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Jade Goody
(55 posts, started )
Jade Goody
So many of you probably already know British Big Brother celebrity Jade Goody died from cancer. Today they had a massive funeral (carrying coffin through middle of city :really and loads of other stupid things.

So what do you guys think about this? To me, this is big, big bs.... Makes me think if the Queens funeral would be smaller......

I mean, how many people die of cancer everyday..... No one cares about them (apart family members). And here is Jade, racist and slaged by British people after the whole BB show, and when she dies everyone is sorry......

#2 - J@tko
Quote from DevilDare :I mean, how many people die of cancer everyday..... No one cares about them (apart family members). And here is Jade, racist and slaged by British people after the whole BB show, and when she dies everyone is sorry......

Yeah, it's sad she died [as it is with everyone], but c'mon.....
she was no big loss.
She did two good things - quite big good things - she massively raised awareness for cancer (probably not in the way she wanted to) and she raised a lot of money to give her kids a good chance in life.
#5 - AMB
May her R.I.H
Quote from DevilDare :So many of you probably already know British Big Brother celebrity Jade Goody died from cancer. Today they had a massive funeral (carrying coffin through middle of city :really and loads of other stupid things.

So what do you guys think about this? To me, this is big, big bs.... Makes me think if the Queens funeral would be smaller......

I mean, how many people die of cancer everyday..... No one cares about them (apart family members). And here is Jade, racist and slaged by British people after the whole BB show, and when she dies everyone is sorry......


I wish people would forget about her. It's not like every day for the past 2 months she hasn't been on the front cover of atleast one newspaper and mentioned on the radio at least once... Eh get a grip world.
sad she died, I wouldn't wish cancer upon anyone and having had two of my friends lose parents to cancer at a young age it's not pleasant. I totally, absolutely 100% disagreed with the way she and her publicist conducted the whole thing though, if I was in her shoes instead of stringing it out for as long as possible I would have wanted to spend as much time as I could in private with my kids, not paraded in front of the media circus. I guess this kind of funeral was to be expected though, otherwise the people who rely solely upon Heat magazine and the Sun for their daily news and views would be a bit upset
It is sad to see her die, but seroiusly, was all the hype needed? She's gone, and they need to get on with their lives...
were's the BB coufincam?
#11 - 5haz
What exactly has Jade Goody done in her life to get all this attention and support?

I feel sorry for the relatives of all the other people who die of cancer, Jade Goody's relatives got millions out of her death, what do others get? It just isn't fair that someone can make millions out of simply being a bigot infront of the nation and then dieing as a hero.
As mcintyrej quite rightly said, all the publicity that she brought has raised alot of cancer awareness, and there is also currently a petition calling for a government review to bring the minimum age for smear testing down from 25 to 20 years old, as it is in the rest of the UK, only england is set at 25 instead of 20. Donations to cancer research UK have also seen a marked increase since jades story broke. That is more important than anything else.

Fair enough, it was all made into a bit of a media circus and was probably conducted in not the best way, but surely as long as awareness of this condition has been raised, which it has, and she has ensured her children a better future, as all parents would quite rightly want for there kids, then it has got to be a good result from a very bad situation.

thousands die from cancer every year, but as with any illness, it sometimes takes someone, whatever they are famous for, good or bad, to bring it into the public eye a bit more.

HIV/ AIDS was not that heard of until famous people started to die from it, examples: Rapper eric 'eazy e' wright, comedian kenny everett, queen legend and frontman freddie mercury. Ex basket ball player magic johnson is HIV positive.

Bringing diseases/illnesses into the public eye, however it is done, HAS to be a good thing right???
Quote from The Moose :Here...


I've purposely been avoiding any media coverage of the funeral of this fat, racist, ignorant cow; although it's been difficult such is the extent of the coverage. The whole life of her and her family has been nothing but a celebration of stupidity and inadequacy, and I only hope that once this dies down, I never have to hear her name again. Some people say that she's not all bad, she's doing all this to raise money for her boys. I say if she was in any way decent, she'd be raising/giving millions for cancer charities. Two kids do not need millions of pounds to support them. They could try getting a job, although I gather that doesn't run in the family.
Funny how her name has never been mentioned on this side of the pond.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Funny how her name has never been mentioned on this side of the pond.

that's not a bad thing

The one thing that drives me up the wall is the amount of people in the media, or just people I know who were all too keen to slag her off when the whole celebrity big brother thing blew up, but now say that we have to treat her as some sort of saint who has never done any wrong - the hypocrisy is incredible

Me? I've never been able to stand the bint
#18 - 5haz
Its ridiculous enough that her stupid story makes national news, but if it made international news, that would just be... well I can't think of an apropriate superlative.

The majority of people spend too much time slagging off people with brains and skill, often branding them as overrated, and worship complete idiots.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Funny how her name has never been mentioned on this side of the pond.

You got lucky then because at one point everyone hated her then she got cancer, then overnight she became a british icon.... oh and get this one wackojacko wanted to be in the funeral service to cash in on the money or was it for jade's 2 sons .
An uneducated attention whoring racist who had cancer...
Yup, seems like national news material to me
To be fair to her, she herself wasn't an attention whore. It people like Max f**king Clifford who seem to exist purely to be parasites off this kind of thing that really make me grind my teeth.

With pretty much any kind of media circus like this you'll get in the articles 'her publicist, Max Clifford said..' from his massive yacht sailing in his lake of money.
R.I.P, whoever she was.
She was an annoying twat, i'm not denying that, but, as i already mentioned, her cancer and subsequent and inevitable death has prompted a possible review on the minimum age of which mandatory checks for cervical cancer are offered in england.

This is a GOOD thing people, which can, and WILL save thousands of normal regular peoples lives in the long run by detecting abnormal or pre-cancerous cells in young women.

Jade was no saint, nobody says she was at all, but if it takes the death of some annoying, famous for being an idiot kind of person to help the fight against this killer disease then it HAS to be in the media to do so.

I for one am glad that it has had all the publicity that it has, simply because it puts cancer in the public eye and more donations equals more research into the disease. Why is nobody else here seeing that point?
Funny to see such vitriolic hate from people about Goody, the same hate that propelled her to stardom in the first place. She lived in the media glare, it was her life, and so it kinda makes sense to me she would want to die in it. She had a weird sort of celebrity, she was newsworthy purely because she was in the news so much. I watched Newswipe the other night and Brooker made a good point about how 24 hour rolling news is the biggest reality TV show ever, and Goody was its biggest star. I didn't know Goody and don't care that she's dead, but her life and the culture that idolises her is utterly fascinating.

Jade Goody
(55 posts, started )