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Quote from gruggy :k guys i got them now.

they are great!!!.
im not upset with them at all there better then i expected.

Whoot whooot

Quote from morpha :Doesn't take much to make a house shake, for the sound quality however, excessive diaphragm movement is bad. Making cans rotate, cornstarch or rice dance or a house shake using a subwoofer doesn't really have anything to do with enjoying your music or whatever else you want to hear.

As for the floor, you're only losing vibration, not bass. The sound caused by the vibration that would occur on a solid floor is unwanted anyway. I'm pretty sure the Z5500 subby does have rubber feet, have a guess why

That is true, but compared to my old speakers this sub makes the entire house shake alot more. And as its on a crapp floor alot of the vibration (corrected it hehe ) is lost so if it is on a harder floor, which it will be soon, then the vibration will be even MOAR. And although extra vibration doesnt mean better sounding music, tis still awesome to be able to show your house nearly falling over to all your friends haha.
S3 licensed
Quote from deiwisxxx :Any videos ? if yes , post them here

Ill have a look, i remember it being done on blue peter a few years ago though

There you go He also explains it a bit too.
Last edited by Migz, .
S3 licensed
One way of smashing a piece of glass(using sound) is to wet your finger and rub the outside of the glass in a circuler motion, which will make a sort of humming sound, then record this humming sound and play it back with a speaker facing the glass, then put it extremely loud and the glass will shatter

But to do it by singing would mean youd have to sing extremely loud, and at the same pitch as the sound the glass originally makes.
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :It's the biohazard logo... it's not like it's a rare logo or something. You're probably the 5.387.212th person using it.

True but it was a chance to show off my uber 1337....SHIT photoshop skillz
S3 licensed
Im listning to them all again haha XD Have all the songs on repeat lol.
Could you possibly PM me whenever you release a new song?

Also i found that banner i was talking about, i was slightly wrong, it wasnt for my dj friend, it was for his band, but he was the one who asked me to do it though haha, so it could still count as being for him. As you can see, on the left, same logo thing :P haha
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose : The last thing I ever wanted to see is references to drugs all over the place. Even in LFS there are people with drug related user names and drugs blazooned all over their car skins, often with supposedly amusing slogans.

The majority of these people are immature teenagers who think its cool to have a drug related username and have drugs all over their car skins. And chances are they've never ever tried it themselves, they just do this to look cool.
S3 licensed

Last edited by Migz, .
S3 licensed
I absolutely LOVEEE my ISP
None of you would ever of heard of them though, they're called Jersey Telecoms, and are only over here.
The only time i can remember ever complaining about them was a few weeks ago when i downloaded 9 gigs on the first day of the month, and then another 16 gigs overnight from the second day to the third day of the month.
Which used my entire 20gb bandwidth limit up for the month, and i was stuck with stupidly slow connection, which always cut out whenever i tried to do something besides msn.

But besides that their great, they have 3 bandwidth options, 20gb, 40gb and 60, so if i hit my limit constantly i can just upgrade. Theres hardly ever any down time, their arent any stupid indian tech service people, and their HQ is only about 3-4 miles away so if it doesnt take long for them to send anyone over here.
The only slightly suckish thing though is that the highest speed is 2mbps.
But thats not their fault, the island where i live doesnt have the right cabling down to go faster.

But yeah, if you want a decent ISP, move to jersey and go with jersey telecoms Haha
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Minis are still possibly the coolest car to drive to school in (short of a supercar :razz, if it's in good nick. If it's a weapon of a yoke though, expect to be laughed at. Then again, if you drive any old weapon to school you're going to get laughed at

I choose UF1, mainly because I'm trying to source a Mini

That is true, if i found a decent mini which isnt fallling apart and isnt rusty or anything, bassicly a new one then id pick that haha.
but the majority of mini's nowerdays are falling apart :/
S3 licensed
I liked it all And im going through all the rest of the songs, im getting onto the third one now.
I like the image at the top of the site though, ive used it to make a logo for one of my dj friends before haha.

Edit: OMFG the beginning of the third one is insane haha, when the bass kicks in i was like MMMMMMMMMMM YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
S3 licensed
UF1 = Mini, bit old nowerdays to be driving too high school (laughing stock)
XFG = Decent but i prefer hatchbacks.
XRG = Too underpowered and needz a spolierz!!!111One!1
LX4 = LOL if it rains (which it does do over here) **** that. Im not sitting in a wet car. Not to mention its so low id probably get run over by a sidewalk
LX6 = Same as above.
FXO = Sexy, and mmm, but no, its not the FXR its a cheaper slower shittier version so i dont want it.
RB4 = Reminds me of a supra and its a nice shape, and just generally a beauty.
RAC = I dont want a concept car thanky you very much, especially not one without a roof.
FZ5 = Dont really like the shape of it :/ + Itd be wayyy too expensive.

In the end i chose the RB4 Was either that or teh XRT
S3 licensed
Quote from StableX :what you need is a one litre bottle of IRN BRU!

IRN BRU Kills your sperm :| Dont drink that!
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I bought this PC (although it had a different CPU, Mobo, RAM and GFX Card at the time :razz and that didn't have any sort of sticker. Besides, it's like the bonnet of a car. If you just lift the bonnet, does that invalidate the warranty? No, but if you started faffing about with the cylinder head it would, just as if you thought you'd pour honey all over your motherboard.

