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S3 licensed
Quickly skimmed through the thread so forgive me for repeating points and/or missing the point entirely.

Havent played lfs for quite a while now (hopped on occasionally, nothing major) and to still see we're stuck where we are with zero updates and very little communication from devs is, in my own opinion(!) not giving me much hope. Scawen/Scavier, if any of you are out there, I think its time to drop the super secrecy act. We all want a big surprise for S3 or god forbid, the rallypack, but our last big update was a little over a year ago.

Now I cant mentions facts and specifics, since I have no evidence but surely this cannot be good for business? Currently I see ~860 users online and looking on LFSWorld that seems to be a kind of peak? Can anyone tell me how that reflects to say this time last year?

Seriously, just some form of update. Even if its just "We're still here dont panic!"
S3 licensed
Heal UF1
Hurt FZR

S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Not a huge fan of mainstream Hondas (S2000/NSX/IT-R are alright) but I can't see some boring old kübelwagen doing this.

Hondas strenght is in their engines, that's how it has always been.

"Just a little 4 cylinder!" *BWAAAAAARRRRRR*
S3 licensed
Diabetic, cant really get completey wasted. Never wanted to either. 2 or 3 cans of Bud and im done. More $$$ in pocket and still a good time. I can remember it all, too!*

* not always a great thing, mind...
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :That is why I had an Omega, cost less to buy and insure than a Corsa, I did look like my dad though. But I suppose that is better than looking like a poor builder.

That is why you should always replace the copper washer, a lot of cheap gits don't and allows oil to seep out. They only cost a couple of pence, so it isn't worth cheaping out on.

Remember to strip the rust back to bare metal, get a rust resistant primer (the red stuff), then put on your stone guard, otherwise all you'll do is find a hole appear one day because the rust continued to develop, just you couldn't see it.

Must admit the washer was looking worse for wear. Wll remember next time!

Yeah, probs wire wheel it back, splash of red oxide then the stone guard. Only a temp thing really til I fancy getting it sprayed. The paint is awful on it. Scratches everywhere & the stone chips & key marks have been touched up with a pen that doesnt match at all!
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :No wonder you own that if you eat Heinz, I can't afford such class.

It looks very tidy though, very little rot, just get some minilites and more low. I noticed you have sand on the drive, got a bit of an oil leak?

Well to insure a one litre V reg corsa would cost twice as much as it has for the purchase and insurace on that, so I have spare monies for such luxuries

I think i may have been a bit from the drainplug? It had a recent full over service and it seems to have stopped now!
Rot wise, standard surface rust on the front valance, going to stick a bit of stoneguard over it tomorrow and theres a bit of bubbling on the rear arches but nothing to worry about, yet!
S3 licensed

Heinz beans good for the heart, the more you eat, the more you...

Realise the car is actually mine

Click the thumbnail, jst a quick upload, resizing ftl
S3 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :You had me thinking "not another red Miata". This was .. a suprise.

I think everyone I know, and the majority I dont, are suprised when I turn up!

Quote from doyal :Are those triumph's RWD?

Sadly, no. I wanted an old Dolomite but, these things are cheap as chips!

Quote from BlueFlame :You didn't post it with a tin of beans in or around your car, so we will have to assume it's not yours.

Obligatory tin of beans + "Yes its mine" sign can and will be delivered if neccessary
S3 licensed
Im an 18 year old college student, lack any sort of decent money and like so many others my age, I wanted a small, nippy car to f*ck about in. Im guessing you can all imagine whats coming next...


S3 licensed
S3 licensed
R.E.M - Nightswimming

Ths came on the radio at work and, as im going through a rough time atm, I just broke down in tears. Its an amazing song. I dont think theres a song by R.E.M i dont like...
S3 licensed
My 1983 Truimph Acclaim 1.3 HL (High Line, bitches!) costs me £860 a year Third Party Fire & Theft. 6k annual miles and one named driver with one conviction. I am the legal owner of the car and the policy holder. So far the costs for this car + insurance are £1660.

My mate has a 1.2 03 plate Corsa SXi. His mom is the legal owner and also the insurance policy holder. His insurance is TPFT, limited to 2k annual miles (which he did in about 3 weeks...) and used to cost him £1400. Since he lid about his moms claim (2 years ago, most companies ask for declaration of claims within 3(?) years) they have just voided his insurance. His cheapest quote now is £2500. So his motoring, plus 2k for the car, has cost him nearly 4 grand.

