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S2 licensed
Version 0.3.1 beta now released! Check the first post for details.
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Please could you add fletch248 to Sonicrealms Racing.

You just need to update your team listing on lfsworld. Teamstats will automatically include any change you make there.

S2 licensed
Quote from pauliaK :TeamLT would like to be a part of this too

Just added. Should take 1-2 hours until all times are synced.
S2 licensed
Quote from RudiTurbo :Awesome site!

The main car of SK Racing is actually the FXO

I always knew they are a bunch of Pussies!
S2 licensed
Release 0.3.0 is available for download! Check the first post for details :-)
S2 licensed
Quote from MaKaKaZo :I'm looking forward to the new release. Lately I've had a couple of replays in which people started the race from pits -they were in boxes when the race was restarted but clicked on "participate" before the lights went green, thus beginning from the grid as everyone else- and they were selectable in the combobox, but didn't appear in the resulting mpr files.

I hope the new method works around this as it seems by your latest blog update -there's actually people who check the site!

Yes, this problem should be solved with the current development version And nice to see that someone is actually checking the blog
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :It would be very useful, Theo, except it doesn't work in replays with driver changes (as detailed later in that thread). A real shame, but I guess he's working on it. We'll have to use the FFWD tool in the meantime.

Yes, i am working on it I'll keep you updated on the progress. I expect to have driver change support running in 2-3 days. But I still have a list of other things to do before the next public release. If you have a high pressure on this there might be a possibility to provide an "inofficial" release before the next full release i have planned. Just pm me if you need something
S2 licensed
Quote from GFresh :I have a small problem, as i'm still learning php i can't figure this out.

in this line;

$SDK->get_pst(urlencode(The Very End));

I'm getting an error as the urlencode doesn't seem to be working.
Maybe i've missunderstood what the urlencode does, but i thought it basically turned "The Very End" into "The%20Very%20End".

That line of code works fine with ANY username without spaces, but as soon as a space is introduced i start getting errors on that line.

So, i must be doing something wrong, does anyone know what?

I think there is another method named "rawurlencode()". AFAIR the only difference is the treating of spaces - urlencode maps spaces to "+" while rawurlencode produces the expected "%20".

(This info is just from my head so it might be totally wrong. But i remember having similar problems...)
S2 licensed
Quote from MaKaKaZo :

- Possibility to create several files at one time. Like, you have a '+' buttón below the main pilot/selector that when pressed adds another line in which you can choose another pilot and beginning/endind point. You can add as many as you want and they are created as "filename_#.mpr".

- Possibility to create a single mpr file with the content of some laps concatenated. Based on the idea above, you select a few intervals and decide to either create separated files or one file with all the contents that would simply "skip" the parts not choosen.

These are cool ideas! In fact i also had the idea of "concatenating" a replay, basically to be able to create a "best-of" replay. I'll definitely try that one, because i am not sure how LFS behaves when cars are warping all over the track from scene to scene...

Quote from MaKaKaZo :
- Cool icon

I know But when it comes to grafix design i am such a n00b Probably I should start an icon contest

Quote from MaKaKaZo :
Maybe the second idea could be a work-around for the issue of people who won't appear if they joined the race before the begining of the split part. I mean, I want to see my lap 30, but I joined on lap 15. Then I create a file that contains lap 15 and 30, and as the file contains the moment that I joined the race then I will appear when lap 30 comes.

I hope this problem will solve with the next version. Currently it looks quite promising, i got most of it working already

Quote from MaKaKaZo :
I have several ideas for a graphical interface to choose the sectors/laps based on clicking/dragging with the mouse, but I doubt they'd be taken into consideration in this early stage of development.

Yes, it is a bit early to think about GUI. The current GUI is basically a proof-of-concept, and when the low-level stuff is working it definitely needs full attention. So when you have cool ideas, just bring em on! Sketches etc. are also welcome

Quote from banshee56 :I used mprEdit last night to get to the end of an hour long replay so I could take a screenshot of the results. The race had pit required, and when I opened the last lap replay that I created, every driver was shown as DQ'd in the results table when they crossed the line. Although quite comical when it happened, I was wondering if there was a way to manipulate the replay so that the mustpit could be ignored or turned off. I also no suspect that the fast lap display was wrong too, since it really only processed one sector.

