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S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I just love the polarisation of people who have and people who haven't seen the picture. Big grin

I still like the people think it's his story Tilt
S3 licensed
Someone posted this on the Mazda 3 forum one guy freaked out and thought he was serious and obviously didn't see the picture lol it was the FUNNIEST thing because he was like

WTF! WHY WOULD YOU BE OKAY WITH THAT?! and just kept going on and on and on it was .. hilarious!

I think it's funny that everyone here thinks you came up with that
S3 licensed
In demo all they see is a white car unless YOU send/upload or do whatever to where other users can download it.

If it was a public skin that an Licensed user made and put up on LFSW then it would download, but demo users can not upload skins on LFSW, and you are not allowed to ask anyone that has a license to upload it either, it is against the rules.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bluebird B B :Why? irl road surface is sometimes very VERY smooth while others ae indeed very bumpy. What i mean is, NOT all tracks should be bumpy.

Yes but a road surface isn't a race track surface

No I'm not saying it should be bumpy on every track, obviously something like FE however should be quite bumpy since it is based in Jamaica and they have wild temperature differences.

Actually ..

I guess the British tracks should be more bumpy because yall get snow and that gets in little cracks in the road surfaces causing it to be very pot holy and bumpy etc etc.

But in Jamaica because of their hotter temperatures, I think it would just cause the road to buckle and it be very wavy because of the road expanding (instead of something else eating away at it like ice).
S3 licensed
HAH don't plan on playing top of the line games for the next 5 or even 8 years, that isn't going to happen, if you want to play top of the line games for the next decade then you gotta buy a new graphics card every other year to keep up.

If you wanna do that right now then get the nVidia 250 and put it in SLi if you wanna be playing top line for that long.
S3 licensed
no i'm not kidding, i'm an art major lol what do you expect?!
S3 licensed
imo those wheels are WAY to wide, they look to tall too, barely fit under the car.

Also, check your rear window material, something doesn't look right, I don't know if its refraction or what.
S3 licensed
I hate to go O/T but that Civic, a TON of people post that thing on the Mazda 3 forum, honestly.. I think that civic is pretty freaking sweet looking.

Bit overdone yes, but props to the guy that designed it, a few things like those circly vents on the back & the sideways license plate throw it off but honestly that civic is awesome

as a show car of course, can't imagine driving that down the road is much fun, stress levels probably go out the roof seeing how low it all is :/

Call me a ricer I honestly don't care, after having my own car and seeing prices, it doesn't matter how crappy you may think it looks, but it costs even more, and that's awesome they came up with something that wild and then spent their own money just to be unique..

If it was in black with red striping or even white it would look badass.

Lower the roof wing though, it's to out of proportion for me though.

But honestly.. I think why I like it so much is because it reminds me of graffiti
S3 licensed
This is just damage model system stuff where vertecies intersect each other.

We will see a fix eventually.

Thread moved and renamed.
S3 licensed
oh wow no not 10 years ago wow.. yea sorry about that lol

6 years ago maybe, I don't know what was going through my head, apparently not 10 years ago (I didn't even have access to internet 10 years ago ooops!)

lets see.. I had my P4 machine, got it back in.. '02?, originally had 512mb of ram I think (maybe 256)

Yep sorry about that I don't know why I thought that was 10 years ago lol, sure feels like it though!
S3 licensed
Quote from PLAYAPIMP :OMG they look like little hot wheel cars drifting in tokyo drift

That's a big section of track, the cars are probably 60% full size.. at first I didn't like it, but I think it helps make everything else a bit.. bigger

after I started it I didn't feel like changing it so I can't go back now lol
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnycat :New scene removed hotlinking image

uhh.. car paint material really needs to be fixed, your lighting doesn't match the background (to soft), road material is to small, meaning make the U/V multipliers a bit less, also get a texture or something on the rub wall, it looks way to fake and is ruining the scene for me.
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Doubtful (even for pure HTML pages). Throw in animations, flash videos etc and you'll be pretty hard pressed to get most 10 year old machines running 2k9 Internet pages smoothly.