You cant say its like the bonnet of a car :/
Because their on all cars your allowed to change the bonnet.
Whereas not all computers your allowed to open it.
My computer is five years old, and the warraty ran out 4 years ago, but IF i had opened it while the warranty was still on, that would be my warranty gone.
It all depends on the computer you have, if its custom built your pretty much allowed to open it and swap parts as much as you like, if its not then it depends on your model, some manufactures may let you open it, some may not, some may let you change parts, some may not.
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Adding to the OP.

I went in there earlier (Leeds branch) to ask about adding more RAM to my system, they said, and I quote "You cannot add RAM to a desktop system, it'll invalidate your warranty opening up the case.". The poor guy looked like he was fresh out of school, glasses, freckles. I felt sorry for him to be honest.

So in the end, after ten minutes of arguing that you can, in fact, upgrade desktops, I decided to go to a local specialist store, and wound up paying for a full upgrade.

Thats true with some computers though isnt it? :/
My computer used to have a sticker on the back, which when the computer was opened up the sticker would rip and that would be my warranty gone.
So that guy is sort of right, you can add RAM to a desktop system, but itll invalidate your warranty opening up the case.
Or am i wrong somewhere?

Edit: Although with quite a few computers nowerdays, especially custom built ones, opening the case doesnt invalidate the warranty.
S3 licensed
Haha that was awesome, and so was the website Love the "now slap me"
S3 licensed
No i meant i know that it needs wifi (looking back at where i decided to cut your quote down it looks like i didnt know that). But what i meant is that siphone isnt anything special for skype or truphone, still pretty much the same, thats why "aww ghay" lol, sorry.
S3 licensed
Quote from simscube :Yes, you need to be in wifi to use siphone......

Ahah thats a bit ghay then :/ I may as well just carry on using truphone and skype. As i dont really know about voip supplier people, and i wouldnt know where to go to get a decent account with the right people :/

Hmmm thats a good point, but iPod Touch is just too long :| haha
S3 licensed
Quote from simscube :Jailbreaking is a very worth wile decision. Especially with the second gen. iPod Touch, you can load it with Siphone and use your iPod as a fully working phone (provided that you already have a sip-voip provider of some sort). I would highly recommend you try it out, and if something goes wrong or you want to revert, all you have to do is click the restore button in iTunes

Just a side note here, its not called the iNano, iShuffle, iClassic, nor the iTouch. And whenever you call it an iTouch, this is what your actually talking about:

This siphone thing sounds good, although im guessing its just going to be like skype or truphone? You can ring people but you need to have credit in your account, and you also need to be near wifi?

And true, but itouch is easier to say, although after browsing the ipodtouchfans forum last night it seems that iPoT is the shortest way to talk about the ipod touch
S3 licensed
Quote from adamlfs :Well I believe there is a jailbreak for it. And it is really worth breaking it.

Or I must be dreaming that my 2gen iTouch 32gb can download the apps and stuff

A good site to check is >

* And I used Quickfreedom to jailbreak my iTouch, Its faster easier and just seems better than the dos code breakers. My brother tried that the other day for his and it wouldnt work on his (iTouch 16gb 2gen) *

I didnt say there wasnt a jailbreak for it, but originally they only had a jailbreak that can only be used on macs. But last night i checked the site and they have a linux and windows version.
So now i have a beautifully broken ipod And a gba and psx emulator, and a couple of things to make the ipod generally look nicer

Also ipodtouchfans is a great place to sign up on! Has a few guides to setting up ssh and such things.
S3 licensed
Wow, was it really that bad?
I was hoping for some red dwarf like the old days
S3 licensed
Ahh crap ive missed it
When was it on?
S3 licensed
You cant as far as i know, theres no jailbreaks for the second gen itouch which sucks. Their making one now, but you need a mac to do it.

Edit: Acctually ive just checked the site and it seems like theres a windows version too!
Ive not tried this yet so i dunno how it works.
S3 licensed
Anybody know of a worthy competitor to lovefilm? With an equally as long trial?

My brother signed up recently and got one of there trials, although he no longer lives here, this is set as the billing address. And its only one trial offer per household, so i cant sign up on lovefilm
S3 licensed
This game reminds me quite alot of postal 2.
With the whole face blowing apart thing.
S3 licensed
Each drifter has his own technique on how to do it. And they just practise this technique like mad.

One of the most used techniques is the scandinavian flick and then left foot braking followed by opposite lock while feathering the accelerator.

The scandinavian flick is just flicking the steering wheel the opposite way to the corner, so if you've got a corner thats going right you'll flick your wheel to the left and then quickly back to the right and then as your coming back to the right tap on the brake with your left foot. This is to get the back of your car out.

Then as the car is facing into the corner you have to do opposite lock, which is turning your wheels away from the inside of the corner.

While doing that you also have to feather the accelerator, which is just using your foot to appply the exact ammount of pressure on the pedal, so that you dont give too much power, and at the same time you dont use too little an ammount of power.

As you get to the corner do a scandinavian flick and as you flick your wheel back tap the brake with your left foot.
Then do opposite lock while feathering your accelerator.

It is EXTREMELY hard to do it though, you need loads of practise to be able to do it.