The online racing simulator
Quote from Mustafur :What about Rosberg smashing into Glock and making a completety epicly failed weekend(for Both drivers).

Yeah, had also thought of that one but felt I hadn't really seen a decent replay (not sure if they only caught the incident late or if I just wasn't paying attention) so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes. But compensated with an earlier apex and earlier throttle. Elapsed time will be greater (reduced overall grip), but compared to the car they're following they'll be better off.

It's completely obvious to anyone with sense that removing driving aids HELPS overtaking.

That have sense in a slow corner, but on the fast corners you cannot get even close to the car in front as you lose too much downforce.

So if you drive along a fast part of a circuit you have to separate a little from the car in front (0.5 sec o so) and when you get to a slower part of the circuit you have to recover that time to try the overtake.... pretty hard stuff IMO.
I'm a n00b when it comes to this sort of thing, but removing driver-aids has made the cars much more exciting to watch, and I think the removal of aerodynamic aids will allow for closing racing. I don't remember if there was a lot more overtaking in F1 in the past or not, but I do remember that people have always complained about it. But for me if a guy who is a good second a lap faster than the car in front can't pass because his car becomes a second a lap slower in the slip-stream, then something has to be done, and I think removing aerodynamic wigits will help.
2009 is the year everything will change for the better. Better aero regulations should allow the cars to run closer and overtake more easily, without drivers needing Lewis Hamilton or Montoya levels of confidence and commitment. The new ECU has already made the cars more exciting to watch even when they are on their own. Then we have the BBC coverage, no more bloody adverts ruining the flow of the race, and hopefully no more James Allen.

So far this year the only thing we have really learnt is that Ferrari will be replacing Massa next season.
Maybe he has caught a whiff that Massa might be out of the Ferrari seat soon, and he wants to make it known that he is available.
Quote from T.Kaneda :By that criterion, city to city road races or targa rallying are the purist forms of motorsport.

no, it's two hairy chested man holding a electrical blender in a 100m sprint race to the shed.
I'd put money on Massa staying at Ferrari through 2009. He won't get the axe for a couple mistakes. Remember he had rough form early in 2006 as well, but he turned it around to put in excellent performances in Turkey and Brazil.

He doesn't need to be as flawless as Kimi, because he's the de facto #2. Rubens had his off-days at Ferrari too remember, yet he made an ideal wingman for Michael. As long as he continues to qualify well and push the Mclarens down the grid away from the back of Kimi, he'll have a role at Ferrari. Of course if he drops it in the race six more times this year as he has done for the past two races, that may change. But I really doubt that will happen.

Besides, why would Ferrari bring in Alonso when Kimi is still there? Only if Kimi retired would it make sense to do so. Alonso and Räikkönen would not get on well as teammates and would derail development of the car because their driving styles are very different. Ferrari knows the most efficient way to win championships is to have a practical, if not official, #1 driver and focus the team's efforts on maximizing his points possibilities at every single race.
Quote from Tigershark :Most if not all teams had/have a big button on their steering wheel commonly labelled OT; Overtake.

From what I understand, the OT button gave the driver full rich mixture (or at least richer) and more revs if he had them. I don't think most teams run their engines right at 19,000 during the race, so they probably have at least a few hundred to spare.
I definetly don't think Massa will be sent away, unless he crashes out of at least half the races this season. Even then Ferrari will be doubtful because they definetly wouldn't want Alonso since he'll be too much work. Who has to get a new contract next year that Ferrari would want?
Vettel is rumored to drive for Ferrari next season -- maybe as a test driver at first.
Quote from Jertje :I honestly do not want to sound rude or anything, since everyone is entitled to their opinion and I can definitely see why F1 is not as interesting to some people (as it used to be?) but why do you still watch/care about F1 if all you do is complain about it?

I didn't say it wasn't interesting for me. In F1 much of the interest has always come from things that happen outside of the track (like last year's certain events ), which keeps it in general still interesting when even less happens on the track.

Last year I got interested in certain other series/class (it's not WTCC and definitely not NASCAR), which is for me now kind of an alternative to F1. Thanks to webstreams I can even watch live races and I haven't felt that excited in a long time (excluding last season's China/Brazil GP, which as single races without the championship situation behind them wouldn't have been anything special).

