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wonder how long it'll be before s/he masters the art of auto-fellatio?
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Its the Daily Express, what do you expect?

was just about to say that.
S2 licensed
Quote from viluglio :It can be transmitted through the air, while the other one required direct contact with an ill animal. That alone makes it very dangerous, especially in highly populated cities.

regular flu is transmitted through the air. There was a health official guy from the UK on the BBC earlier this afternoon who basically stated that this flu is no more transmittable than regular flu and the media have whipped up a frenzy about swine flu being some sort of massive disaster

Quote :
Also, for the people comparing it to regular flu, some relevant data:
the mortality rate for regular flu is 0.5%. The swine flu kills 6% of the infected people. That's quite high for an illness so easily transmitted.

this swine flu is a new mutation of the flu virus, and all the people who have died did so by contracting pneumonia as a result of the flu. About 80% of the people who have died so far lived in the slums in Mexico and so had no proper access to healthcare. Basically, as long as you have access to adequate healthcare you'll be fine, no need to worry
S2 licensed
Gavin Bryars - Raising the Titanic (Aphex Twin Big Drum Mix)
S2 licensed
is there no depths this government won't go to to make sure it has tabs on everybody in this country at all times? All it serves to do is alienate the population, this is already a seriously bad survellaince society but if that ever goes through then it'll be a survelliance society at the absolute extreme.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Is swine flu somekinda disease?

Tryed to read that stuff but ... didnt make it. Had to go pee and then i forgot what i read before.

it's a flu mutation with elements of Bird Flu, Human Flu and Swine Flu

the same sort of thing happened with SARS, then Bird Flu, and there's no reason why Swine Flu shouldn't be any different. Just another 'we're all gonna die' story that'll disappear in a few days after the authorities have quarantined everybody who entered the country from Mexico
S2 licensed
I couldn't care less if she/he was a she or a he, it doesn't change the fact I can't stand her at all
S2 licensed
Aphex Twin - Avril 14th
S2 licensed
Hecq - Dayout (v.s Ginormous)
S2 licensed
jesus tapdancing christ. DOES NOT WANT.
S2 licensed
Last Step - My House
S2 licensed
Venetian Snares - Pussy Skull
S2 licensed
Venetian Snares - Labia

off the new album 'Filth'
The Assumption Song
S2 licensed
Chris Clark - The Autumnal Crush
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FXO, nice sensible car, if I was an owner of an XRT or FZ5 I'd be constantly pulled over by the rozzers with questions like 'Is this your car, sir?'
S2 licensed
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - March of the Swine

nothing like a 20-minute epic to get me going
S2 licensed
Aphex Twin - Actium
S2 licensed
so who's got one of these? I just set mine up after leaving it for nearly 3 years
S2 licensed
Quote from Jon606 :DID SOMEBODY SAY LAST.FM? (Ignore the Sir Mix-A-Lot; no idea where that's come from)

christ! I totally forgot I had a account...might as well put it to good use seeing as I last logged in on 15th July 2006!
S2 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work.

such a sad song, one of my all-time favourites

Orbital - 2 Deep
S2 licensed
but still, the emissions the transport networks produce is less than that produced annually by cows
S2 licensed
^^ that guy speaks the truth

I find it hard to actually get motivated to start work, but once I'm started there's no stopping me. I screwed up big time last year in my exams so I'm gonna try and not repeat it this year
S2 licensed
I've bought a lot of music in my time, stuff that I could easily get from the shops and off amazon. But a lot of what I listen to now isn't stocked in places like HMV, or even Amazon for that matter. Instead of using torrents (I've never liked them tbh) I use music blogs, much easier in my opinion
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :You know Europe shares power, right?

There are several power stations in France (can't remember the name alas) which use water to deliver power pretty much instantaneously which help to top the grid up when more is required urgently (i.e. the after-Corrie-cuppa).

And if we don't stop buggering about with windfarms we'll have to get even heavier back-up from France because our national grid will barely be able to produce enough power. France took the initiative and started developing new nuclear power stations whilst the ministers in this country was still falling over themselves to try and get as many windfarms as possible, a lot of which the plans have now been shelved, partly because of the credit crunch and partly because people don't want that sort of eyesore either on their front doorstep or spoiling a previously untouched area of countryside