If all goes well the issue of DQs should be solved with the next version. The fastest lap display however will never be correct
S2 licensed
Really great vid
S2 licensed
In case you want to know whats going with mprEdit there is a blog:
I'll update it irregularly
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Don't give up. Well worthy project, and the devs might even incorporate it if it turned out good enough. (viva DaveWS) Food for thought.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am not at all giving up - instead i am spending every free minute to get it running. It turned out that the proper handling of players leaving/joining/spectating/Changing driver etc. in parts of the replay that are removed is quite complicated. So for some parts of the code this means "back to the drawing board"
Besides of that every day i solve another mystery of the mpr format and i am still confident to get it to work
S2 licensed
Well, I hoped to have a new release available in-time for the MoE 24h race that can deal with driver changes and player joining/leaving during the race. But unfortunately i still dont have proper solutions for all cases (there are A LOT ;-) ). So you won't have much success with version 0.2.2 there
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :Is there a sprEdit? just for those random long AI runs, where something interesting happens, on a circuit.

No, as far as i know this is technically not possible. And i will also not put any effort in investigating this - I don't want to mess with sprs because this could lead to all numbers of issues with regard to hotlaps...

Quote from J.B. :Woah, this is really really useful, thx.

Some quick suggestions for usability, in case you haven't thought about it yet:

-remember the mpr folder location for future use
-display names without the colour coding characters
-add a "save and load in LFS" button (preferably in a new instance of LFS in case it is already open)

Good work.

Thanks, i noted your suggestions :-)

Quote from Fischfix :WOWOWOWO! After hours of reviewing racing-accidents in lfscar which cost me the most time in doing the league and also cost me the most nightmares finally someone made a tool which can give some relief for league admins!


Thanks very much ;-)
But please keep in mind that the current mprEdit release can not handle players connecting/joining race.

S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :WOW the is actually useful, thank you for your contribution!

I hope that And i'm glad you like it. Currently i am working on support for replays with joining / leaving server or race, which is quite complicated... But i hope to have it sorted out in a few days
S2 licensed
Quote from GeForz :perhaps just make it "save replay as ..." or just "save as"

You are right, will change this in the next version

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Great application! . One question this software is released under the GPL v3 license. Where can i find source? i very interested to know how mpr are do.

You can get the source from the svn repository. You can also check directly with your browser. Look at - on top of the page are 3 links pointing to the source.

But please don't look in too much detail - The code is work in progress and in many parts quite embarassing. It really needs a cleanup
S2 licensed
Quote from maczo :I haven't actually tried this, but judging by the screenshot - woudn't it be handy to have an input box to enter the filename and have the new (cut) mpr saved there? If I understand correctly, now you will cut the original mpr and lose all data from before/after the split frames. Am I right?

No, the screenshot and/or button labeling might be misleading When you click "save replay" you'll get a file dialog asking for the new file to save to. The original mpr will of course not be overwritten.
S2 licensed
Version 0.2.1 is now available with major changes. See first post for screenshot and details
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :MikeB, can I have you change Clownpaint to My3id Gaming, please?

Also, 87TIIV8 and Campos_MIC are no longer in the team.

Removed Clownpaint, added My3id Gaming. Just remove the two no-longer-members from the team list in lfsworld - it will get synced in 1-2 hours.

S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Could you please add lfs usernames - DarkTimes & andy2004uk90 to the sonicrealms racing team team [SR]

You can do that yourself - just add your new team members on Within 1-2 hours the change will by synced with teamstats database

Quote from Rodry87 :Could you add Buenos Aires Racing please?

S2 licensed
Quote from Alles :nice

Muroc Racing Team is missing

Quote from franky500 :thats actually quite useful... although A Touring Car is missing..

Both teams added

Franky, i noticed you are a double entry in your team on lfsworld ("franky500" and "ATC franky500") - is this correct?
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr45h :Ops, i've just sent u a mail asking to add our team, and i found now the thread...

Well, the name is "Playerzone Team".

BTW, nice stats!

Team is added
S2 licensed
LFS TeamStats website:
=> Written in PHP, running stable for few months now. Currently no more developing, although there are still many ideas for improvements spinning in my head
Source is not public available, but that might change some time in the future.

replay editor:
=> Written in C++, using QT Gui. Currently most of my free time is spent on this project
All source code available under GPL v3.
S2 licensed
Small note: I changed the database a bit, so it works similar to lfsworld: The times are deleted when the time in lfsworld is reset, but the lap count is still kept. So you can still see complete lap, location, combo, ... stats even when there is currently no pb recorded.
I think this makes a lot more sense instead of completely removing a combo entry

I am looking forward to see the combocharts development - before the pb wipeout the best team had like 12000 points - now the leading team has only about 600. So the coming weeks will show which teams are active and which were just sitting on their old pbs
S2 licensed
Patch Y finally convinced me to fix/implement a long outstanding bug: Remove pbs from teamstats database when they are deleted from lfsworld.
So when you (or Victor ) decides to remove your pbs from lfsworld they will now also be removed from teamstats database.
Watching the current update cycle progress there are already a bunch of people having deleted all their pbs (Including myself :nod. So let's see the effect on the combochart ranking!

Have fun