The online racing simulator
It's interesting to have you around Racer and your view on things, but you do realise that you're a kind of person that would always prefer the conspiracy versions, even if you saw the picture, saw the body yourself, heard from independent doctors around the world that DNA is a perfect match... you would grasp for air for couple of seconds and then continue with the "no no no, that's all a lie". Please correct me if i'm wrong..
Wasn't that what you were doing before in this thread?
No, i'm just here for a ride.. Everything is suspicious, but i'm ready to accept the evidence.. i'm not as 'hard-core' as Racer I just believe him not believing anything is kinda his lifestyle
He's persistant, I'll give him that.
My suspicion is that he's been dead for years. He was suffering acute renal failure in 2001. When he left the US hospital in Dubai after meeting the CIA head of Station he took 2 dialysis machines with him.

In Chapter 1, “Evidence that Osama bin Laden is Dead”, Griffin surveys in detail the many different indications published in the major media in late 2001 and early 2002 that bin Laden had been very ill and had died. These included a December, 2001 video in which he appeared to be at death’s door (as admitted by a Bush administration spokesperson), analyses by medical experts of the grave state of his health, the sudden and total cessation in December, 2001 of any surveillance intercepts of communications from him, and even reports of his funeral. In this early period, various high-level officials in the US and Pakistani governments, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and President Pervez Musharraf, speculated that he was dead. By mid-2002 many experts had concluded that he was dead, including FBI counterterrorism official Dale Watson, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, and Israeli intelligence officials. The conviction that he died in 2001 is held today by former intelligence operatives Robert Baer and Angelo Codevilla. ... ?context=va&aid=13743

And to be honest whether he died then or not isn't that important. It is strange however that the US couldn't fake another video, or at least leave a dialysis machine.

As a synopys though, no body, no video, no photo's yet ( Let's hope they do a better job than Obama's latest CLB )

Oh well, I'm sure the US would never tell lies :monkey:
Racer also is incapable of answering reasonable questions. I guess having Jews constantly on the mind is quite taxing.
It's not me changing the story, it's the White House. 2 minutes on google would show you that, but here's a brief range of the original stories.

WASHINGTON - Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden tried to hide behind women as U.S. special forces attacked his compound in Pakistan Sunday and one died being used as a human shield, the White House said.
“There was family at that compound, and there was a female who was, in fact, in the line of fire that reportedly was used as a shield to shield bin laden from the incoming fire,” said top counterterrorism official John Brennan.
Brennan told reporters at the White House that bin Laden was “engaged in a firefight” which erupted at the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan by US commandos, but said he was not sure whether the al-Qaida leader fired any rounds himself.

and .....

WASHINGTON -- During a daring night-time raid in Pakistan, elite American forces slid down ropes from helicopters onto the compound where Osama bin Laden was hiding and shot him after he fired on them, U.S. officials revealed Monday.
A U.S .official said bin Laden was shot above his left eye and the bullet blew away part of his skull. The precision kill shot was delivered by a member of the U.S. Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 during the pre-dawn raid Monday. Photos of bin Laden's injuries were transmitted to Washington as proof of success.
http://www.winnipegfreepress.c ... ied-at-sea-121142269.html

Armed with an automatic weapon, the al-Qaeda leader's last act was to force his young bride to sacrifice her life as he tried to fire back at the US Navy Seals storming the compound. ... is-human-shield-wife.html

And here's the White House changing the story, do try using a little brain power.

The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces.
http://thecomingcrisis.blogspo ... nges-osama-bin-laden.html

Simply some of what was reported in the media. And remember, I'm the one who doesn't always believe official stories. I guess we'll need to wait for the final official version before coming to a decision
But will you answer my question please? Would you ever accept the evidence, of whatever conspiracy, or are you the kind that would always scream 'it's a trap!'.
Quote from Racer X NZ :( Let's hope they do a better job than Obama's latest CLB ):

oh dear god, not this noise again...

Boris, you're right, every piece of evidence is fake to him, always.
Lets see some evidence then rather than an ever changing story.

So far we have the US claiming to kill him ( in ever changing circumstances ), his body dumped at sea, convenient video failure.

I'm sure he's dead but when and how is yet to be confirmed.

So far, there's actually more evidence for him dying in 2001 and that's not certain.
Quote from Racer X NZ :[Links from other countries]

Post links from US news sites.

And yes, they are in that order on purpose.

EDIT: So if you are certain he is dead, why care? He's dead, its over, stop losing sleep at night because of it.
Agree PMD. Conspiracy theory's have only 1 place - on Season 9 of 24.

Yes, Governments lie, completely agree. And yes there are fishy things for example 9/11 and what not but I don't go onto a racing simulation forum and bitch about how they lie about everything and are trying to brain wash us all.

You've already been brainwashed by whoever taught you to be like this....sort of like those children whose very Christian parents force them to eat, sleep and piss Jesus.

"How was your day, Tommy?"
"Well you know thanks to the Lord it was awesome you should read 14:2 mattheius for here he states God grants us happiness every day"
(or any other piece of random shit)

You're exactly the same except with conspiracy theories instead of religion. It'd be REALLY nice to see you post something vaugely LFS related as your last 10000000 posts bar about 3 have been conspiracy crap.
If he isn't dead, then I'm sure he'll release a broadcast soon to ensure that his followers remain motivated.
If he is dead, then it doesn't really matter how it happened, or even when. Terrorism won't go away because of it.

Quote from tristancliffe :If he isn't dead, then I'm sure he'll release a broadcast soon to ensure that his followers remain motivated.
If he is dead, then it doesn't really matter how it happened, or even when. Terrorism won't go away because of it.


