The online racing simulator
#1 - sun
Running a lfs server with money on it
hi i ran a lfs server and it ran fine but after a while i got bored i want money on it. Can eny body help me ?
yeah, first you take out your wallet. if you have money in it, take it out of the wallet, then put it on the server. make sure you put it right on the top, if its hanging over the edge it might fall off, which you DO NOT want. might want to put something else on top of the money so people don't see the money and steal it, because then you won't have money on your server any more

if you followed these steps, you should have money on your server
#3 - sun
how do i get insim ? so i get money on my server ?

I ran my server and i got bored and i want it to have money on it and then i can buy cars and stuff. Can eny body help me ?

p.s uncle benny that doesnt workthats realy life not pc.
sorry i didn't understand the question

you can get money on an LFS server? if you find out how to do it let me know so i can get money from servers too. i bet whoever runs the server hates that everyone is taking their money!
#5 - J@tko
No, he means thing like LTC and the other one, that's called Kyoto Cruise or something like that. They have an autocross layout that makes the tracks into roads and you get money for driving along and doing other stuff like that. If you speed you get fined and things like that.

@sun. I haven't the faintest idea but if you go to then you can get info there i'm sure.
I bet Benny knows what he means but the guy has NO idea what he is talking about. He just WANTS WANTS. It has taken competent LFSers programming time to create those servers (not a fan of those) and some @3$% comes and says if somebody can help him make one. By the sound of his reactions he has got neither the skill not (more important) the patience to learn it.

Really you a re the 6th who comes with such questions.
#7 - sun
YES insim

like LTC that i want to make a cruise server.If somebody could help me please reply !!!

Thanks again !
#8 - sun
thank you
i will go on the ltc site and i will try and learn how to make cruise servers. Even tho i can only make racing servers. and Drifting servers.
LTC, like all InSim apps, is a application written in a programming language which connects to LFS and uses the InSim protocol to customise and control the game. In order to make a cruise server you will first need to learn how to write computer programs, then you will need to learn how to send and receive packets, then how to use InSim to control the game in the way you want. Information on how to do all these things is available through Google.
if you want a money server go make 1 like all the others did

@ darktimes : how do you keep your cool on forums :P
I am very interested in learning to code Insim. I'm pretty good at Yabasic and C++. Would these be of any use?

I don't want anyone to write programs for me (I'd doubt they would anyway!), but has anyone seen a good webpage with Insim syntax and an explaination on how to write it? I searched, but couldn't find anything usefull.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :I am very interested in learning to code Insim. I'm pretty good at Yabasic and C++. Would these be of any use?

I don't want to be a wanker, but quite frankly you would already know this answer if you were "pretty good" at C++ I also answered this question for you last time you asked.
Actually you just gave me a link to a page which showed how send/receive packets in c++. I can do that now, thanks, but it's no good to me unless I can use a custom Insim program to tell LFS what to do. I asked if anyone knew of a webpage which explained Insim, which, as I'm told, has pretty much nada to do with c++, considering its a different coding language.

I only mentioned that I'm alright at c++ and Yabasic to show that I'm not a complete noob to programming, like some people who jump in to this forum and ask for programs to be made. Why not give out to them? I'm only trying to find out somewhere where I can learn the language.
The insim format is available from insim.txt in your LFS docs folder. What else do you need? If you have a specific question, ask it; if not, do some reading.
Quote from Bob Smith :The insim format is available from insim.txt in your LFS docs folder. What else do you need? If you have a specific question, ask it; if not, do some reading.

wow never knew insim.txt was there, thats pretty much exactly what i was looking for! Thanks!
#16 - vane
if i see this sun guy asking for an insim one more time i think i am going to burst out laughing/die of a stroke(no offence intended)/flame in the thread like mad or something like that!!!
I can help you
Sun i can help u but only a bit. I can Coding with C# its Easy (for me) then i was made GTASA servers with a C#script and you only must help me with the Commands for lfs. i mean with ISP_BTN and so on.
#18 - sun
ok but you have to help me first to me helping you with the commands and i learned to code of dougie-lampkin and now doing the commands and stuff like that is pretty easy for me now ... thanks dougie-lampkin