10 years ago was the end of the Pentium 4, I had a 2.8GHz machine with 1GB of ram and a terrible graphics card.

It was much faster than my Mini 9, and even my Mini 9 can run a lot of web pages fine.

Yes it may have some issues on insane websites where idiots have to many flashy java etc. junk on it, but it could still handle it just fine.
S3 licensed
They're working on an important patch, whenever it's released, i'm pretty sure it's safe to say it will have more than "anything" in it.

Thread closed before the everyone dives in before lock.

(sorry but this thread has no purpose and will only cause trouble.)
S3 licensed
Okay that's it, I can't take anymore of this stupid thing.

I wanted to go with a vector route and make it look really nice etc. and be close of the cars but.. that didn't happen.
Meaning.. I wanted to put an LFS car in a different game shot, but.. I figured that is considered cheating.. aka work with what you have instead of trying to make something up.

sick and tired of working on this image lol been on it since monday.. i can't stand to look at it any longer.


Preview, Full, Original
Final Entry
S3 licensed
A 10 year old computer can surf the internet as fast as any other machine, it has nothing to do with it.

That computer is a bit overkill for "school work" am I right or am I right?

That isn't that bad of a price though honestly, yes you can do it for cheaper but that's a pretty good price for what it's packing.

Minus you still need a screen which will add another ~$150 overhead to the price.
S3 licensed
It used to be this way, until the devs decided it was wrong having an H box in a Formula 1 car and other open wheelers.. so they changed it to something a little more.. 'correct'
S3 licensed
I don't know about braking 'zones' but I would imagine the turns, in the lower spots near the apex where the asphalt gets the most amount of heat causing it to buckle.

Or at least that sounds rational to me I'm no expert on asphalt though lol

@andrand, that isn't the right way of doing it, bumps in roads are there for reasons, they don't just "happen" well.. most of the time, if it was 100% random like noise, it would be very annoying if it was random because it would be noise, it would be binary on the road going 0100011 010101 etc. etc.

Random is the wrong way of doing it.
S3 licensed
yea do those things george said, that should help it, but don't count on getting a stable 30fps out of that machine

Also turn off shadows, turn on half textures, turn down mip bias a lot (it can have significant FPS boosts) drop LOD biases all the way, lower resolution, make sure it's full screen, close anything running in background..
turning off the sky should have very significant gains if you haven't done so yet, you should see a good 5+ fps boost hopefully.

Just remember.. polys are easy to render, textures are the FPS killers, so even if you were to go into the DDS and pic folder and cut all the files in half you could see a good quarter percent or more FPS boost probably
S3 licensed
Quote from leonardo555 :nice
pls man, can u explain me how do u make your wheel in 3ds max

Make? those are the standard wheels straight from the game, do you mean blur?
Isn't all to complicated, just have to select a few check boxes and do a touch of autokeying.

sad thing is i just did 10 minutes of googling and couldn't find a single useful tutorial.

Basically autokey the wheels to turn, set the time interval around halfway, and right click the object, turn on motion blur, turn on motion blur in effects (10) and also in the renderer (f10)
S3 licensed
poly number doesn't need to be increased, it is plenty to encourage a rough surface.

But you're correct about one thing.. man hours.. would take a very very long time.

And again, bump maps are a texture and lighting feature, they do not change the surface of a poly; aka you give a plain a bump map, it may appear.. 'bumpy' hence the name, but if you look at it fron the side, it will still and always be as thin as paper.

Besides, polys calculate I don't even know how many times faster than textures do, textures are the FPS killers.
S3 licensed
Nope, there is nothing you can do since your graphics card is integrated, it will never be able to run LFS by any means fast unless you try a crazy small resolution and..

basically there is nothing you can do.

This is why you never get integrated graphics period.
S3 licensed
Been there done that, no thanks
S3 licensed
40 FPS is a bit low, 60 is the best, it's easy to see frame differences especially from 40-60, but from 60-100, it's .. visible, but not as much, 60 is the best median FPS, 40 is to jumpy for me..
S3 licensed
.. You don't need to put anything off, just download the game from a website, and put it in a random folder and run it, and if it runs.. then just drag and drop.