The online racing simulator
New cruise server opened!!
(108 posts, started )
New cruise server opened!!
Hello LFS Racers!

My name is AlvaroPT and me with my friends (guti223344, TGXtrucker, m1n3rman) Finished the new cruise server project, with the insim bassed on Inline Cruise. (thanks to kamijou)

·Cop sistem, with traps, and backups.
·Tow, Cadet, Officer.
·Jobs, Lotto ticket
·Bank bonus
·And much more!

Join on [RC] Reality Cruise

Thanks for watching!
Oh guti223344 here, nice, very famous cheater on demo. good luck
Lol guti never drives on demo
From TC's banlist..

guti223344 Blackwood Permanently banned Speedhack
Because someone stolen his account and used hacks
InSim isnt even finished
Unless you spoke with chris
Not to be a totall cock here, but is there really need for more cruise servers? Just by looking on the server list the various choises of cruise related servers are huge!
But if you manage to fill up all the servers, then of course it's a good thing I guess.

Good luck with the project
Quote from kappa007 :Oh guti223344 here, nice, very famous cheater on demo. good luck

Yes, one guy blocked my acc whith a global 30 day ban. I prooved wasnt me in most servers go ask wkd for more info asking any admin.
Im aware of people saying im cheater But I know the truth
Quote from the very end :not to be a totall cock here, but is there really need for more cruise servers? Just by looking on the server list the various choises of cruise related servers are huge!
But if you manage to fill up all the servers, then of course it's a good thing i guess.

Good luck with the project

If you're starting a cruise server, do something different... if its the layout, or insim, or rules, whatever, just make it different to the others!
Quote from Omar1 :If you're starting a cruise server, do something different... if its the layout, or insim, or rules, whatever, just make it different to the others!

protip: they all just want what the others have but with admin rights.

Best of luck guys, enjoy the 2 weeks it lasts
Quote from theirishnoob :Best of luck guys, enjoy the 2 weeks it lasts

What an optimist!
But indeed,that's what LFS needs at most these days - another server where you can't Live For Speed...
Quote from The Very End :Not to be a totall cock here, but is there really need for more cruise servers? Just by looking on the server list the various choises of cruise related servers are huge!
But if you manage to fill up all the servers, then of course it's a good thing I guess.

Good luck with the project

Lol, you're a total cock here.
Ok UF1 rammer incoming. Come and get me coppers.
Quote from Eclipsed :What an optimist!
But indeed,that's what LFS needs at most these days - another server where you can't Live For Speed...

take everything 80kph at a time...
Quote from Eclipsed :another server where you can't Live For Speed...

afaik, TC is the only one that make you lose cash by only speeding..
and add an extra 1k on that as an fine if caught.

and i hope im right, due to the crusing sake, cuz that system imo is bad..
lets the crashing begin
Why is eveyone hating? Its a W.I.P and there will be many things to come like another job (like tow or cop)
Quote from kappa007 :lets the crashing begin

I dont know why you are posting stuff like this...
Your a DEMO user
Quote from theirishnoob :protip: they all just want what the others have but with admin rights.

Best of luck guys, enjoy the 2 weeks it lasts

You are wrong there mate.
We want to do it because it is fun.
because cruise server.
Quote from Franky.S :because cruise server.

What is wrong with a cruise server? We all race at times but at others we want do something other than racing on LFS.
There is a HUGE cruise community and I never see you hating on TC or WKD or LTC, Only the News ones.

New cruise server opened!!
(108 posts, started )