Dont own PS3 and agree those jokes sux.
You probably need autism to laugh at this tho "turn 360' walk away" at least was funny.
>mfw this thread

Laughed my ass off when I saw that episode, jeremy's imitation is epic
hahaha, so true

That latvian image here is pretty much how it works in my mind. Except for the latvia thinking they own the whole baltics.
Anybody knows source file?

to make DOH!
If he replaces the Boris bikes with those them I'm ****ing moving to London.

but not anymore
I don't get it?
I think it has to do with the fact that they were the last country to ratify the European Rescue Fund.
Big pic is big.

lul @ estonians and finns depression
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )