood....
I have to have blood taken every 3 months for my diabetes checkups, doesnt bother me ^o^

As said before, the sight, sound & smell of vomit just sets me off too. Whenever I have kids, the wife will be the cleaner-upper !

#41 - wark
My hands get numb when I'm watching surgery (for example). I have no idea why. I don't mind what I'm seeing, but my fingers get numb.

All blood does is cover up the "scary" parts.
Quote from Riders Motion :Nah seriously I dont care cause me and my friend often hurt ourselves so were used to see blood.

I have a feeling the OP meant something other than ruptured haemorrhoids.

No problem with blood, mine, other's, human or animal. Since we raise our own chicken and sheep copious amounts of blood are involved in the slaughter - especially for the latter. No problem gutting or skinning dead animals either.
Nope, I work in a butchery!
uh, i read the word blood to blond! i'm a bit tired
Quote from Crashgate3 :Other people's makes me feel, well, not sick, but I have to turn away. I'm fine if its my own.

+1...exactly like that.
Stuff like this this2 make me gag, why the hell would anyone pay to get skinned?
I'm fine with blood and small wounds.

The only time I had to look away from an injury was when I ran over a baby rabbit with the lawn mower. I thought it was a wet leaf from the sound it made until I saw it. I had to stop the mower and step away for a bit. Moving the rabbit afterwards was pretty horrifying as well.
Quote from Forbin :I'm fine with blood and small wounds.

The only time I had to look away from an injury was when I ran over a baby rabbit with the lawn mower. I thought it was a wet leaf from the sound it made until I saw it. I had to stop the mower and step away for a bit. Moving the rabbit afterwards was pretty horrifying as well.

That's why you don't commit suicide. cos someone has to clean that shit up.
I dont really mind blood, but I dont much like compound fractures (where you can see the bone) or the breaks where you can see the bump the bone is making under the skin. If my feet fall off of my pedals when I'm jumping (on my bike), I get slaped in the shin with a good bit of force (you jump with your feet even, so when ever one falls off the pedal, all of your weight goes to the other and the crank swings around an slaps you). This happens all the time, and I ride clipless, which means that I have small, sharp pedals (The other day, though I took my friend's bike, with regular pedals, off of a 1-2 foot jump and got slapped hard enough to bruse my leg and cut it up purdy bad). This doesnt effect me at all, nor does getting cut on the arms, but for some reason (I dont pass out or get woosy) it really hurts me when I cut my fingers. Not sure why a small cut on my finger hurts more that a big, deep gash on my shin, but it does.
I don't mind blood or compound fractures, but I imagine if someones guts fell out I'd be pretty freaked out. Although it doesn't freak me out, small cuts on my fingers tend to really hurt.

My brother on though, if he trips and scrapes his own sking he throws up.

you feel sick when you see blood
(60 posts, started )