Thoughts on Furries (such as me)
(129 posts, started )

Poll : Furries

I dont care doesn't matter to me
I like them (or am one of them)
I hate them (hate anything associated with furries)
I only hate the yiffers (the sexual ones)
Quote from DragonCommando :My first experiance with furries wasn't to great. ... My vote however goes to hating only the dirty ones. ... being a fan of dragons (as my name implies) I realy dont like what I've seen done with them.

This thread gets better.
Quote from xaotik :That's Category 2 LFS players. Needless to say that Category 3 have an entirely different view regarding exhaust pipes and shifter-knobs. Hur hur.


However gives a whole new image when Jeremy Clarkson shouts POWER!!
Quote from DragonCommando :
My vote however goes to hating only the dirty ones.

Quote from chanoman315 :...and category 3... wth! is wring with this world ... damn

Quote from Jertje :"furfag?"

Quote from Osco :the poll misses: 'I think you are sick and need to be locked up in a home for the mentally retarded'

You people need to deal with your own problems before pontificating on the behaviour of others.

I'll repeat a question I put to Lizardfolk earlier: what is so sick about these fantasies? Why do you find these fantasies so threatening?
Quote from chanoman315 :weird guys..... like the gothic stuff.... and category 3... wth! is wring with this world ... damn

Where did gothic come from? I haven't known any furries who are gothic.

Dragons are popular, what's rare are lizard furries...yes I'm a rare breed (no pun intended )

I think people are taking that "hate" option too lightly. I dont mean mild dislike or irritation. I mean 4chan "i'll kill you" hate. But oh well
Quote from nihil :You people need to deal with your own problems before pontificating on the behaviour of others.

I'll repeat a question I put to Lizardfolk earlier: what is so sick about these fantasies? Why do you find these fantasies so threatening?

Well, really I dont and I really dont mind. Most of the furry fetish people I know dont really bother me with their stuff.
I'm still confused about what this whole subculture involves. Raise your hand if you've actually bummed a squirrel?
Quote from lizardfolk :(category 3) This is a incredibly sick group of people

Quote from lizardfolk :Well, really I dont and I really dont mind.

Ok, if you don't mind, was your first comment merely a defensive reaction, knowing that, in general, people have a very low tolerance for anything other than vanilla sex? (and no... that's not sex with ice cream...)
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm still confused about what this whole subculture involves. Raise your hand if you've actually bummed a squirrel?

It involves having an affinity for a anthropomorphic animal. Anthropomorphic animals are very common among video games and movies. That's it.
Quote from lizardfolk :It involves having an affinity for a anthropomorphic animal. Anthropomorphic animals are very common among video games and movies. That's it.

And books, and cartoons?

Quote from lizardfolk :It involves having an affinity for a anthropomorphic animal. Anthropomorphic animals are very common among video games and movies. That's it.

I just find the whole thing bizarre. I mean, there are lots of rather obsessive and nerdy comic book fans out there but you don't find full chat rooms of people pretending to be their favourite character.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Raise your hand if you've actually bummed a squirrel?

couple of years ago i talked to an american who told me you have to wrap them in duct tape so they wont explode when you sho...
Quote from thisnameistaken :I just find the whole thing bizarre. I mean, there are lots of rather obsessive and nerdy comic book fans out there but you don't find full chat rooms of people pretending to be their favourite character.

So you've never been on an RPG chat room then?

Quote from thisnameistaken :I just find the whole thing bizarre. I mean, there are lots of rather obsessive and nerdy comic book fans out there but you don't find full chat rooms of people pretending to be their favourite character.

C'mon this is the internet we are talking about.....

.......I'm sure some people will join me
Quote from Shotglass :couple of years ago i talked to an american who told me you have to wrap them in duct tape so they wont explode when you sho...

Shocking how logical they can be when asked a question like "what can I do to stop my squirrel from exploding when I sho...?"
Quote from lizardfolk :Where did gothic come from? I haven't known any furries who are gothic.

no no... im making an example there.... the gothic people... i just dont like them... the same with the furries...
Meh, what two (or more) consenting adults decide to get up in their own time is entirely up to them. Good luck to them I say.

Furries I'm talking about here, not goths
@not sure,

Oh god , I'd take that off if I where you.
I was going to quote your post, but I just don't think I need to.

Thats the sort of thing I can't stand. Dragon's don't even exist in the real world, they arn't even furry. so how the hell do people get off on them!
Roffles @ dragons shagging cars. Is there a competition running for the most hilarious perversion?
I hope not, I've seen some freaky crap that I'd rather not see again.

The problem is, once you see something, you can't un-see it.
Quote from DragonCommando :I hope not, I've seen some freaky crap that I'd rather not see again.

The problem is, once you see something, you can't un-see it.

Oh God...
It's a bloody cartoon picture
It doesn't matter, it's still discusting.
And thats not the first time I've seen an image like that, and unfortunately, it probably won't be the last.

people that just come online to browse facebook, go on msn, or play LFS don't see the crap that floats around art communitys.
Furries get banned from Deviantart on a regular basis because they post stuff like this. And it's not like DA can do anything to prevent it from happening, they can't do anything untill it actualy gets seen by people who report it.
I do wonder now, did you place the blurred spots, or were they already there?

Quote from Not Sure :



I died laughed at that. Do people really get off on this stuff?

Thoughts on Furries (such as me)
(129 posts, started )