Or they made a deal with him in return for something more valuable than the head of an Arab martyr on a stick, and he took up his dialysis machine and ****ed off. He's probably got a flat in Chelsea now.
i thought the story goes that he got a fake birth certificate that says he was born in hawaii and switched the s in osama with a b for additional sneakiness
I have a reasonable (non-conspiracy) theory about the whole situation which makes sense.

The foundation of my theory is that they did go into a compound in Pakistan and killed Bin Laden, but are being deliberately unclear about the details in order to prevent public and political backlash, not to mention a negative strategical position towards the terrorist groups.

What probably happened is that they went in, killed the guards and captured Bin Laden. It's likely they did not get to him before he was aware of their presence, but also not likely that the situation lasted over 40 minutes as reported. If they had gotten the order to shoot-to-kill in combination with the knowledge that Bin Laden was aware of their presence, they wouldn't have gotten a headshot on him. With the women running around in the room and the chaos of a situation where the element of surprise had been lost they would've just gone for 3 shots centre mass. So they must've either shot him in the chest, or captured him alive. This is pure speculation of course, but I guess that's part of most theories.

If they captured him alive, but the picture alledgedly shows a gruesome headwound, we can assume that he was executed on the spot. This is confirmed by one of his daughters in some news reports. This also therefore takes away some of the speculation of the theory mentioned.

Why executed, and why not captured alive and put to trial?

Well, you know that if you capture the head of a terrorist organisation which is not dependant on that person to lead them (as is likely with terrorist organisations) you will get tangled up in a situation where every known and unknown terrorist will happily sacrifice their lives in order to get Bin Laden back. You'd have hostage situations in schools, hotels, embassies, anywhere shocking. Then you'd have the kidnapping of westerlings and the public execution of them; one at a time until the US releases Bin Laden. This would not stop, and would be pretty bad publicity for Obama.

Back in the days they did capture Hussein, but this was a completely different situation because he was the leader of a country: a countries whose military got utterly crushed and would not be able to retaliate. Support for Hussein was also quite low, and there was no real risk of such a situation, particularly because he was tried and hung in his own country.

So, they shot him (Bin Laden) in the face. Probably in front of the kiddies and wives. A picture of his dead body would confirm this to any person familiar with gunshot wounds I guess. I'm not an expert, but a bullet at point blank probably causes a different mess than a bullet fired 5-15 meters away.

Imagine the backlash of the public and radical terrorist organisations if it becomes clear that Bin Laden was executed on the spot. Human rights groups, political parties, public demonstrations. More bad publicity for Obama. The media and public will never understand just how much easier and clear-of-consequence it is to kill a man than to let him live. Also remember that the US has clearly learned a lot from their campaigns in muslim countries: mentioning that he got buried according to islamic requirements is another attempt to lessened the uproar.

So in short: their solution was simple. They shot him, they have DNA proof that it was him and they know that the majority of people will believe the news and cause a rise in popularity for Obama. Pictures would show an executed man and cause a backlash so they're kept from the public. It's not a perfect win-win situation for Obama, but it's definitely the optimal solution if what I have been pondering is true.
Quote from Racer X NZ :'We Got Him' - The Movie, a sequel to Wag the Dog.

Scene One: President in ratings nose-dive after doing everything he said he wouldn't do and nothing that he said he would. Pakistan is on the wish-list of countries to invade and subdue leading directly to the border with China - the target, with Russia, for a Third World War. Public support for ever more wars, like the latest in Libya, is waning. Others are planned so support must generated for them.

Scene Two: Man wrongly blamed for 9/11, who died years before anyway, becomes the manufactured villain in a staged drama in which John Wayne extras have a shoot out in a compound in Pakistan, thus providing further ammunition to demonise that country for 'protecting Bin Laden'.

Scene Three: The lying and ludicrous President is suddenly an overnight hero (for doing nothing) and enjoys standing ovations when he enters a room. He condemns Pakistan (obligatory) which then apologises for 'security failures' hoping this will mitigate the military backlash in the wake of them telling the United States to stop drone-bombing their country and killing their civilians.

Scene Four: The hero President heads for Ground Zero in New York to exploit the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 to further promote himself, his popularity and poll ratings as he prepares for another run for President.

Scene Five: With new found support triggered in the John Wayne DNA of many Americans the President orders assaults on other countries while he heroically sits in the White House thousands of miles from the men, women and children he is ordering to be killed.

There was another scene in which the brave men in uniform paraded their 'prize' in full view to prove that what they said they have done they actually did. But, no. This was dropped in favour of dumping the 'body' into the sea. Saves the cost of hiring a corpse.

^^^^ well that was.... a well informed comment...
Bin Laden is dead... OK. My inner military junkie is more interested with the stealth blackhawk that was used.

Definitely agree with the idea that Bin Laden was quickly captured and executed. My dad and I talked about this and we both agreed that if he was brought back to the US it would be chaos created by both extremes (terrorists and radically 'patriotic' Americans alike).
Good point Rappa, I'm more interested in that too. Why are we talking about Bin Laden? We have a stealth heli!

woo hoo!!
I've heard it all. Today on CSPAN a reporter asked the counterterrorism task force guy how tight the burial shrouds were when they dumped Bin Laden overboard...with the implication that he was somehow going to survive being shot in the head and tossed in the ocean! Everyone just stared at her like she was retarded.

The media loves a good conspiracy, but how are they going to cover that when they still have to make Obama look like some kind of badass?
Quote from flymike91 :Today on CSPAN

You sure that wasn't The National Enquirer?

I can almost guarantee they will run a similar story about Osama still being alive sometime in the near future.

Also, they could use Racer X's writing talents

Osama Bin Ladens body has been found.
(265 posts, started )