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Sabine Schmitz vs Vicki Butler-Henderson
(42 posts, started )

Poll : Who would you marry

Closed since :
Sabine Schmitz
Vicky Butler-Henderson
In a car: Sabine
In bed: no thanks

VBH just pisses me off, don't know why but I really can't stand her.
hmmm Sabine is an ok driver but vicky looks like she could handle alot of... erm... " tourqe ".... meh.
I am highly offended by this sexist thread.

I'd hit em at the same time. But only because they are "famous".
Sexism is a belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to or less valuable than the other and can also refer to a hatred or distrust towards either sex as a whole (see also misogyny and misandry).

We never said they're inferior .

So if I consider women to be better than men (as a heterosexual, who doesn't :razz, does that mean I'm sexist towards men?
If I had to choose, like one of them would be coming into a deserted island with me, I'd take Vicky.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Vicky wins by default, Sabine would shout at me and scare the ever-loving sh1te outta me, she's German

That's xenofobia my friend, germans are not the way you think they are. That is just a german stereotype wich is not true.And why would she shout at you?
The stig
Never heard of either of them.

[Edit: Ah, Google. How utterly pointless. No idea still because I've never seen either of them drive.
And surely it's their driving prowess the thread is about, since we don't get any "Hamilton or Kimi, zomg teh iz hott!11" threads.]
Quote from ajp71 :in A Car: Sabine
In Bed: No Thanks

Vbh Just Pisses Me Off, Don't Know Why But I Really Can't Stand Her.

Quote from Dajmin :And surely it's their driving prowess the thread is about, since we don't get any "Hamilton or Kimi, zomg teh iz hott!11" threads.

obviously in a forum full of dykes and dyke enablers... youre all just as doomed as the us
if youll excuse me i have to go picket a finnish funeral
I prefer Sabine, for some weird reason I like the German accent.

Vicki is blerg, the only reason she is on TV is because she can drive a car and is a woman. She is only a half decent at best racer though and the noises she makes, I have to mute the TV whenever she is on because I can't stand the sounds.
My dad met VBH a while ago (he's a marshal at Cadwell, where they sometimes do filming) and according to him, she does that really dirty laugh off-camera a lot too. They were all taking it turns to try and get her to do it.

Sabine for me.
Her laugh ?!? Well I never tought her laugh could be such a nerve-racker. I'm not a fan but neither can I say that she is bad.I mean it's relative if you think about it, Vicky is faster then some male pilots but slower then Sabine, at least thats what we think.I mean we will never know who is faster untill they actually race against each other.
That Sabine Schmitz is dog ugly. It would definitely have to be Vicki, i'm sure id find something to keep her quiet.
Quote from Rdcranno :That Sabine Schmitz is dog ugly. It would definitely have to be Vicki, i'm sure id find something to keep her quiet.

A water melon.

Sabine Schmitz vs Vicki Butler-Henderson
(42 posts, started )