If kids stop creaming over saxos and corsas there wouldnt be a problem! I'm happy with my "grandad ride" as it is effectively known but is saved me a fistful of dolla (besides oil and some stonechip paint...)
S3 licensed
Quote from Klutch :I honestly can't understand people that drive with madsik sound system cranked up.

I have to hear whats going on around me otherwise it frustrates the shit out of me

Not the only one!

I like music. I like loud, loud music, but when im driving I have so inaudible it might aswell be off. If I'm parked up with some mates I'll turn it up a bit, but on the rod it does my head in!

Also, systems that induce panel flex/that god awful sound of them shaking (i.e Jakgs video...) makes me sick. I dont want to hear your car falling to pieces thank you!
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :RWD bitches, slam the slag and chuck on some allows. Knickers will be thrown in your general direction.

Actually its based off te Honda Ballade (which was a base for the CRX/Civic?)so its an ass dragger

& thats not the one im going for anymore. Found one closer o home :P
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :yeah, but where you wheelie bin?


Hopefully, all being well, this will be my new set of wheels on sunday!

Wait til they see me roll up to college in that!
No, I am not joking, either...
S3 licensed
People dont see the loopholes...

Im about to buy an '83 (Old Y reg?) Triumph Acclaim. Sure its not every 18 year olds dream car, but its a 1.3 5 door and its pretty roomy!

The Escort Ghia before that was better in terms of spec but I broke it

Both cars, on Third Party Fire & Theft, were £860 each to insure. Thats in a medium rated crime area, parked on a drive overnight, 0 No claims & 6000 miles per year.

Cars only cost me 600 quid each too!
S3 licensed
I'll admit, 3 days after insuring my car I managed to drive into the back of a pickup that had a *bright* yellow mini gritter attached to the tailgate. Stupid mistake, I was being your average cocky/stupid 17 year old. Thankfully it didnt go through the insurance but I could just be another statistic. It can, and certainly will, happen!

I just think what has been done is fair. Both genders will have their fair share of accidents. I know lads who have gone at ridiculous speeds round blind corners only to meet a ditch or some poor bloke sticking to the rules, ye I know many girls who have parking accidents (I was with my girlfriend & she managed to plough into a Golf because she slipped with the pedals.)

Everyone is a risk, to themselves and others, so its only fair we pay equal rates...

S3 licensed
Pretty good idea this, some nice stuff to be won!

Heres my link!
S3 licensed
I love how the Impreza (an Asphalt6 class car) will absolutely RIP it up off road too. I did the Ibiza Island 70 odd mile race & there were so many cutting opportunities with it it was ridiculous. Think I ended up with a 16 minute lead.

Am I the only one who thinks some of the cars sound crap & there need to be a *load* more? I want the Maserati Spyder Cambiocorsa! What about big luxury things like Bentleys? Proper Mercs too, not just the big high end stuff

S3 licensed
Far East Movement - Like a G6

Never really got into it, til I found out it was FEM. Pretty bangin' tbh
S3 licensed
Yeah, may be regretting my pre-order now.

How could they not improve on TDU1? They had the base there, just tweak the handling, up the graphics a little and it would have been more of a step forward then what im hearing atm
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You aren't but you need your eyes stabbing if you believe an Orion is sexy.

Its no exactly a looker, but there is far, far worse out there...
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :So appearently I am the only one who thinks those 80 boxy cars are sexy.

I should have worded that better. I was being sarcastic except for finding crap boxy 80's stuff sexy
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :FYI GAME gives out their download codes on the 8th, not the 11th

TDU2 was PS2 only IIRC

Yeah I remember having it for PS2 then got it for PC.

Just wish I had a PC that could play games now

@TiJay: So its the same as TDU1, kinda. You had to drive women around to earn "coupons" for clothing xD
S3 licensed
Nothing wrong with big power first cars!

My first car was a 1987 1.4 Ford Escort Ghia. Compared to my instructors car it was ridiculously fast yet I could handle it no problem!

Then I hit a pickup 3 days after insuring it. Cocky driving = wont get you anywhere. I lived and learnt!
Before: ... rgeBanner/08122010002.jpg
After: ... 19_32184552_6636310_o.jpg

I need something else now
And yes, it was a sexy car. Boxy 80's stuff, even if it is only an Escort is just pure sex

/crap sarcasm