Actually funny, that last sunday there were two Finns on the podium and it still felt like just yet another race. Of course when drivers are in the top teams, podium finishes will eventually come, but still odd feeling. Maybe we're a bit spoiled after last season's result.
Quote from tristancliffe :Do you not remember in the 80s and 90s how everyone said "it's virtually impossible to pass" and "there's no passing in F1 these days, not like 5/10/15/20/25 years ago [delete as applicable]".

Relative. "Impossible" back then meant more like "very hard". Now it truly means impossible.

It's not only about the overtaking literally. But driving close enough (closer than the current 100 m poisonous air safety area), so there always remains possibility for an overtake to happen, which means more excitement. Nowadays you just know beforehand that the overtake will most likely never happen, not even if the car behind was actually clearly faster.

Quote from tristancliffe :Sadly, the idle TV watcher wants to see accidents or overtaking before even looking twice, and that isn't what makes F1 exciting (although that's not to say we don't like it when it happens! ).

What makes F1 race exciting in your opinion?

Quote :That's why purists (of which I count myself) do not want artificial stuff like push to pass or variable downforce twice a lap to get in the way of what is a successful formulae.

I don't remember saying I wanted push to pass. Weight ballasts and reversed grids goes to same artificial crap category.

Then again F1 already has lots of articifial rules - like the two different tyre compounds per race or the whole qualifying system (altough I'm not against it because especially last year usually the quali was more exciting than than the whole race which sadly kind of speaks for itself).

Quote :But the money-grabbers in charge realise they can get more money out of a dumbed down but popular sport than a complex niche sport.

F1 niche sport? VERY interesting aspect.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :2009 is the year everything will change for the better. Better aero regulations should allow the cars to run closer and overtake more easily

Have the proposals (see this) even yet materialized as regs?

Actually 2009 regs were already released in December 2006, but I guess FIA keeps revising them when something new comes up?
Quote from deggis :but I guess FIA keeps revising them when something new comes up?

ie tossing coins
Quote from deggis :F1 niche sport? VERY interesting aspect.

"Official figures from FOM for 2006 state that Formula One television broadcasts were witnessed by 580 million unique viewers during the 2005 season"

~10% of the planet's population can probably squeeze into a large enough niche I suppose given proper motivation.
Quote from Tigershark :Most if not all teams had/have a big button on their steering wheel commonly labelled OT; Overtake.

In McLaren's case, it's the yellow button on the upper right: ... active_steering_wheel.php

Two points:-
a) It obviously doesn't bloody well work then
b) Notice how close the Pit Limiter and Drink buttons are to each other. Maybe, just maybe, that's what caused his problems in Brazil last year ?

Quote from Clownpaint : ... detail/080324104300.shtml

Essentially, the press asked him about rumors with Ferrari, and he gave a sensible answer I'd say. The story is what you / the news agency want to make of it. Unless Renault get their act together we might see him at Ferrari next year, but he'd be pretty thick if he wanted to race uncompetitive cars all the time.

Perhaps, but he's still a cock though !
Quote from Mazz4199 :b) Notice how close the Piss Limiter and Drink buttons are to each other.

That's good ergonomics if you ask me.
Apparently Mclaren fill their drinks bottles with wine from a small privately owned Cretan vineyard.

A close source has disclosed that the drinks button and the piss limiter button are actually wired together.

A Mclaren engineer was recently quoted as saying "Greek Wine, piss, what's the difference ?"
True enough - Englishmen will drink it all regardless.
aah, i couldn't really think of any witty line to follow yours, so i tried to take the piss out of the fact that you have a small vineyard in the back garden.

In retrospect, maybe i should have said nothing, and carried on with my eternal search for decent internet porn..
Quote from Mazz4200 :aah, i couldn't really think of any witty line to follow yours, so i tried to take the piss out of the fact that you have a small vineyard in the back garden.

In retrospect, maybe i should have said nothing, and carried on with my eternal search for decent internet porn..

Yeah, figured as much but I couldn't help stopping the retort - it demanded a life of its own in print.

PS: actually it's not in the back garden - and it got expanded with 30 more vines this year - good times ahead
sounds good !

So what are the chances of finding a bottle of it over here ? I'm not a drinker by any means, but i never say no to a decent bottle of wine.