I still don't get it why a ugly fu*k like you get something like that. It ain't for you penis size, 'cause last time I checked that was minimalistic, and it sure as hell is not for your personality... Got to be the racecar thing

(I still love you, you damn bastard)
Who said he is ugly? Btw i would like to fak them both in one packet.. Mmmmm
I said it
And the reason why I can call someone ugly is because I'm an ugly **** myself! Takes one to know one
It's me in to profile picture, of course she chose me for my cars.
i just love this ****in "letsgotothemirrorwithphoneandposeandtakepics" i could..... whooaahhh
I expected this very well.

Well sir, I'd like to ask you how long your arms are?
TVE have you never heard of the lazerturk in Malmö? If you haven't do some research about him and you know why she is with him! Who wouldn't want to be with the lazerturk?
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :TVE have you never heard of the lazerturk in Malmö? If you haven't do some research about him and you know why she is with him! Who wouldn't want to be with the lazerturk?

Happy birthday Teemu :lovies3d::lovies3d:
Uhm, when I tried to do research I ended up with this:


Ohh I think I understand what you mean. Isn't they referding to the one shoting immigrants in Malmø? And how did that case end btw?

Edit 2:
Oohh, you want this "Who doesn't want to be with a badass?"
Why is it that these threads last this long?
Quote from The Very End :
Ohh I think I understand what you mean. Isn't they referding to the one shoting immigrants in Malmø? And how did that case end btw?

Well I'm still here, how do you think?
No idea, got to convert to a religion to understand that matter!
Quote from Dennis93 :I expected this very well.

Well sir, I'd like to ask you how long your arms are?

there is a function called autoshot mode or so on digital cameras.
I see no digital camera on that picture.

Oh well, I'm not here to argue with a BMW fanboy

Phones are fo make calls,digital cameras are to make pics. everybody has some sort of digi cam. anyway u better not argue with me thats right .I'll hunt u down madafakaaa !!!!
Quote from e2mustang :Phones are fo make calls,digital cameras are to make pics. everybody has some sort of digi cam. anyway u better not argue with me thats right .I'll hunt u down madafakaaa !!!!


true about the phones and cams and stuff, but she had the 2 in 1 deal, phone and camera in a pack..
The point of this picture is to showoff her iPhone 5 ofcourse, everything else is secondary...
My boner disappeared when I saw the iPhone.
Quote from Bose321 :My boner disappeared when I saw the iPhone.

You're hard to please

No Logitech, No iPhone....
Quote from Dennis93 :You're hard to please

No Logitech, No iPhone....

Be a good boyfriend and give her a Lumia 920 or a nice Android phone please.
I would seriously love to have something else than my own, and her iPhone for sure, but since I have quite a lot of media on my phone which I need for work, sadly impossibru
dennis does your gf like that you post her images here?
I doubt she cares

She does quiet a lot of modelling....
(Iginla) DELETED by Flame CZE : removed as per request
Its barely been 3 weeks yet, but all is going good, christmas, then her birthday, then new year, we are going away for a week from the 30th december, good times, happy clarkey
Another one?

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
(5206 posts, started )