The online racing simulator
**spoilers** 2007 Canadian GP
(179 posts, started )
What a freak race.

Yes, and apparently Kubica has a broken leg. It really looked bad with the bits flying around, although it's good they fall apart to absorb the energy away from the driver. But it really did look bad, awful moment.

Dunno, felt like the finishing order was a bit random and pure luck with the stops and SC. Alonso was all over the place though many times. Sato was great passing Alonso and no, he didn't pass Kimi as someone said earlier.
#77 - Jakg
To be fair we should be happy it's his leg and not his spine - that was a VERY serious crash.
I'm still laughing from Sato's pass on Alonso. Imagine that, the reigning champion passed for position by a Super Aguri. Awesomesauce.

I didn't see Kubica's crash, doesn't sound like a pleasant one, though.
I think Alonso let him pass because he was scared of Sato's unpredictability, just to be safe.
What an insane race! This cannot in any way be compared to the dull crap in Monaco. Glad Kubica is 'ok' (broken leg I heard on McLaren pitradio? Unconfirmed though)
Quote from Jakg :To be fair we should be happy it's his leg and not his spine - that was a VERY serious crash.

Suppose so, it was quite the crash. Just goes to show the safety of today's F1 cars I guess. Hope Kubica feels better soon.
That's pretty bad news regarding Kubica, but I think it could have been a lot worse.

I want to know if the Schumi haters still think he was an average, talentless driver? I think that the way Massa has consistently out-performed Raikkonen this season confirms my fears that Raikkonen isn't anywhere near capable of filling MS's boots. Hopefully he can justify his high salary and hype soon, although considering how he was barely any faster than Montoya at McLaren, I doubt that he'll be able to...
Just before and after he hit the wall.

Caption competition entry:

Mario Theissen: "Robert, when we told you to drive the wheels off it we didn't mean this...".

edit: This means Vettel will make his debut next weekend then? One of the youngest drivers ever.
Attached images
kubica before impact.JPG
kubica after impact.JPG
Grats to Hamilton for his first win, Heidfeld / Kovalainen for a great performance and Sato / Wurz for an amazing race It certainly was an eventful race, I can't help but feeling that the 10 sec stop & go for pitting sounds a bit OTT because there was no other possibility as such.

Hoping for a quick and easy recovery for Kubica :-\
Great race! Lots of action, I hope Kubica gets better soon!

Go Lewis
Quote from TiJay :I think Alonso let him pass because he was scared of Sato's unpredictability, just to be safe.

no sato was just plain faster, he was .8 of a second a lap faster after he cleared ralf
Mario Theissen just said in German TV that Kubica apparently has NOTHING broken.
Certainly a memorable race.

Wurz drove a lot of the race with a damaged rear wing after the collision with Speed. Also the syncronised spinning by Rosberg and Trulli was pretty funny. The dude in Hamilton´s radio said that Kubica had broken a leg but overall was ok.

Anyway, I hope RK is OK, it seems like it explained why it took him a long time to take hum out of the survival cell. Sato's overtaking makes the factory Hondas look silly, are they allowed to roll back to the old chassis ...
Bloody fantastic..Lewis is a star...i can see him dominating F1 like Schumy did in the next few years.

Thank god Kubica got out of that with only a broken leg..the most horrendous crash I've seen in F1 for years.

Overall an incident packed race ,which i don't say often about F1..i even managed to stay awake for the whole race, so it must have been good
So Lewis is now officially a driving god when he wins a freak race with 4 safety car periods in a far superior car?
Shame to hear Kubica's broken a leg but given the size of that crash it really is remarkable he's alive

Quote from joshdifabio :
I want to know if the Schumi haters still think he was an average, talentless driver? I think that the way Massa has consistently out-performed Raikkonen this season confirms my fears that Raikkonen isn't anywhere near capable of filling MS's boots.

Schumi was one of the all time great drivers, no doubts about that, he did rather dominate F1 for several years, much to his credit as there was no worthy rival to the Schumi/Ferrari combo. Raikkonen's good but he pushes too hard and certainly isn't legendary material, neither's Alonso and it's far too early to tell with Hamilton, IMO his drive today was far from 'Senna' material, he just got in the car and drove it quickly for 70 laps whilst all hell broke loose behind him, he was the best driver/car combo out there but TBH there was no one else doing anything special in a front running car.

EDIT - agree with Blackout and Kev's comments
Sato's been one of my favourite drivers since his season at BAR with Dave Richards running the team. When he passed Ralf I had a little laugh about it, and when he passed Alonso I was on my feet!

Wurz must be completely baffled as to how he got on the podium. I bet when the team told him to drive on with a big hole in his rear wing he thought "Oh what's the point...".

Webber deserved a better finish than that, too. Shame about the last pit stop.

Kubica is one lucky boy. His accident reminded me a lot of Gilles Villeneuve's smash at Zolder. Ugly stuff.

Quote from Blackout :So Lewis is now officially a driving god when he wins a freak race with 4 safety car periods in a far superior car?

No, but you are now officially a blind Raikkonen fanboy.
I always liked Sato, I was very happy when I saw him passing Alonso
I hope Kubica get healthy as soon as possible, good luck for him
What a race Big gratz to Hamilton, and really glad Kubica is alright, that was a really bad crash.

But have to say was cheering for Sato great stuff.

Also :gnasher: at ITV for cutting the bloody coverage short!. **** ****** *****'s.
I'm hoping that Ferrari relegate Kimi to test-driver and get Sato in to replace him .
Quote from Blackout :So Lewis is now officially a driving god when he wins a freak race with 4 safety car periods in a far superior car?

No, Lewis has been a driving god for years...and now he's proving it on the big stage. If he doesn't go on to be one of the all time greats I'll eat my own turds
And if it hadn't been a freak race he'd have absolutely trounced the field by a country mile.

Do i suspect sour grapes from a supporter of one of the most overrated and uninspiring drivers of modern times?
Congrats Lewis Hamilton - fantastic rookie win!
Quote from Akuma66 :Also :gnasher: at ITV for cutting the bloody coverage short!. **** ****** *****'s.

Wankers as usual. They did a heidi on the Brazilian GP in 2003, now they have done it again. Utter tossers. Bernie should write it in to the broadcaster's contracts to show the press conference and have a minimum amount of blah after the race. :gnasher: :gnasher:

**spoilers** 2007 Canadian GP
(179 posts, started )