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S2 licensed
As Hp posted above, I also had that bug. I tried connecting in Z15 and it worked on the first try.

And just so you know, I don't play RS.
S2 licensed
65% complete, and looks like this already, WOW! So much better looking than that Plastic Sim racer on the 360.

March 2010.... I can wait. I'm not really in a hurry to get GT5 anyway!
S2 licensed
I went on the internet and I found THIS.

Also, I found an interview round-up at gt-planet: ... sed-in-latest-interviews/
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :What's up with the messed up aspect ratio?

I dunno, that is just how 576p images look on the web.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I love that one and the Utah one the trailblazer course. I have one things thats bothereing me for a long time i cant seem to find that sound track that says WHOO ooo i got your money!!! whats it called?

Lost weekend by The Qemists and Mike Patton. That song is also in NFS, but I barely hear it shift that game since the rest of the soundtrack sucks hard.

Now I need to find that song that goes Duh duh duh duh DUUUUUUUUUUH, duh duh duh duh DUUUUUHH DUUUUUH!! Not the best way to describe it, but if you heard it, you'll sorta know.
S2 licensed
Random snaps (warning: super compressed images)

S2k: ... /photomode/38310079/image

Golf interior: ... /photomode/38310277/image

RS Cosworth: ... /photomode/38311630/image

GT-R ... /photomode/38311782/image

Umm, oops. ... iew/player?nid=2255631050

The car that you would least expect to be in LFS: ... /photomode/38312169/image

I didn't have time to take pics of all of my cars, but my Garage spaces are all gone, my cars are tuned to the correct ratings (just below/same as 4.00, 10.00 etc, two of each type!) and I have almost £2m. I need garage spaces fast!
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Done that a couple of times myself. You rewind (and I still hate myself for using that feature) only to repeat the exact same move again. Awesome

The problem was when that happened it was online, so I ended up loosing a few races. (since there is not flashback there. Imagine if there was :schwitz

I love that feature. The only reason I don't like it is because I expected in to be in SHIFT sometimes. I press the button for flashback then nothing happens.
S2 licensed
I played this game on the weekend. I did the Trailblazer world tour (spoiler ahead) to win the Dallenbach Single Seater hill climb thingy and a few online races.

The funny part was that I was doing a race in the 'Mali Alan pass' Croatian Rally track, and before the
1/4 mark, there is a tight corner that has a steep fall. I fell into it. TWICE. The 3rd time I went on that track, I had to go really slowly, which cost me alot of time. I hate that track now!
S2 licensed
This topic was ruined ages ago.
S2 licensed
And this one:

Wait, there is no rally pack smiley?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Regardless of how realistic the damage is in either titles, damage is made obsolete in F3 with the rewind feature!

Which is a copy and pasted version of Codemaster's Flashback feature.
S2 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :I think GT5 is going to pwn Forza 3

The problem is that we are going to have to wait a very long time. March 2010 in Japan, I won't be surprised if it comes out after mid-2010 for the r.o.w.
S2 licensed
Wow, that looks amazing! Only problem is that means there is no good racing game coming out at Q4 for the PS3.

Oh well, I will just hope S3 gets released at Xmas.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :See the FBM testing video

Dec 07.... He had plenty of time to grow it back again.
Last edited by Furiously-Fast, .
S2 licensed
That tribute is amazing. At 1:07, I'm surprised that wasn't real life!
S2 licensed
As long as the new car is not a single seater or a car that handles like a RAC, I'm happy!
S2 licensed
I see what the devs are doing...

Annonce S3 -> Gets players excited -> Release S3 in December -> All S2 racers buy it -> Major profit for Devs -> Best Xmas of their lives -> Racers very happy!

What a happy ending!
S2 licensed
Woo, a new track...

... watch when every server has this track.

edit: S3 license? Noooo!!!
LFS Photomode Competition Round 47: Sunset
S2 licensed

This weeks theme is... "Sunset"

Rules: (made by Brandons48, these will not be changed)

Self explanatory.

Cars: All
Tracks: All

As usual, a preview pic of no bigger than 400 x 400 px , a link to the high res version and please write 'Final Entry' if it is so. Once you have posted your final entry, any edited posts will be removed from the competition.

Any entries with preview pictures bigger than 400 x 400 px will not be accepted

All entrants to post between the time of this post and 23:59 GMT on Friday 2nd October.

No renders or old images to be used. Use only your own work.

Thanks and good luck to all.
S2 licensed
Iglu and Hartly - Violent and young
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :the PS3 version has a limited damage model compared to the Xbox and PC versions.

That is flipping annoying! oh well, it is not like the damage model on PC/xbox is rivalling What codemasters can do.

Quote from swisscosmo :is a demo out yet or how are you guys getting all these pics and driving Shift?

Someone forgot to check the release date. :doh:
S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :PLEASE tell me they are low graphics pc shots? PLEASE! If that is PS3 graphics this game isn't worth the £40..

No. They are compressed to go on the EA site. when you get the game and you have a HDMI cable, you definately won't be disappointed.
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :my s2000 just seems really bouncy when it starts to slide a bit :| Gave up on it and i'm now using an elise

I know. I had a s2000 even with a works kit, and it started under steering like hell. I hope they are not like that in real life.

Off topic: Dammit, all the best smilies have been hidden!
S2 licensed
I can't stop playing this game, it is so addictive! And I can't stop swapping cars, which means 50% of playing time is spent in the menus. 40% on racing, and 10% on getting online bugs. Still, here are my cars (for now)

Works AE86: ... /photomode/37517905/image ... /photomode/37518965/image ... /photomode/37519093/image

Works Escort: ... /photomode/37522114/image ... /photomode/37522383/image

They are now uber fast compared to what they were before. Only thing I dislike is the Works cars have no Nitrous oxide.